Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX Reviews

Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Jun 20, 2023

Raiden III might be not be the most iconic entry in the original series, but the Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX re-release deserves to be the most iconic entry in their remasters. With a load of unforgettable OST remixes tied to an addictive score-based unlockables system, this is a shmup worth coming back to time and time again.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Jun 29, 2023

It feels weird to go backwards with these releases. Raiden III is by far the simplest I have checked out so far. Evolution in reverse is a bold choice. Still the simplicity of the combat makes for an addictive nature. I was coming back over and over to unlock new tunes to listen to and the visuals are still excellent. I love a good shooter and the Raiden series is always a good time. The price tag is also low enough that I don’t have a lot to knock. If you love shooters this is a great addition to your collection.

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7.7 / 10.0
Jun 2, 2023

This re-release of Raiden III doesn't add anything new, but it packs and brings to the audience a fun and solid vertical scrolling arcade game. The price is a little high, but enthusiasts will appreciate it.

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Generación Xbox
Javi Striker
Top Critic
77 / 100
Jun 17, 2023

Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX is a very good experience and that can become really addictive for all fans of classic ship games that began with Space Invaders and continues today, in addition to its difficulty makes the essence of the genre is maintained and is a title more than enjoyable, Although it is true that in some aspects this difficulty is achieved by lack of modern mechanics that would make it even better.

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60 / 100
Sep 10, 2023

Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX is a decent shmup, but it doesn’t do enough to differentiate itself from the trailblazers of the genre. This edition also proves to be a bit light on modes, meaning that all but the most diehard of fans should check this one out.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 2, 2023

Raiden III revamped for a new generation

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8 / 10.0
Jun 6, 2023

Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX is a solid iteration of a classic shoot 'em up which will always remain one of my favourites thanks to its incredible gameplay and action-packed campaign that'll keep you glued to the screen. Plus, there are oodles of extras which is great.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 6, 2023

In conclusion, Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX is an excellent game for anyone who was a fan of the series or is a fan of shmups in general. With its intuitive and simple gameplay, it becomes an addictive experience, but frustrating if you are not already used to the genre.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 5, 2023

Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX is the definitive version of Raiden III, as it offers excellent performance and an assortment of new tunes to enjoy while kicking alien butt.

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Oct 3, 2023

Raiden III x Mikado Maniax is a great excuse to revisit an entry in an iconic shmup series for veterans and a good place to start for newcomers.

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Sep 7, 2023

Even though this is the predecessor to Raiden IV x MIKADO remix , this remaster comes after it, and it’s easy to see that MOSS has learned a lot and even made improvements where it needed to. While I like Raiden IV a lot, I gotta say that I like the simplicity and improvements of Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX more, really enhancing Raiden III in great ways. Every game deserves a second chance, and Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX is an approachable and awesome entry in the long-running series that is well-worth the price of admission.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 26, 2023

Raiden III x Mikado Maniax brings back a Moss classic with various new music. It's worth a shot as a good example of its genre, and, even with the feeling something better than individual re-releases of this and Raiden IV could have been done, it's a title that offers exactly what it intends to and is quite fun.

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73 / 100
Jun 12, 2023

Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX is the most complete version of the third installment of the Raiden series and is accompanied by an incredible new soundtrack produced by the prestigious Japanese Arcade game center Mikado, various extras, new game modes and a setting On point in terms of resolution, but it maintains some of the drawbacks of the original version of Raiden III, such as its overly simple scoring system. In any case, shoot 'em up lovers are in luck and whether they are familiar with the Raiden franchise or not, they will have a lot of fun with this version of Raiden III.

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3 / 5.0
Jun 8, 2023

Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX is ultimately a good if unspectacular rerelease of a nearly 20-year-old game, but it’s really only for die-hard fans of the genre. At the end of the day, this was only ever a solid entry in the series, and nothing here has changed that. The new music is nice, but not enough to justify the game’s cost. This is the sort of game that would be best reissued as part of a Raiden collection instead of being released on its own.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 2, 2023

Raiden III x MIKADO MANIAX invested in an interesting point, revitalizing the soundtrack. They certainly gave the title a fresh air, but some visual upgrades, especially in the screen positioning and filters would also have come in handy. Even so it doesn't stop being a relevant classic for fans of the genre.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 5, 2023

If you’re a shooting fan you know Raiden, you probably love Raiden, and you’re likely to want this Raiden. More casual folks, it’s a toss up

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