That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles Reviews
If you're looking for a decent, but not overly demanding action RPG, you could do a lot worse than That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: Isekai Chronicles. It's a pleasant anime-based adventure, topped off with enjoyable action — but you'll need to endure some serious repetition along the way.
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles has a solid combat system let down by repetitive and boring dungeon design and a lack of depth in the town-building and character progression mechanics.
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Isekai Chronicles strives to retell a chunk of Rimuru’s story, but does so through this medium to limited success. A relatively static presentation and repetitive combat system make this a difficult entry point for series newcomers, while fans of the series may question some of the design choices as missed opportunities to fully translate Rimuru’s adventure from page to screen.
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime - ISEKAI Chronicles is likely to be enjoyed by fans of the franchise, but it won't wow them. It's a basic action RPG with fun 2D hack-and-slash sections that quickly become repetitive, and basic village building elements that feel underdeveloped.
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles is a fun enough sidescrolling adventure with some city-building elements thrown in, but is let down by a lacklustre execution, repetitive combat, and a relatively high price.
One more by-the-numbers anime-flavoured RPG, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles turns out to be a title whose most exciting feature is its name. With its boring story, repetitive gameplay, and general lack of challenge and incentive, it's impossible to recommend this to anyone but the most die-hard of fans… and even they can find better alternatives.
It may be simple and slightly rough in some aspects but That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles is still a satisfying 2D action game that will make you feel like a powerhouse, especially whenever you use your whole team to take down a hulking boss. 👺
I would love to talk more about That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles, but this experience is too simple to make for a deep review: he is shallow in almost everything he sets out to do, especially when he tries to sell a superficial building system content with being insipid. However, I won't be unfair: I was satisfied with the combat, which is well above average, with the way it retraces the story and with the care dedicated to the original work, but there is no incentive to revisit the title after a few hours invested. Depending on how much of a fan you are, it might be better to just stick to the anime.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime: ISEKAI Chronicles is yet another commercial attempt to please anime fans, but it misses the mark in terms of gameplay, structure, and technique. Its budget nature is evident from the polygonal graphics reminiscent of a 2006 game, combined with simplified, unvaried beat-em-up gameplay and an incomplete city-building aspect. The only reason to consider purchasing it is the two original stories, which are enjoyable thanks to various character interactions and some animated scenes, but even these are passable and unremarkable. It's always a shame to reject a title with potential, but out of respect for the audience, we must.
Review in Italian | Read full review
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI CHRONICLES is an experience that will probably please, to a certain extent, only people who already know and have some investment in the franchise. The little explored mechanics, in addition to the repetition and the dragged-out plot, do not help to either hold the attention of those who do not know anything or to be a gateway for the curious.
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In many ways, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: ISEKAI Chronicles is a fun game as its combo-focused 2D sidescrolling combat is fun, and it’s supplemented by a nice city-building mechanic that makes for a compelling gameplay loop. This game is far from perfect though as the core loop can instead feel dull for some players. Some issues with the fairly simplistic combat and city-building mechanic also get in the way of the experience. Still, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: ISEKAI Chronicles can be an engaging experience, though it’s one that we can only really recommend to existing Slime Isekai fans. For those who aren’t fans of the franchise yet, it would be better to give the anime a watch before trying this game out.
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles has fun combat and is remarkably faithful to the original material, offering an effective introduction to those who don't know the anime. Unfortunately, the game slips up considerably due to the shallowness of its mechanics and the constant repetition, resulting in an experience that doesn't sustain itself during the whole campaign.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles manages to be a fun and engaging action game on its own, and even those unfamiliar with the original work it's based on will probably be able to enjoy the experience. However, its multiple limitations mean it doesn't stand out as much within the action RPG genre as it could.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles is an anime game adaption I hope can get others onboard. Although as a fan of the anime, the game contains some things I wished it didn’t, I know these were included as something needed for the story. There are also the huge leaps of time we go through in the game that had me questioning the order in which we played certain events. I wished the developers had instead placed us at other points in time and had the two arcs at another juncture, so cannon events were not spoiled. Luckily I’ve been reading the manga and light novels to know when certain events happened, but not everyone would have done that. Overall this game was a fun and joyful experience for both me and the missus. I would love for other game studios to use this game to improve themselves. If there are any developers reading this that are hoping to make an anime video game adaptation in the future, please learn from these mistakes. Don’t do this kind of story cutting. The anime fans will be grateful!
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime Isekai Chronicles is one of those anime games that I’d say is more than serviceable, but isn’t extraordinary.
Overall, That Time I Reincarnated As A Slime ISEKAI Chronicles is not a terrible game, it’s just a mediocre and bland one that’s purely for fans of the source material. Or if you miss the old combat system of the classic Tales Of games, but you’re better off replaying those old Tales Of games instead.