Shadow Warrior 2 Reviews
Shadow Warrior 2 is a game unlike any other. It's got the classic FPS gameplay that's been modernized lately, but it changes things up by mixing in RPG dungeon crawling mechanics. The end result works very well and it gives the game a great amount of replayability, even on subsequent playthroughs.
Frantic, funny and fantastic
FPS fans, Shadow Warrior 2 is just brilliant, dumb, fun. You won't regret investing your time and money in o this raunchy and a bit outrageous shooter, believe me.
Beautiful cover hides a boring lacking interesting ideas dummy. Maybe for the next game Flying Wild Hog will take into account and fix the numerous plot flaws, and we get more than a fancy benchmark or the ten minute time killer after a hard day.
Review in Russian | Read full review
Even with these issues Shadow Warrior 2 is still incredibly fun and endlessly entertaining. Add in the fact that it supports 4-player co-op online and it is a no-brainer. The console versions turned out well, just not as good as they should have been. For those without massive gaming PCs though it is not really an issue. This is a technically sound port of an incredibly great game. Don't miss it.
Flying Wild Hog has gone for ‘bigger is better' on Shadow Warrior 2, and occasionally that works. Sadly, there's too much open space and inconsistent combat to make it a memorable return for the puerile Lo Wang. These issues are patched over somewhat by the highly enjoyable co-op, where you get a fair share of chucks out of mowing down hordes of demons with pals.
The best way to play Shadow Warrior 2 is also the most exciting and rewarding, as hanging back and shooting from afar is not nearly as effective combing your firepower with blades, and magic.
Shadow Warrior 2 is a smart evolution of the solid framework established in the first game. Bigger guns, nastier enemies, grander levels and more friends means more Wang for everybody.
Ultimately, Shadow Warrior 2 is exactly what you might expect based on the prior game. There's not much change or growth from the previous adventure, and the script grows wearisome, but the gameplay is still fast, bloody, and fun.
Bloody retro shooter with deficits in control, along with friends but quite fun.
Review in German | Read full review
Brilliant in hour-long doses, Shadow Warrior 2 doesn't have the depth or variety in its core gameplay to hold your interest for hours at a time. The procedurally generated levels affect the flow and pacing of the missions, while all those ultra-violent battles become samey after a while.
The frenzy of the fighting is penalized by the new mechanics concerning the management of the character and the equipment, buy the excesses of the game that remained the same of the valid reboot published three years ago.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Shadow Warrior 2 is much like its predecessor: a gore-spattered first person kill-fest interspersed with lowest-rung lowest brow humour. Both of these elements are executed to excess, giving us a game that is equal parts head and eye-rolling. Still, it never stops entertaining if you have a taste for it!
Shadow Warrior 2 is a fast, gorgeous shooter with smart loot components, trapped inside a world and age that lost its luster ages ago. Where the core gameplay still feels fantastic, the story, world and mission structure gradually drag it down short of being a successor to the grandeur of its predecessor. An excellent shooter that could have used 99 percent less Wang.
Shadow Warrior 2's excellent combat mechanics cleave through its weak story and over-abundance of iffy loot. The result is a title that's incredibly satisfying to play, almost in spite of the surrounding flaws.
Shadow Warrior 2 is a delightfully bloody romp that pleases shooter fans of any age. Despite a short length and some technical hiccups, nothing can stop this game's crazy momentum.
If you're in the market for simple, viscera-packed thrills, then you could do a lot worse than Shadow Warrior 2. Yes, it's a bit repetitive (it's getting repetitive writing the word 'repetitive'), but it's also a lot of fun.
Decidedly old-school but feeling a bit uninspired, Shadow Warrior 2 is fun for some straightforward co-op action. It could have been more but what's there is good enough.
Lo Wang returns harder than ever. Shadow Warrior 2 is amazing game with well-thought gameplay, which will engage every fan of the oldschool in first person shooter genre.
Review in Polish |