Just Dance 2016 Reviews

Just Dance 2016 is ranked in the 34th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
2.5 / 5.0
Oct 24, 2015
8 / 10
Nov 9, 2015

Just Dance is the sort of title that most players will already have feelings about. For some, this game is their worst nightmare, being the centre of attention and dancing in front of a room full of people is a very different experience to sitting down for a night of snacks and shooting things. But this game isn't aimed towards that audience.It may not have ground-breaking graphics or a heart-string tugging storyline, but that doesn't matter. It achieves its purpose extremely well, allowing people to spend a night in together and have a great time. The soundtrack and the new features introduced this time around make Just Dance 2016 the definitive version of the series so far, meaning that it would be a great time for newcomers to the franchise to jump aboard, and also worth it for serious players from last year to upgrade.The Just Dance Unlimited Premium package seems a little stingy compared to other recent music releases such as FreeStyleGames' Guitar Hero Live, which doesn't force you to spend a penny, but other than that this is a very strong party game which does the job of being fun.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 27, 2015

Just Dance 2016 is best when playing with friends and family, but it's no more than a mild improvement on the last.

6 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2015

Despite my qualms, I had fun playing Just Dance 2016 -- but then again, it's hard not to. It's still a favored party game and one that has almost perfected the fun-for-all game model. Heck, it's reached a point where it's thrown in some mediocre new modes and a subscription model just to keep itself fresh, so in some cases you can call this a success. However you can also say that Just Dance is a dying breed, one that is taking its last breath to capitalize on the streaming craze that's enveloped our little gaming world. I say we don't think about it too deeply, and just dance.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Oct 6, 2015

Just Dance 2016 is a one trick pony and if you have beers and friends, or children who need to be entertained, it's a great way to spend a few hours. As a solo game it's a bit dull and you do start to notice that the tracking of your dancing is dubious to say the least. It's also somewhat of a half-way house between a full release and a subscription service, and behind the pumping beats of Lady Gaga you can hear the sound of the bottom of a barrel being scraped as superfluous new modes are added to the game and cheap cover versions are used.

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Nov 2, 2015

All in all, Just Dance 2016 is the same Just Dance that millions of party people in varying levels of enthusiasm and sobriety have enjoyed for seven iterations now (not counting the multitude of spin-offs). Nothing's really changed there. What has changed, though, is how badly Ubisoft wants to get in your phone, your living room, and your wallet.

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6.5 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2015

Fun but flawed, Just Dance 2016 is wildly entertaining with family and friends and offers instant pick-up-and-play appeal, but it needs a serious rethink in terms of its scoring system, track list and identity if it's to continue to be a success.

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8 / 10
Oct 29, 2015

Just Dance 2016 is great fun for people of all ages, and is an excellent game among friends. The tracklist is diverse and the dances are crazy, and the addition of using a phone as a controller is the best idea that the franchise has had in a while. It's got replayability, variation, and – most importantly – fun in spades. We don't think that we can make this any more clear – this game Derules.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 30, 2015

It's hard to deny that it is a fun thing to play with family and friends – even if the formula is in dire need of a shake-up. Its focus on having fun over meticulously learning dance steps makes its a great game for all ages, though it's "if it ain't broke, then don't fix it" approachis waring a bit thin.

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Nov 1, 2015

Just Dance 2016 provides little in the way of innovation for the long-running series, but the core gameplay still remains as solid as before.

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7 / 10
Dec 3, 2015

While its online component has lost some appeal and it does not offer significantly more content than its predecessor, the offline challenges and the musical catalogue have improved and in the end, it's a very entertaining and fun piece of gaming for groups.

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Oct 22, 2015

Just Dance 2016 gets the basics right. While that may be enough for most, it's in desperate need for an overhaul. It still needs a teaching mode and this writer isn't necessarily sold on the costly, poor execution of Just Dance Unlimited. Complaints aside, grab some friends, and Just Dance. It'll be okay.

games™ Team
Top Critic
7 / 10
Jan 20, 2016

One word: Chiwawa

4 / 5.0
Nov 9, 2015

In the end, Just Dance 2016 is a really fun party game on the PlayStation 4 that creates your own nightclub or disco experience in the comfort of your own lounge room. Sure, the gameplay isn't 100% accurate but deep down, Just Dance 2016 is a fun music experience that is filled with strange and sometimes awkward dancing that is ideal for two or more people.

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Dec 27, 2015

Just Dance 2016 is a great game for parties, where dance mat style of gaming is not feasible anymore. Not much has changed from last year and the subscription service seems to be the future of the series.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jan 3, 2016

More of the same with a new control scheme and a couple of new features. Nothing new to see but still fun, if you like that sort of thing.

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7 / 10
Oct 26, 2015

Just Dance 2016 has got its dancing game down to a science. It may not revolutionize the world of dancing as we know it, but it is the best iteration of the series thus far. Here’s to another year of hits.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Dec 8, 2015

Is Just Dance 2016 going to win any awards? Maybe not. However, like many of its best tracks, sometimes people just want to kick back and have a little fun. There is a lot of fun to be had here in a very polished formula and with very inventive music videos. There is a greater expanded online and social presence in 2016's version, with the new Showtime video recording mode, as well as sending other players challenges. However when the experience comes alive and starts to get in the groove is with other people in real life. It is a throwback and shows that gamers have not forgotten how fun it is to play games in the same room as others.

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Digitally Downloaded
Nick H.
Top Critic
Nov 4, 2015

Just Dance 2016 is by no means a poor game and the game delivers on everything it promises to. It has however reached the point that the Guitar Hero had several years ago, with regular releases and spin-off releases that oversaturated the market. Fans of the series looking for new songs to dance to will no doubt enjoy what is still a technically solid and fun game, but with so little new to offer other than modes that basically dress up the same core content in new modes, I worry that fan reception may begin to dry up. However, if you have been looking for a reason to use your Kinect and move around the living room to some new songs, this is a perfect reason to do so.

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6 / 10
Nov 17, 2015

Just Dance 2016 is a fun party game but its movement tracking does not offer enough precision to appeal to more competitive players. The track selection on the disk is a little lacking; with only a handful of big hitters available unless you are willing to pay for Just Dance Unlimited. The addition of the app makes it easier than ever to play with your friends and the ability for up to six players to dance at the same time provides lots of opportunity for choreographed hijinks.

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