Hello Neighbor 2 Reviews

Hello Neighbor 2 is ranked in the 9th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10
Dec 16, 2022

Hello Neighbor 2 feels more like an updated version of the first game. It’s considerably larger than the first game, and the expansion of the AI technology to additional characters is a welcomed decision. Outside of that, there is very little separating the two games. Hello Neighbor 2 still has a clunky UI, unsatisfying controls, and problems being consistent with its own rules. Where there was a real opportunity to take the franchise to the next level, this sequel just feels like more of the same.

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Dec 6, 2022

There are glimpses of something special in the Hello Neighbor franchise, and Eerie Guest promises in an end game screen that more content is forthcoming. Let’s just hope whatever they come up with offers more horror and more intrigue — and less mystery around why we’re playing these games in the first place.

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Dec 7, 2022

The fun puzzle solving cannot save the bug-filled mess that is Hello Neighbor 2. Unless you are a huge fan of the Hello Neighbor franchise and have devoured it in all its forms, you can skip this entry. Unfortunately, this is a neighborhood that even Mr. Rogers wouldn't want to be part of.

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Dec 8, 2022
Hello Neighbor 2 | Review in 3 Minutes - YouTube video thumbnail
6 / 10.0
Dec 11, 2022

Hello Neighbor 2 is a gorgeous game with a solid concept, but unfortunately it is held back by some serious bugs and bad AI.

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Lee Mehr
Top Critic
3 / 10.0
Jan 7, 2023

While it's not difficult to surpass the dreadful original, Hello Neighbor 2 too often feels satisfied with the bare minimum, while also implementing avaricious launch-day DLC elements.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jan 19, 2023

A solid game that is suitable for players who are starting with adventures or puzzle games. It features easy puzzles and several smaller adventures in individual houses that ultimately make up a complete game. However, in everything you feel that it could have been done better and without bugs.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Dec 26, 2022

Hello Neighbor 2 is an improvement over the earlier game but still has a few issues to work out. That being said I did find it to be an enjoyable and challenging experience.

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5 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2022

I could see the vision of Hello Neighbor 2. The premise was promising, and the puzzles offered some fun, but the game is very unpolished. Between the frequent crashes, visual and AI bugs, and no reason to sneak around whatsoever, I really can’t recommend this game as it currently stands, even if you are a fan of this series.

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Dec 16, 2022

Sadly I was left a little disappointed with Hello Neighbor 2 and if you’re left wondering whether it’s moved on much from the first title, then the answer is not a great deal. Yes, it is bigger with a little bit more on the plate, but the lack of any direction or indication of where to go frustrated me.

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5.7 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2022

The creepy-ass neighbor is back, once again, to challenge you with puzzles and wonkery to thwart him

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6 / 10.0
Dec 22, 2022

As a lightweight few hours available as part of your subscription service I would say give it a go. I would be less willing to recommend the game as an outright purchase on other platforms. It’s not terrible by any means but its flaws do detract from what is potentially a fun experience. The franchise appears to be a popular one on YouTube so there will quite possibly be a Hello Neighbor 3. Maybe that will hone the experience to be a bit more engaging and enjoyable.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2022

Hello Neighbour 2 offers a great puzzle threat experience with a dark story that will be expanded on with in-game events, and if you buy the Deluxe Edition, you will also have two extra missions set in a high school and the local library, making it the ideal purchase for fans of the franchise. I really enjoyed my time with the game and will be replaying it a lot. It is available now on PC, PS4 & 5, Xbox One, Series S & X, and it is also included on Gamepass and Xbox Cloud Gaming Service.

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Dec 13, 2022

It’s not worth full price, but is currently available on Xbox Game Pass. So if you want to try it out for ‘free’ there on your monthly subscription, that’s the best place to play this game until it goes down in price.

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5 / 10
Dec 11, 2022

Hello Neighbor 2 is a mixed bag when compared to the rest of the franchise. The AI still needs to show more intelligence and the performance isn’t spectacular – even on PS5. The story may put off newcomers but fans of the series will hopefully enjoy what it has to offer in its mystery. Puzzles have been greatly improved which makes a good chunk of your playtime more accessible and enjoyable, but the counterparts keep it down from being great.

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7 / 10
Dec 8, 2022

Hello Neighbor 2 is a big step up from the original in more ways than one. Puzzles feel more intuitive, neighbour AIs act smarter, the story is easier to follow and the graphics are admirably stylised. While some of the original’s issues are still present, like the paper-thin plot or immersion-breaking bugs and glitches, the game is still worth playing for those who love environmental puzzles or enjoyed the first entry in the series.

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5 / 10.0
Dec 6, 2022

This shift back to the franchise’s original premise makes it a much more compelling game, albeit one that is steeped in a lot of the same issues. Despite being a huge improvement, it’s unfortunate Hello Neighbor 2 can’t find its footing, as it stumbles from one encounter to another without any real cohesion.

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70 / 100
Dec 6, 2022

Hello Neighbor 2 has improved everything from its previous installment. The title is committed to an improved artistic section and an improvement in the logic of its puzzles. In addition, an inventory has been added to be able to store objects but it maintains its rough control and cannot innovate. I'm sure the Eerie Guest is on the right track and they've made a very good sequel.

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5.8 / 10.0
Dec 5, 2022

Hello Neighbor 2 is a game that features advanced game design, so it’s no wonder things turned out like this—it’s a difficult game to make especially for a small team. But if anything, I think it is a step in the right direction for the game’s inevitable sequel. There’s no doubt in my mind simply because it’s a better game than the first. If the team can figure out how to keep its solid level design and integrate challenges that tie in both the AI and the puzzles within the level, I think there’s a homerun to be had here. But until then, keeping tabs on your neighbours for a short while isn’t the worst thing you can do with your time.

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