The Plucky Squire Reviews
A stylish, distinctive, and intriguing action-adventure platformer. It's not challenging, long, or mechanically deep, but it oozes magic from every 2D or 3D pore.
Review in Italian | Read full review
The Plucky Squire combines 2D action-adventure with 3D platforming for a 4th wall breaking good time while serving as a family-friendly love letter to the art and literature that creatively inspires us.
Meta spin on arts-and-crafty games has you helping an eccentric trio able to access the world outside their story to battle the evil Humgrump
Every moment and action is meticulously thought-out, the art style is beautifully tactile as you can almost feel the pores of each page of the book, and with characters like Moonbeard always a joy to interact with, The Plucky Squire is a classic we can only hope to see more of.
Ultimately, price does factor into the equation too, and with its debut on the market at the higher end for games of this scope, it’s a perfect pickup on sale, but a tougher ask upon release. There’s great value here if you’re after a quick treat, but for those seeking more bang for every buck, you may be best waiting a while.
All told, Jot's maiden adventure is a resounding success, a confident melding of mechanics, personality, and charm, all executed with a degree of confidence that few developers can match for a first release. The seams of its ambition are seldomly seen, certainly not to the degree where it would overly detract, and as result within the eye-catching pages of The Plucky Squire lies a story that everyone should give a read.
The Plucky Squire is an exceptional experience that I would recommend to most gamers. While the build-up is a bit slow and the story portions break up the gameplay a little too much, the title is still a worthwhile experience.
Although the game was a lot of fun and I enjoyed the actual gameplay elements of it, the story just didn't grab me. Initially, I was also deterred by the massively contrasting art styles and the finicky menus. Overall, the game is a pleasant experience, appropriate for gamers of all ages. If the story had some more flashy dramatics, it may have pulled me in earlier. The Plucky Squire is very evidently a product made with a lot of love, and you can tell that from the level of polish it has.
The game looks great, especially the 2D parts and their animations. While it's geared toward kids, it's still a fun game for adults, too.
Review in Italian | Read full review
The Plucky Squire is an absolute triumph of artistry and gameplay. I didn’t even mention the stellar narration that is done by Philip Bretherton, his voice gives the tale being told a certain gravatas, I do wish that the individual characters were voiced but you don’t really miss it with the amazing music and killer narrator. The Plucky Squire’s a charming, inventive, and utterly delightful adventure that deserves a place in every gamer’s collection. Whether you’re drawn to its unique mechanics, captivating story, or simply the joy of exploring a beautifully crafted world, this game offers something special for everyone. Don’t miss out on this enchanting journey—The Kingdom of Mojo needs their hero!
Still, the essential excitement of turning the page to discover what's next is so powerfully represented in The Plucky Squire, and the game retains this energy into its final chapters, even while otherwise lacking notable tension or danger. It’s an entertainingly busy book to play through, but it's a pity that many of The Plucky Squire’s best ideas are ultimately underexplored. Perhaps these are just being held back for any plucky printed new worlds to come.
The Plucky Squire is a delightful adventure that surprises with fun ideas in every chapter. The world within the book offers unique puzzles and challenges, which is compounded by Jot's ability to leap from its pages into the third dimension. Though the combat's kinda flat, and some elements deserve to be used more often than they are, there's an undeniable joy to the game's constant imaginative ideas. It's a short but sweet game that'll win over players of all ages.
The Plucky Squire, or The Valiant Little Page, is indeed the sweet candy it claimed to be at each of its presentations. It feels good to return to childhood, to have a monster foot without having your retina exploded by effects in all directions.
Review in French | Read full review
That context lends real stakes to the fictional pursuits of Jot and his two childhood friends: Violet, a witch who dabbles in painting, and Thrash, a mountain troll with a penchant for drumming. Their successes are Sam’s, and the player’s. The Plucky Squire emphasizes the importance of our dreams, hoping to motivate players in the same way that the book within the game aims to cheer on Sam. Creativity doesn’t have to be perfect—it just has to be inspiring. And in that regard, The Plucky Squire knows how to always pick itself up and keep going.
The Plucky Squire es a truly magical adventure and action game with a lot of emphasis on well designed puzzles. It's outstanding look that combines 2D and 3D graphics makes it one of the most beautiful games ever made.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
The Plucky Squire is a creative and beautiful adventure game that has not yet reached its full potential.
Review in German | Read full review
Hooking me right from the start and eliciting pure joy all the way to the end, The Plucky Squire has gone the extra mile in rewriting what should be expected out of an action-adventure such as this. By drawing from classic inspirations and adding its own spin on things, this is a game that leverages its creativity in all the good ways, and ultimately writes a happy ending not just for Jot and his friends, but hopefully, also for the future of its creators.
When it came to the end credits, the writer immediately thought: if I had a daughter or a son, I would recommend them to play The Plucky Squire in my company.
Review in Italian | Read full review