ELEX II Reviews

ELEX II is ranked in the 28th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Giulio Aterno
6 / 10.0
Mar 5, 2022

Elex 2 looks exactly like the first, with a campaign almost identical to its predecessor, with very few innovations introduced, but still presenting some improvements in the graphic, technical and stylistic side. It is certainly a game suitable for an audience accustomed to open world with sci-fantasy settings, but which, like its predecessor, will probably not be able to reach a large portion of the public.

Review in Italian | Read full review

7.5 / 10.0
Mar 4, 2022

I have had a harder time deciding on a review rating for Elex 2 than I have had for any game I have reviewed so far. It had probably the poorest start to a game I’ve seen in a while, but if you can get past it, I think RPG fans will really enjoy what’s there. But truth be told, I don’t know how much it will convince anyone who isn’t a fan of the genre. I am disappointed that this game is coming out in such a crowded time because I think it deserves some of the attention that is going elsewhere right now. Hopefully people to whom the game will appeal don’t miss out, and I really hope that THQ Nordic authorizes another sequel because I can tell you that I would love to dive back in Jax’s shoes.

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7.7 / 10.0
Mar 2, 2022

Elex 2 is another example of Piranha Bytes sticking to their guns and making an open-world RPG designed specifically for their core audience. Fans of the studio's previous work will have a field day with this one but everyone else might find it hard to get past the jankiness and technical issues.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 2, 2022

ELEX II is a massive improvement over its predecessor, though its dated graphics and awkward combat can drive players away before they get a chance to truly explore the vast world of Magalan.

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6.9 / 10.0
Feb 28, 2022

ELEX II builds upon its predecessor, offering up an enticing return to Magalan, a setting that is as enjoyable as ever. As with all Piranha Bytes games, there is a level of unrefined gameplay to be found. Audio and animations can be a mixed bag. But beyond the rigidness, there’s a game full of sprawling, deep systems that give the player the freedom to tackle this medieval/sci-fi mash-up their own way. It’s unfortunate that the design of a bygone era comes under fire from resolvable technical problems that make it harder to overlook the rougher edges. After a few patches, ELEX II may be able to shine brighter, but as it currently stands it has one too many jagged edges overshadowing its greater parts.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 1, 2022

ELEX II is as vast, free and engaging as it is crude and flawed. Over-the-top elements clash with a lame technical side and a flawed enemy AI, in a continuous roller coaster of conflicting emotions. It may involve you deeply as well as you may come to hate it for its many imperfections and the punishing difficulty, but however it goes you won't fail to realize this is a game made with heart.

Review in Italian | Read full review

Feb 28, 2022

If you were a fan of Elex, or even the Gothic or Risen series by Piranha Bytes for that matter, Elex II is most definitely worth picking up. If you’re looking for that next story-driven game that you can just power through, this is not at all what you’re looking for.

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Don't Buy
Mar 1, 2022

ELEX II is a fringe RPG that marches to its own beat but definitely caters to fans of the series and its style of gameplay. It's the type of game that if you get it, you get it, and if you don't, it'll take a lot of effort and energy to force yourself to. It's very difficult to recommend this game to anyone new to the series who's used to the mainstream style of open-world games, which will certainly require a huge paradigm shift.

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75 / 100
Feb 28, 2022

ELEX II is completely for the fans of the first game that want more of the same. It doesn’t change enough to impress those that didn’t already love ELEX, nor is it in a good place for first-timers. Still for those returning, ELEX II will offer lots of action and tough choices.

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Feb 28, 2022

ELEX II contains the best (and the worst) of the previous Piranha Bytes games. It’s deep, fun and the narrative is compelling. Also the weight of the decisions taken during the game change the experience that any player will have with it. But it is also has it flaws, like the poor optimization in PC and the disappointing combat mechanics.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

5 / 10
Feb 28, 2022

Elex II is a prime example of great potential being suffocated by poor execution. A large world filled with quests, unique factions and interesting lore can only carry you so far when the combat is floaty, the progression is stifling, the graphics bland and its performance breaks so visibly, so often. Instead of slaying raptors with lasers, you’ll be waiting for the game to pop-in the fun while it chugs out another texture it missed.

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80 / 100
Feb 28, 2022

Elex II does not bring anything new to those of us who are already veterans of Piranha Games games. But it doesn't fall short of any other game in its franchises either. A good story, LOTS of content, decisions, different factions, and a poor combat system define an Elex II that also brings the apocalyptic science fiction setting mixed with a fantasy world. Recommended.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

4.5 / 5.0
Feb 28, 2022

Elex II presents a world and narrative of immeasurable depth in terms of the freedom you have to play your way and the choices you’re presented with as a player. Couple that with an extremely gratifying sense of progression, and you have a world that begs to be visited for repeat playthroughs. If you can look past the inevitable lack of polish, and archaic presentation issues, do yourself a favor and don’t let this absolute gem pass you by.

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3 / 10.0
Feb 28, 2022

Elex II is a mediocre RPG with a boring story and characters which is greatly ruined by its infuriating bugs and horrible mission design. I personally would not recommend the game in its current state.

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2.5 / 10.0
Feb 28, 2022

Games like Elex II, where it seems no effort was put in, and no ambition is shown, are simply unacceptable. This is just the tip of the iceberg too, as I didn’t even mention the least fun jetpack ever, immortal and totally uncustomizable companions, and the choppy framerate. I could go on for days, but ultimately it doesn’t matter, because it can all be summed up succinctly. Don’t play this, get something else. Respect your time, respect your wallet, and respect other games that are simply doing it better.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 28, 2022

The world building is great and ELEX II manages to fully drive home the notion that avarice can lead to absolute destruction and it is only through co-operation that we can thrive, problem is the gameplay still needs to be way better to be as entertaining as the competition and the visuals and voice acting are just acceptable. Maybe Piranha Bytes needs to scale back a little on their projects because ambition is only celebrated if it pays off or delivers something that hasn’t been experienced before.

Review in Persian | Read full review

7.7 / 10.0
Feb 28, 2022

ELEX II reels you in an immersive chaotic planet where you try and unite different factions against a new breed of invaders. Despite its stiff combat mechanics that we’re not used to anymore because other games have set the bar in this category, it truly is a huge improvement from its predecessor. Try not to die from fall damage once your jetpack fuel runs out.

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