Shadow of the Ninja - Reborn Reviews

Shadow of the Ninja - Reborn is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Sep 28, 2024

One of the NES’ best action adventure side-scrollers, Shadow of the Ninja, is back and you shouldn’t miss it.

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79 / 100
Aug 29, 2024

Shadow of the Ninja Reborn is a remake that lives up to the legend of the NES title, boasting beautiful pixel art, powerful music, and the inclusion of enemies and extra zones that expand on the original experience. A pity that the duration is short, as well as your survival in the game, but that's what it takes to be faithful to the 90 cartridge.

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6 / 10
Aug 29, 2024

Shadow of the Ninja - Reborn looks the part, this is a sumptuous 2D scroller that clearly loves the 1990s with unabashed and borderline obsessional desire. It effectively emulates the experience of playing a game from that era too. The problem is that includes dodgy controls, plentiful gameplay frustrations and difficulty spikes so sharp they'd make a 42-year-old man cry. And they did.

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Ollie Barder
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Sep 5, 2024

Overall, Shadow of the Ninja Reborn is much more than a remake. This is an all-new and lovingly crafted game that is both refreshingly technical and gorgeous to look at. Whatever they are feeding the team at Tengo Project is clearly very special. I just hope the powers that be get out of the way and let them make more games as good as this.

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8 / 10
Aug 29, 2024

Shadow of the Ninja - Reborn offers a tough and enjoyable return to this NES classic, expertly building upon what came before without erasing what made the original release great to begin with. Though it is a bit on the short side, there's enough replayability here to stretch out the experience for another few hours. We'd recommend this to anyone who's looking for a callback to the tough challenge of early Nintendo games-Shadow of the Ninja - Reborn has retro charm in spades and still stands tall even among modern 'neo-retro' platformers like Panzer Paladin and Gravity Circuit.

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9.3 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2024

Tengo Project strikes again, this time with its most ambitious work yet. A far cry from being a simple update of an old classic, Shadow of the Ninja - Reborn is a full-fledged remake made with inventiveness and respect for the source material, a true rewrite of an eight-bit game that has passed somewhat under the radar in the West. It could not have received a better redemption.

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7 / 10
Aug 29, 2024

Shadow of the Ninja Reborn is a worthy addition to the collection of any arcade or retro enthusiast. Even more than three decades later, mobility techniques and ninja gear combine to make it a compelling game, provided you're up to the challenge.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Aug 30, 2024

KAGE~Shadow of the Ninja feels like an old friend you haven't seen in years. Though their appearance and demeanor seem unchanged, something about them feels different, almost as if they're no longer the person you once knew. Without a doubt, new items, systems, and more thoughtfully designed bosses and levels have enriched the game's content. However, the increase in platforming sections has significantly altered the overall style of the game.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 4, 2024

Shadow of the Ninja – Reborn is an exceptionally difficult arcade-action game that's best enjoyed when shared with a friend. This release's gameplay and visual tweaks modernize the experience a bit, but it's still likely to appeal solely to those accustomed to the challenges of early '90s NES action games.

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9 / 10.0
Aug 29, 2024

Shadow of the Ninja Reborn is another hit for Tengo Project and Natsume Atari. This feels like it is their best work yet given the scope of the game, added content, and gameplay enhancements. You won’t find a better 2D action ninja game than this and it is not for the faint of heart.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 5, 2024

Shadow of the Ninja - Reborn has done a great job of updating the original game while paying homage to it by keeping the multiplayer option, be prepared for a challenge!

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7 / 10.0
Aug 29, 2024

There are certainly sections of Reborn that made me question how much fun I was actually having, but in truth I was largely enjoying myself. I wish Arcade Mode had a better and/or better explained save system, and it's entirely too easy to get overwhelmed with enemies and environmental hazards, but if tough as nails combat platformers are your thing, Shadow of the Ninja Reborn is a good time. And it's just so pretty.

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70 / 100
Aug 29, 2024

Shadow of the Ninja: Reborn is a good remake that reinvents the original game with a lot of beauty, without losing the spirit of futuristic 8-bit and 16-bit ninja games. However, this also means that the controls are rigid and the level of difficulty can be an obstacle for part of the public, making it more recommended for those who like to replay the levels to learn, gradually mastering the game until they manage to finish their six stages.

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Sep 12, 2024

Considering that currently, less than half of players beat level 1, you know that Shadow of the Ninja - Reborn is one brutal game.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 29, 2024

Ultimately, Shadow of the Ninja: Reborn knows what it wants to be and doesn’t deter from the path. It is meant to exist within the era of the original while having a brand new visual look that really is breathtaking in its execution. While I personally would have loved to see some changes to the movement system, and a better method to use your items, I can respect the developer’s choice to maintain the appeal of the original and what games of that era played like, even if I feel it makes for more frustration than anything else. Shadow of the Ninja: Reborn is a gorgeous remake meant to appeal to those looking for a challenge and to dive into the love those players have for this type of game.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2024

Shadow of the Ninja: Reborn can be infuriating at times, due to clunky platforming and a borderline irritating level of difficulty, but if you take it as one of those challenging arcade games which want you to memorize pattern recognition and enemy placements, you can have quite a bit of fun with it. If you have the patience, that is. As a fun arcade pasttime, meant to be played in shorter bursts, and also thanks to its pretty good presentation, Shadow of the Ninja: Reborn is a pretty decent recommendation.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 29, 2024

Difficulty spikes and sluggish controls detract from the experience in an otherwise enjoyable game. However, the gameplay fundamentals are solid and the game looks and sounds amazing.

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8.3 / 10.0
Sep 6, 2024

Everything that made Shadow Of The Ninja a NES classic is present in this new installment and that makes this reboot put the cult game from Nintendo's 8-bit back in the spotlight.

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No Recommendation / Blank
Aug 30, 2024

Another classic escapes the clutches of time, this time with a visually and mechanically exciting remake that revitalizes what could have been a forgotten game in the history of video games.

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3.75 / 5.0
Aug 30, 2024

Shadow of the Ninja Reborn is a great remake of the original 1990 game, but its difficulty spikes can scare some players away. Still, if you’re looking for a fun challenge, this remake is for you.

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