Need for Speed Reviews

Need for Speed is ranked in the 28th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2015

EA's famous racer is promisingly rebooted in its 21st installment, but still needs some work under the hood

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Nov 12, 2015

Without much new, Need for Speed is less of a "reboot" and more of a "rehash."

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8 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2015

I enjoyed my time with Need for Speed. Ghost Games is onto something seriously promising with this franchise reboot. However, being unable to pause the game as well as no option to play offline may prove two obstacles that are not surmountable for some players.

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85 / 100
Nov 2, 2015

Need for Speed is a game that gets many things right, and brings it back to the glory days of Need for Speed Underground 1 and 2. I have not had this much fun in a racing game in some time, and even though it misses a few marks, it is definitely worth the time of racing fans.

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Top Critic
Nov 12, 2015

Despite its less impressive iterations over the years, the Need for Speed name has delivered some truly excellent games - from Underground's street racing to Shift's wannabe-simulation, all the way to Hot Pursuit's absurd action. But rather than build upon this rich diverse history of fun, Ghost Games has sucked the fun out of a game that should epitomise the outlandishness of going really bloody fast. When you could be playing Driveclub, or Forza Horizon 2, or Project Cars, or even the beautiful and superiorly quick Forza Motorsport 6, offering a racer without speed? That's suicide.

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Dave Aubrey
Top Critic
7.4 / 10.0
Mar 19, 2016

With completely acceptable racing, cringe-inducing cutscenes and a questionable online mode, Need for Speed for PC is a worthwhile racer, if not the best one available. You won't regret your purchase, but you're not likely to be recommending it to all of your friends either. Maybe wait for a sale, but rest assured that this is a well optimized port of a decent, if not amazing racer.

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Nov 13, 2015

This latest entry in the Need for Speed series seems to be a reboot in name only. It neither feels like a reimagining of earlier ideas or a refining of the series' roots, but more of a mishmash of parts from the franchise's long history. As such, it lacks any sense of real identity. Ventura Bay often feels empty, the story is inconsequential, and the AI opponents are infuriating at times. That said, vehicle handling is quick and responsive and makes driving a real joy, while performance upgrades and customisation gives players an almost unlimited number of ways to make their cars their own. Those looking for a racing title to surpass all others should look elsewhere, but fans of the series' earlier street racing scene won't be disappointed.

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7 / 10
Mar 18, 2016

Like the stereotypical school heartthrob, Need for Speed is vapid but beautiful and strangely exciting. It's a surprisingly enjoyable arcade racer, but one that's more for casual downtime than for a serious commitment.

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69 / 100
Nov 3, 2015

Need for Speed is not a horrible game, but it is definitely not the amazing 'reboot' experience I was looking for.

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Drew Leachman
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Nov 6, 2015

Even with its missteps, I really enjoyed Need for Speed. It tried to return to form in some aspects and it really scratched that itch I was looking for with a car customization game. It handles how the player wants it to, and while performance can be spotty in some instances, it's still a great looking and playing racing game.

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5 / 10
Nov 8, 2015

Need for Speed's got many of the parts required of a great racer, but it's lacking a mechanic to assemble them and apply a lick of paint. The cutscenes, as obnoxious as they may be, are the real stars here, which may just be an indictment of the game as a whole. Sure, the handling's good, but the events are insipid – and the visuals may sparkle, but Ventura Bay is as vanilla as open worlds come. For as pumped-up as its excitable cast of characters are, this reboot quite simply lacks energy. Now, has anybody got any Monster?

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Dec 2, 2015

Given the lack of content, the game feels like a work-in-progress with some poorly conceived features and contrivances that only diminish the game's few strengths.

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7.4 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2015

When the pedal is to the floor, its a great experience. However as soon as you let up and are left to explore the other aspects of the game, things start leaving a lot to be desired. The new direction of the franchise shows promise, but there is still a ton of room to grow.

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6.5 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2015

With strong arcade-style racing, great visuals and sounds, Need for Speed looks the part, but falls short in other areas such as poor A.I., limited body part options and lack of incentives to keep you motivated to race.

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6.5 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2015

Utilizing the full extent of the current-gen hardware, Need for Speed revs up into a promising experience that is all about underground and urban street racing, but that doesn't necessarily guarantee a smooth ride.

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Nov 3, 2015

The aesthetic of the game is immaculate, stark yet beautiful, suggesting what a Fast and the Furious might look like as helmed by Michael Mann.

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2.5 / 5.0
Nov 3, 2015

Need for Speed is likely to disappoint just about anyone who tries it out. Whether you're a casual fan looking to scratch a racing game itch, a younger player, or a loyal fan, there's bound to be something that frustrates you. Its story is run-of-the-mill, its competitive gameplay is undercooked, and its open world features are dull. Need for Speed tries to cast a wide net and instead comes up empty.

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Isaac Rouse
Top Critic
Mar 30, 2016

Electronic Arts' newest PC racing game is gorgeous, and offers lots of customization options, but it's super-buggy and features some of the most annoying characters in video game history.

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Top Critic
7.3 / 10.0
Nov 6, 2015

While Need for Speed may look and sound great from afar, it's sadly little more than a mostly empty box wrapped in shiny wrapping paper (and one which you can only open when connected to the internet to boot). If you're desperate for a new racing game experience, you could do worse, just bear in mind that your mileage will definitely vary.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2015

You'd be hard pressed to find an automaker willing to take an extra year to reset their car line much like Ghost Games did here with their second run on Need for Speed.  What we get is a more focused and competent racer but one seemingly unwilling to risk standing out from the crowd.

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