Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Reviews

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is ranked in the 83rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.8 / 10.0
Mar 4, 2023

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty pushes the boundaries of a Souls-like game by introducing refreshing and unique takes on otherwise overused formulas. The emphasis on deflecting and the new morale mechanic makes for a challenging and rewarding combat system only to be further enhanced by the dramatic backdrop of the Three Kingdoms.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 14, 2023

Yet, although I did enjoy the time I spent with Wo Long, I don’t really want to invest more time into it. And I think that fact alone speaks more than any of my words in this review could ever convey. My main reason for not wanting to jump back in is simply because of its optimization issues on PC. I’ve seen that it suffers other problems on Xbox, such as ridiculously long loading times, whereas the PlayStation version is relatively free from these worries. Which makes sense, given that Team Ninja’s last two titles, Nioh and Nioh 2, initially launched exclusively on PlayStation consoles before. On PC however, it just feels like a bad port. Which, to be clear, it is. I found the overarching experience in Wo Long to be enjoyable on the whole, though I do lament the fact that they chose to develop a new IP instead of making Nioh 3. Despite the optimization issues and random difficulty spikes, I do think that Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is ultimately good – it just could have been so much better.

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Mar 8, 2023

Wo Long is fun, fast, and fluid, with satisfying combat that empowers and challenges you equally. There is style in spades, and while the story is nothing to write home about, you’ll remember the flashy moves and monstrous bosses long after the credits roll. This is a great starting point for many looking to get into the impenetrable genre that is souls-likes, and if the pitch-perfect timing of Sekiro turned you off, Wo Long is here to offer something more approachable.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 2, 2023

Wo Long Fallen Dynasty looks like a star that shines at times, suspended between bright peaks of gameplay and technical hiccups.

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Top Critic
Mar 13, 2023

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty offers a cool morale system, leaping attacks, and fresh spins on magic and character customization, though stilted storytelling and underwhelming stage designs prevent it from reaching the heights of other Nioh games.

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Top Critic
80 / 100
Mar 10, 2023

In the end, it is a game that is worth trying because despite the small details against it, it must also be said that it meets the goal of all products of its kind, that is to entertain. So, if you're a fan of Soulslike, you can't miss this adventure. On the other hand, if you are new to the genre, you should know that the game must be learned little by little in order to enjoy it to its fullest.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Mar 2, 2023

o Long Fallen Dynasty easily rises as a juggernaut of the genre. On the verge of being an unmissable classic.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 8, 2023

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty adds to the growing list of “tough love” games that mercilessly tear players down before building them back up. To its credit, Wo Long introduces a lot of quality of life improvements that make its journey a lot more accessible and every death not quite as harrowing as it is in other similar games. At the same time, level design and storytelling could also be better. That being said, the combat in Wo Long is among the best and feels quite rewarding once you get the hang of it. It’s a no-brainer for action masochists and folks who love a good challenge.

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Mar 4, 2023

Although it may not be as inventive and thoughtfully designed as its inspirations, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty thrives on gameplay that’s satisfying and intuitive enough to win over newbies, while providing enough challenge to keep Soulslike veterans engaged and happy.

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Jeremy Penter
Top Critic
Mar 2, 2023
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83 / 100
Mar 2, 2023

The inspiration in Sekiro and the good work with Nioh are clearly seen in Wo Long, which raises a point of difficulty for which only fans of souls will be prepared.

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83 / 100
Mar 2, 2023

Action fireworks with a great, complex combat system, but technically not always completely round.

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Dave Irwin
Top Critic
8 / 10
Mar 2, 2023

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a thoroughly enjoyable Soulslike with intensely fun combat mechanics, slightly marred by jarring difficulty spikes and by-the-numbers music and sound.

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Jake Su
Top Critic
4.5 / 5.0
Mar 2, 2023

At the end of the day, I absolutely enjoyed my time in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, and am raring to go back for more with an additional unlockable difficulty level that has more powerful loot and more challenging fights awaiting. The blend of combat, RPG elements, platforming, and a much more serious and interesting narrative makes for an engaging romp through the ancient lands of China, and aside from some small AI hiccups and design choices, there really isn’t much there to dampen my revitalized love for all things Romance of the Three Kingdoms. All hail the newest and most polished Soulslike to come out in a while.

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70 / 100
Jul 5, 2023

The Battle of Zhongyuan DLC for Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty follows in the same footsteps that Team Ninja's prior games did, not in the form of actual new story content, but instead in the form of weapons, gear, and most importantly, a new difficulty tier. This is a no-brainer purchase for those who are a huge fan of the base game that are looking to inch towards true end-game, but I still recommend waiting for a sale or buying the season pass instead, which offers a reduced price per DLC.

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Mar 6, 2023

A fast paced and addicting action RPG that falls into routine a little too quickly.

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7 / 10
Mar 2, 2023

A notable drop in depth compared to the Nioh games, Wo-Long still has some engaging additions inspired by Sekiro. I often enjoyed myself but repetition and a horribly uneven difficulty curve certainly don't help.

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8 / 10
Mar 2, 2023

While it succeeds in its own right, Wo Long doesn't quite reach the same heights as Team Ninja's Nioh 1 and 2.

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100 / 100
Mar 2, 2023

Wo Long: Fall Dynasty is a near flawless game and what I hope is just an intro to this fantastic world. Team Ninja have crafted a game that takes the basic structure of Nioh and other Souls-likes and creates their own unique, rewarding, and brutally challenging experience. In its almost forty hour campaign I was constantly surprised by the amount of new locations, creative boss fights, and sheer ambition of the game. It may be early in the year, but I'd be surprised if any game beats Wo Long for the top of my year-end list.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 2, 2023

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty differentiates itself from Nioh thanks to a few key mechanics, though the experience can feel a little linear and easy at times. Still a fun game for fans of Team Ninja, and faster Soulslikes in general.

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