Lost Judgment Reviews

Lost Judgment is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Sep 16, 2021

Lost Judgment is a mechanically sound Yakuza spin-off, but its convoluted story makes it feel like a TV show that's gone on a few seasons too long.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 17, 2021

Lost Judgment is a subtle improvement on the original, and continues the fun of seeing the seedy sides of Kamurocho and Ijincho while staying mostly on the good side of the law. A new combat style combined with a few more tricks up Yagami-san's sleeves provide more entertaining ways to dispatch or get the upper hand on enemies, and of course the usual slate of minigames offer a much-needed respite from the main campaign's twisted story. It may tread a lot of the same ground as the previous game, but that is absolutely a good thing.

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Sep 16, 2021
I do not recommend: Lost Judgment (Review) video thumbnail
David Flynn
Top Critic
85 / 100
Sep 16, 2021

Lost Judgement is a small leap forward for the Yakuza spinoff series. While I would have expected a bit more from a sequel, what's here is still just as enjoyable as the first game, if not more so. The highschool additions are a novel look at the often used Japanese setting, while still focusing on the crime drama and investigation fans love.

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Windows Central
Rachel Kaser
Top Critic
Sep 16, 2021

Lost Judgment is a great mystery game with the signature Yakuza flair. If you're a fan, or even if you're not, you'll have a fun time with this game despite its dark subject matter.

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Sep 16, 2021

Lively combat and engrossing social clubs keep you busy, but it’s the much-improved detective story that elevates Lost Judgment above the original.

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Top Critic
16 / 20
Oct 30, 2021

If Lost Judgment is considered the second knife in the Yakuza series, it does not have to be ashamed of the comparison, especially since if the latter has chosen to take a new direction, it remains faithful to the initial spirit. With its dynamic and beautifully choreographed fights, it is a focus on the show with even more fighting styles. And the investigation part has also improved with much more pace.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2021

Lost Judgement is a step up from the original in almost every way with improved pacing, a more polished combat engine and a laundry list of fun side activities to get lost in. If not for the pedestrian detective elements, this could’ve been a new classic in the genre, and despite its notable flaws, it is still a story well worth experiencing.

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Oct 12, 2021

The story is gripping yet I feel all the best twists and surprises happen in the earlier part of the game, with things really slowing down as you progress. But Lost Judgement is a great game with lots of different elements that make it engaging from start to finish.

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8 / 10
Sep 23, 2021

A weaker overall story and some serious pacing issues prevent Lost Judgment from reaching the excellence of its predecessor, but this is still a fantastic character-driven detective drama. Crunching combat and a frankly ridiculous amount of impressively in-depth side content make this one of the most robust Yakuza-style offerings ever - and that's more than enough to outweigh the game's often obvious flaws.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Sep 23, 2021

Lost Judgment is a big step forward, with many updates based on audience reception of the original title. Sega released a game that elevates the Judgment franchise to a whole new level.

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85 / 100
Sep 16, 2021

Lost Judgment is a brilliant detective story that explores controversial subject matters to express a clear message about societal issues. Whilst there is a possibility that this could evoke some painful childhood memories, the considerate telling and satisfying conclusions to stories make them easier to digest. Although the game’s structure closely follows the path paved by its predecessors, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has refined and developed its conventions to create one of their finest releases to date.

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8.8 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2021

Lost Judgment is a high quality sequel. It's fun to play, despite the few gameplay changes compared to its predecessor, and has a very engaging and well-acted story. There is never a moment of boredom when playing in the role of Takayuka Yagami, moving between Kamarucho and Yokohama in search of the truth, with a thousand doubts in mind, a thousand enemies to defeat and a thousand extra activities to try.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2021

A fantastic action adventure that taps directly into the root DNA of the Yakuza franchise, Lost Judgment not only manages to simultaneously boast both the darkest and the goofiest storylines of any title in the series to date, but it also stuns the player with an absolute avalanche of hugely entertaining side quests and activities. More than that though, Lost Judgment also provides solace for those who found themselves turned off by the turn-based combat system that the mainline Yakuza series now seems to favour, while welcoming newcomers to one of the best new Japanese franchises of the last two decades.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2021

With its excellent detective story, extremely likable characters, and welcome improvements to combat and investigation mechanics, Lost Judgment won't disappoint any fan of the original, of the Yakuza series, or anyone looking for a very mature story. The game doesn't try to shake up the original formula, which may definitely put some players off, but this is hardly a problem when quality is as high as it is in the latest game from Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio.

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Oct 25, 2021

While Lost Judgment isn’t a uniquely disappointing take on the Yakuza formula, it also isn’t particularly exciting given that it’s so easy to imagine the more daring, experimental game that could have been.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 5, 2021

Even as gaming trumps the movie industry from a financial standpoint, there’s still a notion among certain circles that video games are for kids and man-children and shouldn’t be taken seriously. Games such as Lost Judgment, however, make a case for games as a serious art form thanks to an almost manic attention to detail and willingness to tackle uncomfortable yet real issues. It’s not perfect and its social takes can be inelegant or even seem misguided at times. At the same, it also shows that gaming isn’t all fun and games and can be serious business.

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Top Critic
85 / 100
Sep 22, 2021

Lost Judgment endies its predecessor. It is only through the unfocused story and technical shortcomings that the Japanese drama stumbles.

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Sep 16, 2021

Lost Judgment is nothing short of stunning. It's tightly-packed narrative never fails to enthrall, while its gameplay systems make navigating to each of its engrossing narrative beats an exciting experience in its own right. While Judgment felt a bit more like a proof of concept for how a Yakuza spin-off could be done, its sequel is evidence there needs to be more. Lost Judgment is a defining release from Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, one of 2021's best games, and the rare sequel that preserves its series' identity while improving on nearly every element of its predecessor.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2021

Ultimately, Lost Judgment is a great sequel, characterized by inspired writing and a great deal of irreverence. A second chapter more courageous, more refined and extremely more elegant, which offers the possibility of being played by all those who have never had direct contact with the first episode or with the Yakuza saga.

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