Lies of P Reviews

Lies of P is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Sep 13, 2023

Lies of P exceeded all my expectations and has instantly become one of my top games of the year. The story and lore drew me in, but it was the superb combat and eye-popping bosses that really cinched it for me. The lush gothic visuals and wonderful soundtrack merely seal the deal.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 3, 2023

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and when it comes to Lies of P, this game pays homage to Dark Souls and Demon’s Souls beautifully. It’s not going to win any contests for originality, but the original content here is certainly worth of remembrance. The puppet aesthetic is excellent, the story engaging, and the sheer amount of customization, alongside some memorable boss fights, makes this one of the best Souls-like games outside FromSoft’s catalogue.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 26, 2023

With a new take on the iconic character: "Pinocchio" and with creative takes on the souls genre, Lies of P looks like the closest we could get to having Bloodborne on PC that we are eagirly awaiting for hopefully (some day..)

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3 / 5.0
Oct 23, 2023

For those willing to overlook its shortcomings, the game provides a unique, albeit flawed, experience that adds a new chapter to the ever-expanding Souls-like genre.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 5, 2023

Lies of P is a soulslike that distinguishes itself mainly with its story and accessibility. The environments look beautiful and the well-known story of Pinocchio makes Krat and his surroundings feel like a fun city trip. Make no mistake, Lies of P may be a bit more accessible, but it punishes you mercilessly if you are greedy during the fights. A pleasant addition to the soulslike genre.

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8.7 / 10.0
Sep 26, 2023

For a game that so blatantly copies its source material, Lies of P does a surprisingly good job differentiating itself. What, at first glance, appears to be a modern Bloodborne clone, quickly becomes something much more nuanced. It takes the art style of Bloodborne, the combat of Sekiro, and the fascinating source material, mixing them all together to provide a unique offering. An undercurrent of stylistic flair is present throughout the entire game and is extremely evident right from the off. This genre is no stranger to failure, in more ways than one. But Lies of P does more than enough to find itself among the upper echelons of Soulslikes that have been crafted from the now-infamous FromSoftware mould. While the game does begin to run out of steam during its final hours, this takes nothing away from the overall experience. For a developer with no previous experience making this sort of game, Neowiz deserves a huge amount of credit for pulling off such a well-rounded and polished game. Make no mistake, Lies of P delivers on almost every level and is well worth checking out. Just don’t expect an easy ride.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 12, 2023

Lies of P is one of the most challenging, well made, solid executions of a Souls-like game and I know it will be a favorite amongst many!

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8 / 10.0
Sep 25, 2023

It's not for everyone and Lies of P is a cruel experience for the more relaxed, but it has several details that are so well done that I recommend it to anyone who wants to delve into a new alternative universe of the story of Pinocchio and company. It doesn't have the prominence of, for example, Elden Ring, but it has its own identity that, let's not lie, lets the player get involved and feel a mix of positive emotions (and some less positive ones when we die).

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 8, 2023

Lies of P is an excellent souls-like game, not particularly original and that could be improved in some aspects, but nonetheless capable of keeping the player glued to the screen thanks to a top-quality combat system, a well-structured progress system, and an engaging story full of references to Collodi's novel that serves as a fascinating steampunk world backdrop. A game that all lovers of the genre should try, maybe taking advantage of its presence in the Xbox Game Pass.

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Life is Xbox
94 / 100
Oct 4, 2023

Lies of P surprised me in the best way possible and has perhaps become the first of many soulslike games I will invest countless time into, really drawing me into the gameplay and design of challenging combat. Apart from the troublesome collisions during combat, I have had – and am still having – a blast with Lies of P and think many will say it shares good qualities with other soulslike games; perhaps being one of the better additions for those who are yet to try out the sub-genre? The gameplay is fluid, the audio is admirable, and the visuals look marvellous. Not to mention the thrilling combat and relief that comes with defeating bosses. Without a doubt, a great addition to the soulslike genre and one I would recommend to almost everyone.

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Worth your time
Oct 4, 2023

Lies of P is without a doubt a release that shouldn't go unnoticed by fans of Soulslike games. It's one of the best games of the genre and is definitely worth your attention if you love FromSoftware's games, such as Bloodborne for example. The game has a solid gameplay that is quite addictive and offers new ideas, such as the mechanical hand of "P" that offers different tools. Give it a chance and it will surely take you to a strange, dark and yet beautiful world. And remember, the lies are over!

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8 / 10.0
Oct 3, 2023

Lies of P is a very interesting game in the sense that it succeeds at emulating the look, feel and gameplay of From Software’s Souls games, most notably (and obviously) Bloodborne, but a handful of issues hamper it from reaching its full potential. It has some neat combat and RPG elements, as well as a fascinating world to explore, but it is also a bit too formulaic.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 3, 2023

For fans of Bloodborne (and Sekiro, to an extent), Lies of P is absolutely going to deliver on all those dreams of a spiritual sequel. It's a masterfully crafted Soulslike that doesn't do anything innovative but simply doubles down on what works - and shoots for the stars.

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4.8 / 5.0
Sep 29, 2023

The combat is immersive, engaging, and devoid of any glaring flaws to spare you from obtaining the ultimate action-packed experience. Again, this can be said for almost every aspect of the game. It’s no surprise that the newest entry to the Souls genre would borrow many mechanics from the likes of Bloodborne. However, at the same time, it still manages to keep its own identity. With that being said, whether you’re a Souls fan or not, Lies of P is definitely worth playing.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 2, 2023

Even when I was most frustrated, I found the game to be a magnificent beast with compelling environments, intriguing plots, and addicting combat that would leave me excited for more.

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90 / 100
Sep 22, 2023

Lies of P's storytelling is top-notch, with engaging stories and challenging character missions that immerse you in its universe. The Bloodborne-inspired fighting system is a highlight, rewarding an offensive approach to gameplay with a variety of exciting attacks. The game's story, setting, and mechanics are as impressive as anything else FromSoftware has made. Lies of P has quickly become one of our top picks by borrowing so many fantastic features from other games in the Souls-like genre.

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Noisy Pixel
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Sep 13, 2023

In Lies of P, players are treated to a meticulously designed Soulslike experience that challenges their skill and immerses them in a world of atmospheric intrigue. With its stunning visuals, twisted narrative, and excellent technical performance, Lies of P would be a must-play for any fan of FromSoftware’s difficult titles. However, the frustrating combat mechanics revolving around the dodge mechanic and some unbalanced battles prevent me from fully recommending this experience.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 26, 2023

Lies of P could use some tiny improvements here and there, but even at this stage is stands as an impressive title with an amazing combat system, level design, and replay value.

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Sep 15, 2023

Lies of P is a sublime Souls-like experience that has studied every lesson taught by the genre, and then iterated on them all. It’s an earnest, existential, but optimistic take on an old classic fairy tale, in a nightmarish world that’s a dream to play in.

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8 / 10
Sep 23, 2023

Lies of P is an excellent attempt by Neowiz to break into the problematic segment of souls-like games. And they handled almost everything with aplomb. Although, on the one hand, the game sometimes blatantly copies familiar elements, especially from FromSoftware games; maybe because of that, you won't realize you're not playing a game made by them. That's how good Lies of P is. It's a shame that it's brought down by some fundamental problems, though. Some of the biggest ones can be counted among the strange emphasis on unintuitive boss attacks, significantly underused lying mechanics, and the uninteresting nature of some of the locations. Fortunately, this is offset by the fantastic gameplay and overall atmosphere. Thus, Souls fans should not overlook this game.

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