Saturday Morning RPG Reviews

Saturday Morning RPG is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 5.0
Oct 2, 2013

Saturday Morning RPG has a few issues, but none are glaring. The writing occasionally falls flat, and at several points a glitch caused my view to be obstructed while using a timed button-press attack in combat, but the game remains wholesomely charming and fun throughout. The jokes may not have draw a guffaw, but the pure innocence of the writing and the world does exactly what it intends to: remind you of those great lost Saturday mornings. And at that, Saturday Morning RPG is quite successful.

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7 / 10
May 5, 2018

As a loving tribute to JRPGs and '80s pop culture, Saturday Morning RPG has rough edges a-plenty and even more bright ideas. It can frustrate and baffle, particularly if you're not au fait with the period, but it's always keen to invite you into its world.

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85 / 100
Apr 26, 2018

Saturday Morning RPG is an extremely fun and heart-filled adventure, giving a great homage to the 80's. At $9.99 this game is definitely worth playing for the geekdom alone. I would have liked to play through even more adventures, but  I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually get some DLC with more episodes down the road. I hope everyone who plays this game enjoys it as much as I did!

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Nov 3, 2016

Saturday Morning RPG's welcome nostalgia trip to the eighties provides five fun episodes and two bonus modes for its players to sink their teeth into. Although its combat eventually grows tiresome and its quests verge on lackluster, the well-written dialogue, outstanding music, constant infusions of humor, and nonstop pop culture nods keep it from feeling like it overstays its welcome.

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Justin Celani
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Oct 26, 2016

While the game isn't super hard, there can be some tricky moments of knowing when to best save up your energy, heal, or attack. Nothing too troublesome for a RPG vet. The sticker system for bonus stat perks, trapper keeper live cover, and the various special attacks from a moon walk glove to a transformer semi, are fun to use and to see.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Feb 2, 2016

I cannot recommend this game enough if things like Transformers, G.I. Joe, and He-Man make you smile. This game will have you grinning ear-to-ear from start to finish.

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Jan 27, 2016

While it doesn't come to a satisfying conclusion, Saturday Morning RPG remains an entertaining light-hearted romp that will strike all the right chords for those that grew up with Transformers and G.I. Joe.

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8 / 10
Dec 13, 2016

Saturday Morning RPG is a solid title and worth taking a look into if you're either a fan of the 80's or RPGs. While the QTE aspects can tire out early on, the rest of the game is solid enough on its own with a decent plot. Toss in all of the references and callbacks to the 80's and you're in for a treat.

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Renan Fontes
Top Critic
5 / 10
May 15, 2018

Although Saturday Morning RPG certainly captures the feelings of playing a Saturday morning cartoon, that quality may very well be its downfall. The episodic format, coupled with the fairly involved battle system, make for a breath of fresh air in the early game, but they quickly become repetitive and rather dull, much like a typical '80s cartoon. The aesthetic is plenty pleasant and the writing has its moments of charm, but Saturday Morning RPG is ultimately a JRPG not meant to be played powered through. In small bursts, its combat and episodic story structure might shine, but they fall apart quite hastily when played all at once. It's best to take each episode a week at a time, like a proper Saturday morning cartoon.

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Digitally Downloaded
Lindsay M.
Top Critic
Nov 11, 2016

In a way, Saturday Morning RPG is even more retro than its theme would suggest: it was retro when originally released back in 2012, and now its double the retro with ports to current generation consoles. Retro squared? Regardless of how much I can say retro in this paragraph, the word truly does represent the heart and soul of Saturday Morning RPG. At one point above I described battles as a "love story to the past," and that statement is at the core of all that Saturday Morning RPG is.

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Top Critic
May 11, 2018

Despite its repetitive qualities, Saturday Morning RPG did keep me entertained for quite a few hours.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 30, 2018

Saturday Morning RPG has a lot to like. The presentation is top notch, the gameplay is excellent, and the vast amount of ‘80s references sprinkled throughout the episodes are fun, promoting a positive vibe. I wish the world had a bit more depth, and the difficulty spikes get annoying fast. But with Saturday Morning RPG, the positives end up outweighing the negatives.

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May 3, 2018

While the game is the same on, say, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, the Switch version does have the advantage of allowing you to play the game at home or on the go, and you can also use the touchscreen to play the game when in Portable or Tabletop mode. So if you're looking for a new way to play Saturday Morning RPG, or if you still haven't played the game before, then this is definitely the version you can should try today!

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Apr 27, 2018

The heavy reliance on nostalgia does wear thin and lose its comedic appeal, and from there you're only left with a workable, but very limited, turn based combat system, and not much more.

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7.8 / 10.0
Nov 8, 2016

Saturday Morning RPG maintains an enjoyably light-hearted and nostalgic atmosphere through its excellent soundtrack, 80's reference-filled writing, and entertaining special attacks. The experience is lessened by repetitive gameplay, outdated 3D graphics, and a not-as-strong-as-anticipated amount of replay value. Regardless, it's a worthy addition to any turn-based RPG fan's gaming library, especially if they love their 80's movies.

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May 24, 2018

All in all, Saturday Morning RPG provides a memorable jaunt down RPG paths with solid role-playing mechanics that are as effective as they are zany.

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Nov 11, 2016

If being a kid in the 80s was half as fun as this game was then I need to get on the phone to the Doc and build me a time machine. Sure, the battle mechanics may not work all the time, and they get tedious after so long, but it has real humour in almost every aspect. It’s one of the very few games that has actually made me laugh out loud. Humour is perhaps the one things games have continually struggled with on the whole, but Saturday Morning RPG nails it. The story is interesting enough to keep you invested because of the wide range of characters that transcend all genres and for the price you really would be a knucklehead not to pick it up.

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7.8 / 10.0
May 14, 2018

Saturday Morning RPG offers a short-but-sweet RPG experience that doesn’t break boundaries within the genre, but still offers plenty of fun. It’s quirky and neat, whilst the constant 80s pop culture references kept a smile on my face from start to end. Whilst it can start to grow a little repetitive with time, its short length ensures that it never outstays it’s welcome. Add to that the bonus of a fairly low price point, and it’s easy to see that Saturday Morning RPG is a worthy addition to anyone’s Nintendo Switch library.

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 28, 2018

If you’d like a trip down the 80s memory lane with some decent RPG gameplay layered on top you probably will enjoy Saturday Morning RPG, warts and all. The jokes are punny, some of the renaming to protect the innocent is clever, but the experience really hinges on how you react to this. If you reject it there’s pretty well no chance it will be fun, but if you embrace it there’s just enough there to keep it consistently entertaining. This feels like an experience that hit its target objectives well, just by its nature it’s a thoroughly niche experience so enjoyment is in the eye of the beholder.

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Apr 28, 2018

Saturday Morning RPG is a trip down memory lane, if you grew up in the 80's you might enjoy this casual JRPG featuring an excellent soundtrack. On the other hand if you are after a deep and rewarding game then this won't be for you.

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