Minecraft: Story Mode - Episode 1 - The Order of the Stone Reviews

Minecraft: Story Mode - Episode 1 - The Order of the Stone is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
No Recommendation / Blank
Oct 13, 2015

Mechanically you are left with a feeling that there was room for Telltale to - finally - stretch its template a little further than its standard 'side with one character or the other' choices. And if it didn't do so here, with the most open-ended licence going, then it may never. Like all recipes, if you have tried the end result too often then its taste may wear a little thin. But for lapsed Telltale fans or young Minecraft aficionados, Story Mode's opener is an enjoyable first bite.

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Justin Davis
Top Critic
7.3 / 10.0
Oct 13, 2015

Sparse interactivity and a lack of commitment to explaining this world and its inhabitants hold Episode 1 back, but I'm still absorbed in my story, and eager to find out what happens next.

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8.3 / 10.0
Oct 13, 2015

A Telltale experience through and through, the first episode is enjoyable and whets your appetite just enough to leave you wanting more

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Oct 13, 2015

Minecraft: Story Mode doesn't deviate from the well-established Telltale formula much, keeping both what works (the storytelling) and what often doesn't work (combat). Even so, it accomplishes something impressive. I was skeptical of Telltale's ability to tell a story in the Minecraft universe that would be interesting to people who weren't already fans of the game, but so far, the studio is pulling it off with aplomb.

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7 / 10
Oct 13, 2015

It's a slow start, but a pleasant one, for Telltale's narrative take on one of the world's most popular games.

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4 / 5.0
Oct 15, 2015

By focusing on a new concept that strays from their normally mature games, this episode paves the way for what is hopefully a great series from a great developer.

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Oct 15, 2015

Minecraft: Story Mode feels more like a Telltale adventure than a traditional Minecraft experience, but it's still a fun and unusual take on a world that, until now, has had almost no storyline.

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8 / 10
Jan 27, 2016

All told, Minecraft: Story Mode is a wild ride from start to finish, telling a riveting tale filled with plot twists and interesting characters. That being said, not everyone will be impressed with the fact that it's essentially an interactive movie. If you're the type of gamer who skips cutscenes and prefers satisfying gameplay, steer clear and look elsewhere for your gaming fix. If you're the type of gamer who appreciates listening to a good story (and don't mind stumping up the cash to hear the whole thing), then we would highly recommend this. Minecraft: Story Mode does an excellent job of breathing life into the somewhat anonymous world of Minecraft; this is one tale you'll want to hear.

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Top Critic
80 / 100
Oct 21, 2015

Minecraft: Story Mode will never have the same kind of success that Minecraft does. That's OK — few things do. But what's important here is that Telltale gets what makes Minecraft tick and has translated that into something that fits its story-focused mold.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2015

A solid, functional episode, but one clearly aimed at a younger audience and therefore less involving than previous Telltale adventures.

8 / 10
Oct 13, 2015

If Minecraft was around 25 years ago, this would be the Saturday-morning cartoon tie-in. And that's a good thing.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 13, 2015

Overall Minecraft Story Mode is a great start to a new series. Although the child-like visuals will put some Telltale fans off this is to miss the huge investment and achievement so far. If the series continues in this vein it's set to be warmly welcomed by both Minecraft fans and families.

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Oct 13, 2015

Will Story Mode pan out? Will it stand as one of Telltale's best? For now, the answer is… maybe. Episode One is a fun two hours with plenty of shout-outs to fans of the series while also a solid balance of gameplay and characters for those who've never combined flint, sticks, and a feather to create an arrow. As a "player choice via conversation" game, though, the plot so far is fairly standard.

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Oct 21, 2015

There's an echo of this sentiment in the sweetly childish tones of "Minecraft: Story Mode," a game that uses the mimetic architecture of storytelling to produce nodes of contemplation and self-inquiry. It's a subtle and sweet work made with an awareness that the best part of a journey comes when you realize that you are the story.

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7 / 10
Oct 13, 2015

An extremely slow start to Minecraft's first story adventure, but it's a game made with a clear love for the original and is bound to please most younger fans.

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5 / 10.0
Oct 13, 2015

There is some hope for this series to be great in the future, but The Order of the Stone is just okay. The Minecraft-specific gameplay is a nice way to shake up the usual formula. The blank slate of the universe allows the tale to go wherever it wants. The voice cast is full of actors who can do great work. But the writing needs to be more engaging if Story Mode wants to be taken seriously among Telltale canon.

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Oct 13, 2015

Minecraft might not have a story and lore of its own for Telltale to build upon, but that just means that a Telltale story can fit right in.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 16, 2015

If you've been looking for an official story set place in the Minecraft universe, this is as official as it's going to get. There's no denying the charm of the world that Story Mode takes place in, especially with the number of in-jokes that are thrown fans' ways. The story may not be particularly deep, but it is age-appropriate and will make for a great time to be shared with the younger Minecraft fans out there (and there are millions of them!). However, even for young, attention-deficit minds, The Order of the Stone feels like it ends a bit prematurely. If you or your child are fans of Minecraft, then this is an easy buy.

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6.5 / 10.0
Oct 21, 2015

Telltale's new point-and-click adventure nails the Minecraft vibe but fails to fill its world with memorable characters or much humour

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Oct 14, 2015

Minecraft: Story Mode gets off to a decent, but flawed start with Episode 1. The series is definitely going to be a more family friendly affair than its Telltale brethren, but not quite enough was done to accommodate the more mature gamer. Future episodes could help, but for now it is best to be wary, while still diving in if you appreciate the universe.

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