Marvel's Midnight Suns Reviews

Marvel's Midnight Suns is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Dec 13, 2022

The only real problem with Midnight Suns is that it doesn’t look that great. Maybe it's because it can run on a Switch. Apart from that Marvel’s Midnight Suns has deep and varied gameplay mechanics that will keep you engaged both during and after battles. You will be making up strategies on how to best massacre Hydra minions, all the while increasing your friendship with your favourite characters. Marvel’s Midnight Suns is a good middle ground for turn based strategy enthusiasts and Marvel fans. Its also a great starting point for someone who wants to get into deck-building and a little deeper into Marvel lore. Marvel’s Midnight Suns can make you feel like a superhero team, but only if you are good at it.

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8 / 10
Dec 11, 2022

Midnight Suns is a revelation in tactics gameplay, ditching movement constraints in service of its superhero cast. Its story is well told and voiced, and in between combat there’s a wonderful hub to explore. Structured like a daily tasks Persona-type experience, it won me over with oodles of character and design smarts throughout, keeping me coming back day after day.

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Dec 9, 2022

Marvel's Midnight Suns is the biggest surprise in videogame world of this end of 2022 and a big candidate to be chosen as the best videogame based on Marvel universe characters. His combat system based on turns and cards is one of most addictive and well developed of this 2022. Also the game has a very interesting story in which the different characters and its relationships generates an enjoyable storytelling. Its biggest flaw is the visual aspect of the game in the exploration sections which seems to be a little bit outdated.

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Dec 6, 2022

This XCOM meets X-Men effort from Firaxis isn't flawless, but its a fantasy dinner party of superheroes elevates the experience above its formulaic story and forgettable hero.

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8.4 / 10.0
Dec 7, 2022

The worst you can do as strategy and marvel fan is, to not give Marvel’s Midnight Suns a chance. It often doesn't feel lik a game that should be fun because of some failings in the presentation, technical aspects and dialogue but the fight system, lots of rewards and the team building mechanic are so well made, that you forget about all the other shortcomings.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2022

Midnight Suns is a truly unique game that, for the right player, will scratch a very specific itch that they’ve been missing out on. The target audience for this game will appreciate it, and find a lot of replayability and enjoyment in the title.

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8.8 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2022

Marvel's Midnight Suns is not a perfect game, but an absolutely addictive work that captures the player in its coils hour after hour.

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9.2 / 10.0
Dec 2, 2022

If you’re a Marvel fan, a strategy game fan or just interested in a huge, broad and deep game, look no further.

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Nov 30, 2022

Marvel's Midnight Suns is a fine tactical RPG and also a great superhero adventure. So if you're a fan of Marvel comics and the game's genre, it is a need to play. But if you just like one of these „sides“, it's hard to get around this game.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2022

Marvel's Midnight Suns has literally saved the Strategy Tactial Games genre this year with outstanding combat mechanics, a carefully crafted protagonist though the game falls short from a technical perspective

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7 / 10
Nov 30, 2022

Despite being an uneven experience, Midnight Suns is ultimately still a good game that's worth a try for tactics and Marvel fans.

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10 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2022

A supremely dense hybrid of many different genres and styles, Marvel's Midnight Suns is an absolutely smashing time and one of 2022's best.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2022

To sum it all up, Marvel’s Midnight Suns is everything a licensed game can be with a sprinkling of Firaxis magic in many areas. The action is bombastic and great to see in action, the top-tier tactical depth and strategic play deliver near-infinite replayability, and the narrative does consistently surprise in the most pleasant of ways. While there are areas that can be further refined, it shouldn’t take too much away from what is a quintessential turn-based affair, and a true superhero fantasy come to life.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2022

Marvel's Midnight Suns has a fun campaign packed with really in-depth systems. Every facet of the social interaction and the card-based combat system should clash, considering how far apart they are in presentation and function. However, the two halves come together to create a great Marvel game. It lives up to the legacy of tactical depth Firaxis is known for, without copying and pasting XCOM with Marvel heroes and calling it a day.

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Nov 30, 2022

Marvel’s Midnight Suns is a stellar outing from Firaxis, and it’s a great choice for those looking for a deeply strategic game that has layers of systems working together to provide an engaging combat loop that will keep you looking forward to the next one. Depending on your tastes, the Abbey section may or may not be to your liking. Due to the fact that it was a section that required a lot of reading and dialog, the bad writing really struck a nerve with me and made the whole experience quite tedious. In the end, though, the fun of the combat sequences can make you overlook all of this, giving you that “one more game” itch to scratch.

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Dec 1, 2022

While its ideas may be supernaturally-charged, and inspired by one of the strangest periods in Marvel Comics, it remains grounded and personal – imbuing its excellent tactical combat with high emotions and stakes. In dark times, light can still shine – and in Marvel’s Midnight Suns, you and your team of heroes are that light.

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