Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Reviews

Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown is ranked in the 11th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Pure Xbox
Top Critic
5 / 10
Sep 8, 2024

Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown is a really tough game to sum up in its current state. The game's vast open world and asphalt driving physics give the title a solid base to launch from, and we definitely think this series still has something to offer that differs from the likes of Forza Horizon and The Crew. However, Solar Crown's issues run deeper than launch-week server load, and the game needs quite a bit of tweaking to feel properly finished. Nacon and KT Racing are intending for this to be an ongoing live service game, and as long as the teams stick with it, we definitely think this new Test Drive game will be hugely improved months down the line. We can't recommend Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown right now, but if you're into your big open world racers, we definitely think this one is worth keeping an eye on as it gets fixed up and improved - you should be able to get it on discount that way as well.Solar Crown is yet another rocky launch for the franchise after similar issues plagued TDU2 back in the day - but that game did go on to become a bit of a cult hit, so there's hope for this Test Drive Unlimited title yet. It just needs a bit more time and attention for its solar crown to start to shine.

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5 / 10.0
Sep 14, 2024

A bog standard racing game that borrowed a lot from its competitors and offered nothing new. And it's always-online, too. Not a complete wreck, but we expected something much better.

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60 / 100
Sep 12, 2024

There are several problems that end up leaving the Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown experience far below expectations. However, none is worse than all the technical aspect present, delivering a game in a depressing way at its launch. Fans of racing games and the most patient waiting for improvements can still enjoy the positives if they decide to face the game in its current state.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Sep 4, 2024

A relatively triumphant return for the long-dormant franchise, Solar Crown still has a ways to go before it can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with its peers, but for now it's off to a good start.

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6 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2024

A pointless always online requirement, underwhelming car variety, and terrible progression system hinder what could have otherwise been a decent open-world racing game. I legitimately think that this can still be salvaged with a big fat update, removing some of these dated online requirements, rearranging the in-game economy, and reworking the visuals and GPU optimization to an acceptable degree. The gameplay itself is good, and the controls are actually decent. There is a foundation for something great in Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown. It’s just buried under tons of glitches, pointless commercial decisions, and an undeniable amount of jank.

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5 / 10.0
Sep 15, 2024

Test Drive Solar Crown turns out to be a huge wasted opportunity for the time being, due to the many problems it is plagued with and the lack of features that have characterized the TDU experience in the past. Still, KT Racing got the drivability and game world right, so the hope is that with good post-launch support, the rest will gradually improve.

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Sep 10, 2024

Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown offers solid gameplay and a great setting but is ruined by severe technical issues and poor server performance.

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Sep 4, 2024

KT Racing is presenting its most ambitious project to date, but any and all good ideas fall by the wayside when it comes to technical quality and some decisions in the design of the progression.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

5 / 10.0
Sep 4, 2024

Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown is unfortunately not a successful return to the Test Drive series. Poor technical condition, huge grind and lack of innovation are the main elements of the “ big” return of this series. The only thing that saves Solar Crown from total failure is the pleasant driving model and the very well replicated map of Hong Kong. However, I am feeling hopeful that KT Racing will take matters into their own hands and start fixing the game as soon as possible, because to experience such problems with the Day One patch is no excuse.

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