Forma.8 Reviews

Forma.8 is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
2.8 / 10.0
Sep 20, 2017

Unfortunately, in its current state, I cannot recommend Forma.8 to anyone, even the most hungry fans of the Metroidvania genre. There are better games in that genre that explore similar feelings of isolation and there are better games on Switch that evoke that nostalgic feeling of older systems.

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5.5 / 10.0
Mar 23, 2017

Forma.8 is too expensive for what it offers. At times it seems needlessly oversimplified and lacking in way too many aspects.

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Mar 1, 2017

Whilst suffering from a very shaky start, once you acquire a few powerups Forma.8 transforms into another great addition to the metroidvania genre, and whilst it doesn’t do anything entirely new or original - borrowing a lot from its contemporaries - it excels at thinking outside the box with boss fights, whilst showcasing an intriguing wordless story within its isolated yet beautiful world - oh and we can’t forget about the bountiful secrets hidden within either. If you’re a fan of the metroidvania genre, or more obtuse games in general then should definitely look at picking up Forma.8.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2017

Forma.8 is a Metroidvania game with a pretty big world, which can and most importantly, you need to explore. Unusual protagonist, a confusing and interesting to explore the world, excellent music and attention to detail, in combination with the dark atmosphere of an unknown planet, creating a seamless experience, full of adventure.

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7 / 10
Aug 21, 2017

Forma.8 is a game that hit pretty much every platform over the course of the year, and now it's the turn of Nintendo's handheld hybrid Nintendo Switch. Does it translate? Well, yes dear reader, yes it does.

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Readers Gambit
Guest Writer
7 / 10.0
Mar 6, 2017

There’s a lot to like in Forma.8, from its loving echoes of the classics that influenced it to its sense of ingenuity, but it requires a lot of patience to get the most out of. It’s framed like a gentle indie palate cleanser but plays like a post-Dark Souls action game: it doesn’t hand you anything and it expects you to make the most of it.

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3.5 / 5.0
Feb 23, 2017

With plenty of exploration and a strong feeling of isolation, Forma.8 offers a different take on the Metroidvania formula. This is definitely a comfy game. It's perfect for sitting back on your couch, turning off your lights, and exploring the unique world it offers.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Sep 12, 2017

It is very difficult to complain about such an affordable and aesthetically-rich package. For its price point, Forma.8 is a surprisingly long and thoughtful Metroidvania-style experience.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Apr 17, 2017

forma.8 is all about exploring the environment, and to that end, it gives plenty to explore. With some clever enemies and bosses, and one of the most beautiful, yet minimalist, art styles around, it manages to set itself apart from so many other Metroidvania games. It suffers from its touchy controls, but is still worth a trip.

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7 / 10
Mar 15, 2017

With a remarkable visual environment and a demanding degree of difficulty, forma.8 will make the players come up with their own tactics to survive and present them with a large number of puzzles that make this a very interesting and captivating experience.

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7 / 10
Feb 22, 2017

Forma.8 is an aesthetically pleasing, exploration title with a great variety of environments and enemies to discover. Its presentation is wonderfully abstract, with ambient noise and a sense of loneliness creating a mysteriously enjoyable game that we recommend.

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3.5 / 5.0
Feb 22, 2017

MixedBag’s approach to a Metroidvania-styled explorer-type game is an admirable one.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 4, 2017

The unnecessarily slow movement speed turns Forma.8 into a bit of a slog at times, especially during long straight passages and when backtracking.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 24, 2017

All in all, forma.8 is a game that presents a lot of very fresh concepts that absolutely deserve to be explored further.

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7.5 / 10.0
Mar 29, 2017

Exploring the stylish world in Forma.8 is a joy. The endless backtracking can be a chore but overall Forma.8 is an enjoyable sci-fi title that fits the Metroidvania genre.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 22, 2017

Forma.8 isn’t the most original metroidvania-type in mechanical terms. It’s also a touch obtuse in its early hours, but the pulp sci-fi novel visuals, electronica soundtrack, and intriguingly drip-fed storytelling are reasons enough to warrant your attention.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 24, 2017

Forma.8 is hardly a flawless game, but it's a damn fine addition to the Nintendo Switch's library. The last third is almost perfectly executed and the finale genuinely surprised and left me craving more. It took a while to get there, but its closing moments left one hell of an impression.

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7.8 / 10.0
Feb 27, 2017

Forma.8 does not invent anything new in the genre, but it got an artistic design and sound section that fit perfectly and make you feel in an atmosphere that will catch you with its variety of puzzles and challenges adding a very tight curve of difficulty. It is a good metroidvania game.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 23, 2017

I’ve really been enchanted by forma.8 and the slow-paced tranquility it has offered me. In particular with craziness of a variety of types everywhere the ability to zone out, listen to the soothing ambient sounds and music, and progress through the gorgeous alien landscapes has been welcome. For me the need to keep track of everything I’ve seen and then try to recall where they were to backtrack to them later, leading to some aimless wandering at times, got a bit trying at times but it’s not much different than many other games of this type either. If you’re looking for something to enjoy at a slow and deliberate pace, while providing you periodic bursts of challenges for both your mind and your action reflexes, forma.8 is a perfect fit.

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8 / 10
Oct 7, 2017

From uncovering the remnants of an ancient civilisation to swerving through caverns overflowing with molten lava, forma.8 is a breathtakingly beautiful game that will astound at regular intervals. It’s the wondrous sense of discovery that sees it succeed, muddled in with some particularly exceptional puzzles.

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