Cursed to Golf Reviews

Cursed to Golf is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Sep 23, 2022

The difficulty may be off putting to some, though, and an argument can be made that it would be better off with some adjustments made in that department. That being said, it is hard to deny the underlying quality and charm that this game exudes with every swing of the club. Cursed to Golf is a big deal for relative newcomer developer Chuhai Labs. While the studio has developed and published several titles and their lineage can be traced back through multiple companies well represented on Nintendo platforms, Cursed to Golf may very well be the game that puts them on the map.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2022

Cursed to Golf is not a sports sim but it will deliver many more thrills than any careful reconstruction of real-world golf can. Getting the ball into the hole using my last shot by carefully using an Ace card and plenty of spin made me scream with joy. I almost cried when two successive shots somehow landed in the water.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2022

Cursed to Golf is a unique game that combines a platformer with golfing. With vibrant, retro-inspired visuals and a fun story, this game offers tons of replayability and challenge!

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7.1 / 10.0
Sep 1, 2022

I mostly enjoyed my time with Cursed to Golf but just like Arnold Palmer, I'll be happy to retire with a nice cool glass of lemonade and iced tea because it can be quite a frustrating game that starts to overstay its welcome sooner rather than later. šŸ¹

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Aug 18, 2022

Cursed to Golf is designed to challenge you, frustrate you, and punish you -- and even if real golf does that, this game takes it to a whole other level. If you're the kind of person who doesn't usually give sports games a second glance but loves difficulty ramped up to an insane degree, this should be the one sports game you make an exception for.

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9.2 / 10.0
Aug 24, 2022

This roguelike golfing title thoroughly proves that sports titles are ripe for conversion if they can all be this good

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8 / 10
Oct 25, 2022

Cursed to Golf is a fun and surprising game that brings together golf, platforms, puzzles, and roguelike elements. If this seems very unlikely, it all works and fits together nicely, with a very creative approach to a comically macabre plot, a high difficulty level that makes players think carefully about each stroke, and a mechanic that changes the properties of the ball. A lovely piece of gaming that's more than welcome to the Nintendo Switch catalogue.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Sep 13, 2022

Merging a roguelike and a golf sim should not be nearly as fun as Cursed to Golf undoubtedly is. The retro-inspired visuals and bouncy soundtrack belie a truly stout challenge that takes a lot of practice to overcome. Youā€™ll rue every poor shot choice and curse every mistimed button press, but battling through the trials of Golf Purgatory is an incredible gameplay experience that will have coming back for more time and time again. The only real thing missing is a multiplayer mode, but even without it, Chuhai Labs has undoubtedly hit a hole-in-one.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 29, 2022

A fusion of original concepts, but even more important, that feed back on each other, achieving an almost perfect game: Fun, methodical and challenging in equal parts.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 10, 2022

Cursed to Golf is a fantastic hybrid of multiple genres. Can you test your skill and try your luck as you attempt to escape golfing hell? Manage your Ace cards, hit the idols, and defeat the bosses in this crazy but fun indie game.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2022

Cursed to Golf pairs an adorable look with an interesting premise. The idea of a game of golf in various dungeons, which is tense and technical and presents an arduous challenge to be conquered, works well. Roguelike elements, particularly permadeath, add a nice layer of innovation to the classic golf game genre. However, problems such as the lack of variety in the scenarios, the slow pace, the exaggerated difficulty and the highly repetitive nature of the game will likely turn away most players curious about the title.

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Aug 31, 2022

I liked Cursed to Golf but I didnā€™t love it. I was won over early with the gameā€™s charming art style and loveable ghostly spirits. But when it came to playing golf I just didnā€™t enjoy it as much as I was telling myself I should. The levels are long and become very unforgiving the further you make your way through. This requires a lot of time and patience from the player. Maybe Iā€™m just not ready to ascend yet. Even though it didnā€™t click with me I can see this being a welcome challenge for others. If youā€™re looking for a fresh new roguelike with that challenge then Cursed to Golf will keep you busy for many gaming nights to come. Not a hole in one but far from a boogey.

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4.5 / 5.0
Aug 30, 2022

Cursed to Golf is a brilliant little golf game. Its smart design encourages creativity, and its roguelike elements, while harsh, arenā€™t brutal enough to derail the experience. Itā€™s astonishing how well the individual parts from different genres mix into a cohesive wholeā€”or should I say ā€œholeā€? More than anything, though, itā€™s just fun. Thatā€™s all there is to it: itā€™s just a fun game that deserves your attention.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2022

Cursed to Golf brings with it a unique concept through a collaboration of genres that offers a splendid time teeing off in the underworld.

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7 / 10
Aug 22, 2022

Cursed to Golf is a fun arcade sports game, but its roguelike elements donā€™t stack up well with other entries in the genre. Its long run times hurt my experience, making failure often more annoying than something to learn from. Its cute art, simple but fun mechanics, and challenge kept me enjoying Cursed to Golf to its end, but itā€™s lacking that addictive element that I look for in roguelikes that keep me coming back.

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Aug 22, 2022

Cursed to Golf brings a fresh spin on the Roguelike genre, which is very welcome. Itā€™s charming, funny and mastering the levels gets very addictive. While its learning curve can be steep at times the sense of achievement when beating a boss utilising all of your skills is really rewarding. As it sinks it hooks into you be prepared to say ā€œJust one more runā€ā€¦. a lot. I would love to see multiplayer added in the future as this game would lend itself well to couch co-op or online matches. This would be a tonne of fun. If you want a fun and challenging game that delivers an addictive adventure then look no further than Cursed To Golf. It takes home the Thumb Culture Gold Award.

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8.2 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2022

An excellent golf game that you think about long after finishing.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2022

Cursed to Golf is a fun roguelite experience that brings a new, fun and challenging golfing twist. Charming and with a simple gameplay, the already accentuated difficulty could be alleviated thanks to a more efficient use of the game's camera and a checkpoint system that encourages the player to want to finish the game without having to go through so many hardships

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8 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2022

Cursed to Golf is a very creative and far more difficult than expected roguelike. Itā€™s definitely going to scratch your golf game itch, given how truly few there are on current generations, as well as spice up the genre with its unique gameplay and concept.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 18, 2022

Much like its cursed chibi protagonist, Cursed to Golf is stuck in a sort of purgatory. Its unique mix of golf and roguelike mechanics, sublime soundtrack, and charming style ram up against its brutal difficulty and handful of questionable design decisions.

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