Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles Reviews
Rhapsody: The Marl Kingdom Chronicles is a must-buy for anyone seeking an RPG experience that makes it easy to see the beauty in the world around you.
Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles might struggle to stand up to modern RPGs, but it's a thoroughly charming bit of gaming history.
Memories of Marl Kingdom improves on its predecessor's weaknesses. Battles offer up a challenge and need to actually be thought about. The chapters in the game are set before, during, and after the events of the first two Rhapsody games, giving a deeper insight into the stories. Again, injected with musical intermissions, it’s an all-round better experience than Ballad of the Little Princess, albeit a much briefer one.
If you're a fan of RPGs, then Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles will be up your alley. You'll enjoy the graphics and fun music with simple gameplay mechanics.
Rhapsody II: Ballad of the Little Princess is a vastly improved sequel that is full of fun, charm, and whimsy while offering a much-needed challenge with its fresh take on a familiar battle system.
Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles lets players in the West finally explore the final two titles in the Rhapsody trilogy for the first time ever. Even if these two JRPGS are never going to be all time masterpieces, they are still great fun today, thanks to their unique charm.
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The simplistic JRPG gameplay was charming, even when it was first released, but it’s clear that this was designed for 90s gamers who simply wanted to experience a wholesome anime on their PlayStations. It’s unfortunate that the otherwise solid localization didn’t include English singing because the musical segments are a highlight in both games.
Nearly 25 years after their respective releases, Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles finally brings two good PS1 and PS2 RPGs once exclusive to Japan for modern platforms. Although they are not must-see games, both bring several unique elements that make them very fun and that will captivate fans of the genre who have never played them.
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In an age when RPGs are generally becoming increasingly dark, violent, brash, and serious, the brilliantly colourful humour-filled lightheartedness of these Rhapsody games shines through in a profoundly distinct fashion. From adorable characters to lovely musical numbers and rewarding combat to oodles of side-splitting jokes; there's certainly a lot to love here.
Despite the caveats, Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles is, without a doubt, the greatest act of love that NIS America has ever had towards its fans, while also honoring the legacy of Nippon Ichi Software on this side of the globe.
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Two musical slice of life RPGs for the price of one.
With Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles we have the perfect opportunity to play the second and third installments of the Rhapsody saga for the first time in the West and in English. It is true that this compilation has a very basic extra work - purely visual and localization - and that the opportunity to have compiled the Rhapsody trilogy including the first part has been lost, but even so we have ahead of us two JRPGs of a certain simplicity and more "cute" that deep, but that will entertain and surprise us with a staging in the form of a musical.
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Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles is a product of the late 90s, and it shows. Sure, it’s painfully easy, but man, if it isn’t super fun and quirky. It’s like comfort food, something I can play and immediately have the expectation that, yeah, I’m in for a delightful romp.
While only one of the games in Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles is a classic, Rhapsody II alone is reason enough to check this collection out. For those who enjoy the first two games in the series, Rhapsody III serves as a nice enough conclusion to the saga, but it’s really only for the truly hardcore fans of the series. Anyone who enjoys RPGs of its era, though, will find something to like in Rhapsody II which is a true classic that’s now available to a wider audience.
Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles is a lovely compilation of two well-remastered ports, giving us new takes on a forgotten franchise.
Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles is an efficient restoration of important titles for the fans of Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure who didn't have the opportunity to know the events beyond the end of Cornet's journey in her musical debut. It's also an interesting experience for those who, through the NIS Classics collections, got to know the titles that helped shape the structure of the modern titles made by the company and who want to have an explore games with concepts that are a little different from what we have nowadays.
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A charming and musical adventure in a classic RPG that will grab you. With its strategic but simple battle mode and fun characters, this release will be too short for you
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Charming and a bit odd at times, while much of the experience is a bit generic, odd touches like periodic musical numbers help it stand out
While the localization offers many belly laughs, I wish more had been done to update the experience and bring in newcomers to this wonderfully zany series. As delightful a game as Rhapsody II is, there’s just not enough of an update to invite anyone new to join in the fun.
Rhapsody: Marl Kingdom Chronicles is a charming package of two remastered musical PS1 JRPGs.