Bayonetta 2 Reviews

Bayonetta 2 is ranked in the 99th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Oct 13, 2014

Between that and the sublime feel of its combat, it's difficult to see even a passing interest in one of Bayonetta 2's passions not turning into a memorable experience.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 14, 2018

Bayonetta 2 is an amazing action game with a heap of content and tremendous added value, further provided by, for example, songs, artwork and other materials you collect in it. The authors improved the quality unit in every way, expanded the story and, above all, preserved a great dynamic action that still takes its breath away.

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9.5 / 10.0
Nov 5, 2014

It's an unconventional experience that only arrives occasionally. And maybe he'll be back in five years.

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9.5 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2014

"Deuce" is not so much different from "ones", but it's still the best slasher on the market today and the essence of what we love about the genre.

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9.6 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2014

‎ It's a gem skillfully created by a master nostalgic for the golden age of video games who knows that banality and bad taste sometimes touch the exquisite, a lover of luxury, eccentricity, ornament and baroque: the glorious return of a wild muse.‎

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Top Critic
9.5 / 10.0
Nov 4, 2014

The flaws in Bayonetta 2 are in no way an excuse to miss out on this damn near perfect action fighting game. It seems like a privilege to play such a gorgeous exciting game and gamers without Wii U consoles should start reevaluating their life choices at this point.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 12, 2014

Bayonetta 2 is one of the best games to ever grace the Wii U. The sequel feels tighter, less obnoxious, and is a blast to play through.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 30, 2014

It's not perfect and the nostalgia goggles are likely affecting my memories of the first game but Bayonetta 2 is still a great time and better than pretty much any other action game out there.

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88 / 100
Nov 4, 2014

Bayonetta 2 is a great continuation of a series many thought would be dead. Thanks to Nintendo swooping in to help, we have another wonderfully outrageous action game that fans and newcomers alike can enjoy.

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86 / 100
Oct 16, 2014

Bayonetta 2 erects some of the most solid fighting mechanics and phantasmagorically gonzo visuals in gaming to date—certainly, something as compulsive and massive as this boosts the Wii U to the front of the pack—and through its formal choices communicates a singular, unfiltered vision of sexualization.

9 / 10
Jan 17, 2015

Bayonetta 2 is an outright fantastic game.

Digitally Downloaded
Matt S.
Top Critic
Oct 29, 2014

When Michael Foucault wrote about his philosophical concept of the "limit", he was talking about how we need art that push boundares - of good taste, of sexuality, of art itself - in order to define what the limit is and why we need to have it. Bayonetta 2 will challenge some people. It will make them uncomfortable. It's transgressive in numerous ways, and with that comes the potential to offend. But in causing offence, Bayonetta 2 encourages conversation, and that's the very definition of a good work of art.

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A or higher
Oct 26, 2014

Bayonetta 2 doesn't do anything particularly new, but it does serve as an improvement of an already excellent action title, perfecting the formula even further. I didn't think it was possible to outdo the original Bayonetta, but was gravely mistaken. There's a new Witch in town, and she will put you under her spell.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 6, 2014

Bayonetta 2 is one of the best action games of this generation, and close to one of the best overall. It's a downright shame that not many will play this game due to the small install base of the Wii U, but here's hoping that Bayonetta 2 will be a system seller to get the appreciation it definitely deserves.

Oct 13, 2014

Bayonetta 2 is mechanically perfect, yet it is also a game that is stuffed with personality and wit and charm and an abundance of ideas and imagery and symbolism that its poor story cannot hope to make sense of or contain. But that's okay -- it is the finest game Platinum have ever made, and the best thing to grace the Wii U thus far.

Shayan Ziaei
Top Critic
95 / 100
Mar 29, 2018

With Bayonetta 2, Platinum Games has done an incredible job and successfully merged the most exciting elements of most popular Hack ‘n’ Slashes into its own formula and made a game that could easily be the best that this genre has to offer.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 21, 2018

Bayonetta 2 is a perfect choice to port over to the Nintendo Switch. The eclectic action and story is a treat on its own, but it's amazing how great it looks and plays when in handheld mode.

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9 / 10
Feb 19, 2018

Still one if the best action games around, with a unique look all if its own, and the ability to play it on the go makes it one of the best releases of the year.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 17, 2018

Two beautiful slashers moved to Switch. They work great, they look good, they play gorgeously. Fans of the genre, these are definitely not worth missing.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 1, 1970

Bayonetta is one of the best series of the hack and slash genre and this port is true to the Wii U versions with some small improvements. It is a good version for new players or for fans who want to remember the action of these games anywhere.

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