Quantum Break Reviews

Quantum Break is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Apr 1, 2016

I enjoyed Quantum Break in the same way I enjoy Marvel superhero movies. They're fun to watch while I kick back and eat some popcorn. But when I go to see The Avengers I don't have a control pad in my hands, and there's where Quantum Break gets confusing for me. Sussing out the relative importance of the two halves of Quantum Break messed with my head as much as trying to sort through all the story's causality loops.

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4 / 5.0
Apr 1, 2016

Pulling off a game that offers both an engrossing narrative as well as engaging gameplay is a daunting task that leaves Quantum Break burning the candle on both ends. The gameplay can get exciting at times, with the fast-paced gun battles and gorgeous abilities, but it's clear that wasn't the primary focus for this experience. That isn't necessarily a bad thing – after all, I thoroughly enjoyed both of my playthroughs. However, if you were expecting battle after battle where you bend time to your will, you will be left wanting.

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Apr 1, 2016

Quantum Break is an innovative new direction for interactive storytelling, and with the ending leaving things wide open for more, I hope Remedy does a sequel to this innovative hybrid of a show and a game. I just hope the next one offers more to do with the time we're given.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2016

Quantum Break is another example of Remedy Entertainment sticking to what they know, and doing it better than anyone else. An engrossing adventure with a captivating story. experimentation with new mediums for telling stories in games and refined third-person gameplay to match. Quantum Break isn't optional, it's essential.

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Apr 1, 2016

If you are more interested in Quantum Break for its gameplay, you may want to hold off until a sale or rental fits your budget, but if you are looking for something that takes a daring step forward with how a video game can be made, Quantum Break is perfect for you.

Apr 1, 2016

The game's stronger than expected writing and decent cast more than make up for its conceptual banalities.

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Apr 1, 2016

Quantum Break's no travesty of Order: 1886 proportions, but its gameplay, while fun, can't reach the level of its stellar graphics. Enjoy it for its engaging time-control gunplay, its spectacular stutters and its sci-fi storyline, but this isn't the landmark entertainment experience that Microsoft once promised.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2016

With a great cast, fun third person action and a set of interesting and unique powers Quantum Break stands out as an amazing game with plenty of unique features.

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90 / 100
Apr 1, 2016

Remedy swung for the fences and hit a homerun with Quantum Break. With an engrossing story, an amazing cast, and the most beautiful visuals on the Xbox One we've ever seen, Quantum Break is a masterpiece.

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Apr 1, 2016

Like Max Payne and Alan Wake before it, Quantum Break has already left me desperate for a sequel. And with one or two loose threads left dangling tantalisingly, the way is certainly open for one. Quantum Break is another superlative Remedy game, combining story and gameplay to startling effect. I want to go back in time and play it afresh, all over again.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2016

Even though Quantum Break is storytelling, there's no point in writing too much about it in a review. It would reveal too much, reveal facts that are best known for yourself. It is enough to mention that we are dealing with time travel and they are the most important element of this story, influencing not only its shape, but also the core of the game, including the mechanics of clashes with opponents. If you skipped the first paragraph of the review, it's time to catch up on that now and put Remedy's work alongside the more successful examples I've listed.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2016

Quantum Break is an enjoyable game with high replay value, but it underwhelms in several key areas.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2016

Quantum Break makes some amazing innovations in the gaming industry with the live-action TV show, unique and original powers and abilities, and beautifully designed set pieces and the levels built around them. However, the story leaves a lot to be desired, the abundance of video game tropes thrown in your face is way overboard, and the controls for telling Jack where to go really need some tweaking. However, it's still worth the ride.

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8 / 10
Mar 31, 2016

Quantum Break is an excellent addition to the Xbox One and Windows 10 libraries, telling a deep and well thought-out story that not only takes itself seriously, but offers great entertainment value. But for its brilliance in storytelling it somewhat stumbles in certain aspects of its gameplay design, keeping Quantum Break from reaching its full potential. None the less, Quantum Break for all its problems has been worth the wait, and Remedy has gotten their well-deserved spotlight in the industry with their strong entrance to the current generation.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 1, 2016

...as a marquee Microsoft-exclusive action title, Quantum Break delivers impressively on just about every front except that of content; it literally begs for a New Game Plus mode

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Top Critic
8.4 / 10.0
Apr 8, 2016

Quantum Break is a game of innovation.

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May 4, 2016

While both the content and overall experience may not be perfect, collectively they compose a bold, engrossing, brilliant blockbuster of a game that should absolutely be experienced.

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6 / 10.0
Apr 22, 2016

A brave attempt at cross medium entertainment, let down by leaning more one way than the other.

games™ Team
Top Critic
9 / 10
Apr 25, 2016

A confident, bold and thrilling action-adventure

3.8 / 5.0
Apr 1, 2016

It is apparent from the first minute to the last that an epic narrative is the primary focus in Quantum Break. From the full-length live action film to the extensive emails and documents, the game beckons you to savor the internal drama and cataclysmic storyline. If you're more interested in skipping to the action, you'll likely be disappointed with the remedial difficulty and generic shooter structure.

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