Battle Axe Reviews

Battle Axe is ranked in the 40th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
73 / 100
May 7, 2021

A classic arcade "like the oldies" that will be enjoyed the most by players looking for action in the Gauntlet vein, that showcase a wonderful pixelart, a magical soundtrack and gives the most playing on coop. It's a shame that campaing mode it's so short and that the three characters are almost the same, because here there was potential.

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8 / 10
Apr 23, 2021

As old-school as it can get in every frame and fibre of its being, Battle Axe faithfully transports you back to the classic Capcom and Neo Geo arcade era with its exquisite pixel art animation and punchy, challenging gameplay.

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5 / 10
Apr 25, 2021

Battle Axe is a good-looking homage to the classic hack and slash arcade efforts of yesteryear that's dragged down by some fairly dull and repetitive action. It looks the part, sounds the part, nails the aesthetic and vibe that it's going for completely, but then it drops the ball with regards to level design, enemy AI and in providing any sense of strategy or surprise during a short campaign that gives you very little reason to return once its done and dusted. If only it had a few twists and turns and a handful more levels, this one could have been well worth a playthrough but, as things stand, it's pretty forgettable stuff.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 7, 2021

Battle Axe offers a nostalgic arcade hack & slash experience with it's beautifully created sprites, levels, and bosses. Beating your high scores in Battle Axe's arcade mode and infinite mode will keep you busy for hours. The levels offer a diverse variety in enemy types and obstacles, but the game can get somewhat repetitive after a few playthroughs. Where the game ultimately falls short is in the controls and camera, which further adds to the game's challenging difficulty. Also, the absence of online multiplayer is a shame.

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7 / 10
Apr 28, 2021

There's replay value to be found in the Hard difficulty setting, or chasing 29 Trophies for a Platinum, as well as an unlockable New Game+ challenge. Yet, even the inclusion of an extra Infinite Mode highlights how the core gameplay becomes repetitive, plus the four main areas of Arcade Mode can be beaten in less than an hour. If the idea of exploring to save villagers reminds you fondly of Zombies Ate My Neighbors, or perhaps you remember isometric arcade brawlers like Dungeon Magic and Wizard Fire, then the nostalgia conjured up from Battle Axe mixing together two formidable old genres may still hack-and-slash its way into your heart.

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86 / 100
Apr 22, 2021

Battle Axe might be an excellent arcade game, but that’s a flaw as well as a feature. Extended play sessions, like those you find in Infinite Mode, can quickly wear out their welcome. You can only blow apart so many orcs before you start yearning for more. Maybe the gameplay loop doesn’t escape that cabinets and coins territory, but it doesn’t need to. The action that’s available is nothing short of exemplary. Fluid pixel art animation, tight controls, retro music and audio, and an intense challenge all elevate this game beyond ordinary nostalgia. If you’re looking for your next arcade game, you absolutely can’t miss Battle Axe.

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5 / 10.0
May 1, 2021

On the surface, Battle Axe looks and sounds like an amazing retro throwback. When you dive into it, you'll find a lack of accessibility options and bland, uncompelling gameplay.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2021

The philosophy of the game design is firmly rooted in old arcade sensibilities. Some may be turned off but this, but for those who grew up in arcades in the 1990s will undoubtedly feel Battle Axe is like coming home.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jun 17, 2021

Unfortunately, the game has failed to provide "a completely arcade experience." Large flaws ranging from game cameras to controllers and lack of ability to set them up will damage the arcade gameplay of the game.

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May 4, 2021

It really is a perfect example of a modern developer completely understanding both the appeal of classic arcade games and their potential pitfalls, and providing us with a new one that is beautifully designed for play at home. It’s one of the best “modern retro” titles out there, and a great addition to the library of any gamer who just wants an experience that is pure fun from start to finish.

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2021

Battle Axe packs in a lot of personality thanks to its trio of colourful protagonists and its wonderful art style. But its gameplay likely won’t keep your attention for much longer than an hour or two. It’s a great flashback to games of yesteryear, but outside of a nostalgia hit, there’s no real reason to keep going back.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Apr 22, 2021

A great addition to anyone's Switch catalogue, Battle Axe provides some neat pick-up-and-play value with an Infinite mode accompanying the standard story fare. In tandem, these modes are perfect for coping with the daily commute with some bashing and slashing and are backed by a fantastic soundtrack and gorgeous retro art style. Although it has a savagely brutal difficulty curve for the young'uns (as well as older folk who don't have the reaction times they once did), Battle Axe is a decent conversion full of nostalgic fun.

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Dec 19, 2022

Putting rage aside and taking a sip from the golden goblet Battle Axe brings you a fight that feels nostalgic and new. The overarching feeling of picking up a game that you feel will not live up to the classics it takes inspiration from will not last long. Henk Nieborg and Bitmap Bureau Ltd have not just brought you “yet another pixel art game based on a retro classic”. They have brought you a title that not only looks beautiful but plays really well and is extremely enjoyable!

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7 / 10
Nov 28, 2022

No coins are necessary when taking on the difficult challenge that is Battle Axe. It’s visually and audibly stellar, likely to please anyone looking for a hit of nostalgia. However, the promised features and improvements of the PS5 version are missing and half the game doesn’t work as intended. With that said, the core gameplay is adrenaline fuelled and satisfying, hacking up the overall fun factor.

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Jul 27, 2021

Battle Axe is a top-down hack and slash adventure developed by talented pixel artist Henk Nieborg. Having worked on many games in the past such as Wizard of Legend, Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse, and Xeno Crisis, there is no doubt that the development team has plenty of experience working in the field. Does this experience come through in Battle Axe? Find out in this Rapid Review.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jun 3, 2021

There’s fun to be had playing Battle Axe, but it can feel like a case of style over substance at times thanks to some repetitive gameplay. There’s just not a whole lot of variety to be found in the game, which is something that becomes more apparent after re-playing the levels of its short campaign – something you’ll do a lot of thanks to how tough the game can be. Still, there are moments where Battle Axe can shine, especially in multiplayer where it feels a bit more thrilling clearing levels. It looks absolutely outstanding too, with the 16-bit style visuals some of the best I’ve seen for some time. I just wish that the game did a little bit more to keep me invested in the adventure. It’s not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but Battle Axe doesn’t offer enough to make it feel like essential playing.

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4 / 10.0
May 15, 2021

Battle Axe is a game that contains around 40 minutes of unique content and struggles to keep its gameplay interesting for even half that. It’s boring, repetitive, short, and uninspired. It also comes with a shockingly high entry fee of £25 (or $30 USD), which is beyond egregious for the amount, and quality, of the content on offer. Visuals, controls, music, and big-named contributors are not enough to save Battle Axe from crushing mediocrity.

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May 6, 2021

A very entertaining game with a great handicap, its high difficulty. Recomended for lovers of retro arcades, a game that remeber the iconic Gauntlet, an entertaining game with great graphics and sound that will delight both lovers of retro and challenges.

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
May 5, 2021

"Battle Axe" is an axe game without an axe. The high-quality pixel graphics and classic-sensory background music stand out, but the lack of volume for the price is disappointing.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 30, 2021

Battle Axe manages to communicate with the language of a nostalgic era in which video games were simple and uncompromising, with a cliché adventure that already does more than enough to provide electronic entertainment. Its presentation in pixel art, sounds and music easily transport us to a time when our only goal was just to end the game with an invitation to play all over again. It lives up to the term 'Nostalgic'.

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