Lil Gator Game Reviews

Lil Gator Game is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Dec 14, 2022

Still, if my only real complaint is that I wanted more, that shows just how much I enjoyed Lil Gator Game. Its unique approach to platforming and exploration, combined with its gorgeous visuals, heartfelt story, and charming characters make it one of my favourite gaming experiences of 2022.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 18, 2023

Lil Gator Game is as short as it is sweet, with the main story lasting just under five hours, but that's all it needs to be. I loved exploring each nook and cranny of the world during that time for new friends, loot, and memories. By the time the story wrapped up, the game had delivered a poignant and touching message about balancing the important parts of our lives. Lil Gator Game isn't the best Zelda-like I've played, but it's probably the one that will stick with me for the longest.

Top Critic
Apr 16, 2023

It’s a lovely gem of a game that touches on my nostalgia for Zelda but still managed to tell a unique story through the gator and their sister’s relationship. It’s a story about the little gator’s deeper desire to connect with someone again in the present, and how games facilitate that. So if you’re looking for a charming pick-me-up before The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom comes out, don’t ignore Lil Gator Game.

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Dec 15, 2022

Lil Gator Game is a short but sweet adventure set on a cosy island, with a loveable bunch of characters that had me laughing throughout.

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8 / 10
Dec 14, 2022

There are few games out there that successfully capture childlike wonder and imagination better than Lil Gator Game. Despite some minor issues with the writing and how directionless the adventure can feel at times, it's easy to forgive small frustrations when a game is as wonderfully charming from start to finish as this. Lil Gator is up there with the best indie games released this year and comes with a recommendation for anyone remotely interested in feeling like a kid again.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2022

Lil Gator Game is a charming exploration focused 3d platformer, but is held back by Switch performance.

9 / 10.0
Jan 3, 2023

A hallmark of excellence. There may be flaws, but they are negligible and won't cause massive damage.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jan 6, 2023

Lil Gator Game is charm incarnate. Deftly, exceptionally charming. With its sincere, sweet little story and perfectly dorky humor, it provides a wonderfully enchanting adventure that kept me grinning and tittering all the way through. More importantly than anything else, Lil Gator Game made me happy. I’m damn happy this adorable goofiness exists, and while I’m sad I ran out of things to do, I’m delighted by everything I did.

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7 / 10
Oct 17, 2023

Lil Gator Game's an easy recommendation if you're looking for a neatly crafted, stress-free adventure. Charmingly cute and fun for players of all ages.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 10, 2023

Though Lil Gator Game isn't especially long, it leaves an indelible mark on you, like a high-five with a loved one that leaves your hand with a pleasant soreness to remind you of the fact. Lil Gator is restorative in a way that many games just aren't - it slowly strips away your layers of resistance until you fall in love with its straightforward, though greatly satisfying adventure platform beats. Lil Gator Game is unreservedly pure, distilled happiness and innocence all in one glorious concoction and couldn't we all do with a bit more of that these days?

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75 / 100
Dec 18, 2022

Lil Gator Game suffers from some minor frame rate drops and the music was a bit out of place. But, the overall package was pretty good. I’d recommend Lil Gator Game to young gamers – assuming they have willing parents who can help them read the objectives. I’d also recommend this to gamers looking for a chill, relaxing Legend of Zelda style game to tide them over until Tears of the Kingdom launches next year.

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Dec 14, 2022
Lil Gator Game Is A Wholesome Adventure - REVIEW (Switch) - YouTube video thumbnail
Dec 15, 2022
Lil Gator Game | Review in 3 Minutes - YouTube video thumbnail
8 / 10.0
Jul 9, 2023

This game is primarily geared to a younger audience, but even still if this type of relaxed experience suits you, I hope you accept the invitation to relive your childhood. And to parents introducing their kids to The Legend of Zelda, putting Lil Gator Game on ahead of Breath of the Wild might be a magical thing to see.

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10 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2022

Probably one of the cutest, most creative platformer titles I've had the pleasure of playing. There's no reason not to pick this game up!

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Oct 30, 2023

Lil Gator Game is as relaxing as it is adorable and if that's the sort of game that you're looking for then you should definitely play it.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2022

Overall, Lil Gator Game is a cute adventure game that knows how to present the childhood magic. It's very worth it to explore the islands, get to know the characters and gather new items in this compelling journey.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

7 / 10.0
Dec 14, 2022

Lil Gator Game is an adorable adventure game that is best enjoyed after a tiring day. It will transport you back to your childhood days and the cute characters and easy objectives make it a good stress-buster. The game is reminiscent of titles like Animal Crossing and the Legend of Zelda series, and will appeal to players who enjoy relaxing, casual games with a focus on exploration and crafting.

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9 / 10
Oct 1, 2023

Lil Gator Game makes use of a risk-free experience to deliver its impeccable writing and storytelling, sending the player back and forth on quests that demonstrate the value of childhood imagination and friendship. Hugging its players with a gorgeous presentation, accessible gameplay, and unforgettable message, Lil Gator Game more than deserves its place on everyone’s Nintendo Switch.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

Dec 29, 2022

Lil Gator Game is exactly what it looks like on the surface: a sweet, adorable game that never feels like it's trying too hard to be either of those things, but that's guaranteed to win you over all the same.

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