Rogue Lords Reviews

Rogue Lords is ranked in the 37th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Oct 6, 2021

An initially delightful roguelike, held back from greatness by rough edges and stingy unlocks.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Oct 2, 2021

With Halloween season at the doors already, Rogue Lords can offer some nice time in the company of ghouls, zombies and vampires. The battles will be tough for sure, but don't fret because Devil will always play by his own rules.

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78 / 100
Oct 4, 2021

Rogue Lords’ approach to turn-based combat — with or without cards — isn’t radically different, but the Devil Mode and ability to “cheat your way to victory” offers a new mechanic that will have you rethinking your usual strategies. Some issues with bugs, balancing, and its overlong, weariness-inducing campaigns are made less egregious thanks to its amusing writing, great music and fantastic gothic horror art direction. Unlike some of the games in this style, Rogue Lords demands a bit of patience, thought and tolerance for complexity while still be accessible to fans of the genre.

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Top Critic
16 / 20
May 11, 2022

Under its air of colorful horror tale, Rogue Lords actually hides a formidable roguelike of efficiency and original with it.

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Oct 13, 2021

The terror and hindrance effects make each run feel uniquely challenging, and the story events and Disciple traits are where Rogue Lords really shines. Unfortunately, as it stands, Rogue Lords suffers significantly from its lack of balance and the repetitive nature of both runs and combat. It can be difficult to strategize when RNG constantly feels stacked against the player, and being forced to restart a book after a surprise, impossible boss fight is demoralizing. With some retuning, however, Rogue Lords could better capitalize on its great ideas and innovate for the roguelike genre.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 30, 2021

Rogue Lords offers an interesting Roguelike offers but fails to really live up to its devilish premise

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7 / 10
Sep 30, 2021

Rogue Lords is a fine lead-up to the spooky season, with a genuinely addictive gameplay loop and a satisfying combat system. The ability to mess with the game’s own mechanics as the Devil is an absolutely inspired idea, and the experience is only made less than perfect by a few glitches that need patching out. The game would feel a little more complete if there were more to do in each chapter’s overworld, but what is there is a delightfully challenging roguelike. The inability to lower the difficulty may turn some people away, but other people will relish the challenge.

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Top Critic
7.7 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2021

Command your own legion of evil and exact revenge upon your bitterest enemies in Rogue Lords. Summon your Disciples and learn their strengths and weaknesses, so that you can launch a bloodthirsty three-person army - and play some devilish, overpowered tricks of your own.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 11, 2021

Rogue Lords is an extremely fun spin on the roguelike genre, featuring addictive Devil Power design, thoughtful gameplay, a variety of choices and a highly enjoyable atmosphere. However, as always, the Devil is in the details: the game's RNG-based nature, repetitiveness and lack of balance can spoil the otherwise good impression.

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5.5 / 10.0
May 9, 2022

Rogue Lords is very pretty. They nailed the art design and character models, which I imagine will attract many people to this roguelike RPG. However, I am afraid that the attraction is surface level. With any roguelike game, you expect each run to feel different from the next and reset that excitement and engagement. Still, with Rogue Lords, once you've completed three books or so, it doesn't feel like it has any more to offer. Getting through three books is an achievement, as the gameplay and battle system is tedious, hard and repetitive. With a bit more streamlining of some mechanics and improvements in pacing, you'll have a more polished title that I'd be more comfortable recommending.

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Oct 8, 2021

Rogue Lords will really annoy your fundamentalist relatives, but is it any fun? Well... that's a complicated question.

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6 / 10.0
May 4, 2022

Rogue Lords, then, isn’t a roguelike for the masses. And even those keen on the genre might not gel with it. The long-term rewards just aren’t all that rewarding, especially with each run feeling like a slog. And while its unique mechanics separate it from its peers, they also overcomplicate matters. Still, its horror theme is definitely alluring, so roguelike fans who like a bit of darkness might want to give it a go.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 9, 2022

Rogue Lords is another solid roguelike game for fans of the genre but one that also has some issues with RNG and repetitiveness. I really dug the art style and voice acting but the gameplay doesn’t hold up as well over the long haul of these chapters. Altering things in your favor though with the risk/reward essence mechanic did feel pretty unique though and I don’t regret my time playing the game at all. If you’re a fan of the genre and don’t mind it feeling a little unfair at times then you’ll likely enjoy this.

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6.5 / 10.0
Sep 30, 2021

While charming in its use of gothic horror themes and tropes, Rogue Lords barely does enough to stand out from previous turn-based dungeon crawlers.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2021

Rogue Lords is a roguelike that stands out with its unique ideas. Matches feature a good mix of activities and the battle has many strategic nuances and possibilities. The most notable element is Devil Mode, which allows the alteration of multiple game aspects, such as enemies' life points and the result of events. Demon powers may seem like cheats, but its good implementation makes it a valuable asset that must be used wisely to achieve victory. Despite its creativity, the game still has some issues that need to be fixed, such as the unbalanced difficulty, really long matches, and the feeling of repetition. At least, its elaborated gothic ambience and excellent voice-acting help minimize the issues. In the end, Rogue Lords is a great representative of its genre and has everything to become even better after a few patches.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 8, 2021

Rogue Lords takes some of the most entertaining elements from Slay the Spire and adds its own macabre twist in order to create something that is equally derivative and unique. This is not a roguelike that will please everyone, since its difficulty curve is off the charts, but there’s a lot to like in here, from the horror themes and surprisingly captivating story to the sense of accomplishment when you manage to finish a run with a souped up squad.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 7, 2021

Overall, Rogue Lords has some really nice aspects to it. The experience system feels reasonable for unlocking characters and skills, and there a lot of really interesting takes on the old roguelike formula. That being the case, good lord the difficulty is all over the place. I can’t say “expect a challenge”, because you might not get one, and I can’t say “it’s easy”, because then you get rolled over like a soft pastry. If you really like roguelikes, and don’t mind the potential for a little extra punishment, you’ll probably be right at home here, but barring a balancing patch, newcomers may be pushed away. Rather forcibly.

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85 / 100
Oct 13, 2021

Rogue Lords is an entertaining rogue-like where we will get into the shoes of the devil's disciples to restore the power of the forces of evil in human beings who have lost that fear because of the demon hunters. Recommended.

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Chicas Gamers
Pedro Peña
Oct 18, 2021

Rogue Lords is a fun and entertaining rogue-like. A game to spend hours and hours playing and trying to find combinations and groundbreaking strategies.

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4 / 5.0
Oct 22, 2021

Rogue Lords is an innovative mix of roguelike and RPG elements with clever new concepts to tax your tactical mind. There’s a constant one-more-encounter compulsivity as you look to make your band of villains ever more powerful, and a huge scope for creativity provided by the reality-bending devil mode. For an entertainingly strategic experience where you have free license to indulge your dark side and wreak havoc with a variety of ghosts and ghouls, Rogue Lords will sate your wicked desires.

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