Yakuza 0 Reviews

Yakuza 0 is ranked in the 96th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Jan 23, 2017

Yakuza 0 is easily one of the highlights of the PlayStation 4's lineup. An engaging story mixed with zany humor and over-the-top brawler gameplay, the title hits all the marks. It has its flaws, including a potential overreliance on non-brawling minigames, but they're not enough to drag down the game. Fans of the franchise should be delighted, and newcomers should find this title as a great place to dive in. The plot, characters and setting are instantly accessible, and the gameplay holds up extremely well.

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9 / 10
Jan 21, 2017

Bold, stylish and beautiful, Yakuza 0 is a worthy entry point for the series.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 20, 2017

As someone who never played a Yakuza game through before and had only watched bits and pieces of previous entries Yakuza 0 delivered a hefty, meaty package that has now secured my residence in its world. I can imagine that for veteran Yakuza players this game is probably even better but I can’t recommend it enough if you have never played a Yakuza game before. The story here is the perfect jumping in point and it just has so much fun content within that it’s just hard to believe.

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10 / 10
Jan 19, 2017

Yakuza 0 is a massive game with a lot of content. SEGA have outdone themselves, harnessing the power of the PlayStation 4 to take us back to 1988 in a wonderful and colorful setting. The streets feel alive and colorful, and the animations are well executed. My only real gripe is that there is no Dual Audio since we only have Japanese voices with English subtitles, but this was to be expected since having an English voice cast record everything would have increased the game’s budget and development time considerably, and we would have had to wait for several additional months before being able to play this masterpiece. If you’re a fan of the Yakuza series, you’re going to love this release. And if you’re not then I’m sure Yakuza 0 will make you a fan in no time!

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8.6 / 10.0
Jan 19, 2017

An arcade style beat em’ up that offers as much wacky nonsense as it does serious crime drama, this prequel fits in nicely with previous installments. With Yakuza Kiwami (a remake of the original) hopefully arriving this Summer, Yakuza 0 can easily be called the perfect entry point for the series.

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Jan 19, 2017

For all its humour, its intelligent noirish thriller narrative, and the sheer amount of stuff to do, Yakuza’s real strength forever remains in the little details that it gets right about its representation of Japanese cities. Kiryu wanders into a convenience store to buy health supplements (restorative potions, in the vernacular of other JRPGs), and I’m homesick for Japan - even the convenience stores are exciting shopping trips in that country, I swear. Goro wanders down a street, and the lighting from the signs on the street makes me wish I was back in Japan right there and then.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Jan 19, 2017

Yakuza 0's focus on refinement over ambition proved to be the right decision. This game features a very well-told story that's filled with an assortment of great characters and memorable moments. It's also a breakout moment for Goro Majima. He tends to get the short end of the stick when it comes to characterisation, but here, Majima really comes into his own. The style select sub-system is a fantastic addition, because it allows for a level of flexibility that hasn't been seen in any of the previous entries. The expected massive amount of side content also benefits from an increased level of interdependency. Pursuing the multitude of amenities around town is rewarding in so many ways. This entry raises the bar for both the Yakuza series and action RPGs.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 20, 2017

Yakuza 0 is such a great crime drama that it's impossible to put it away until it's finished. Also amazing side missions, fun mini-games, difficult challenges — better try it yourself.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 6, 2017

Yakuza 0 is unique in that you do not need any introduction to the series to enjoy it, it is a prequel after all.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 19, 2017

Yakuza 0 may not have the best visuals or the biggest game world but its outstanding gameplay and amount of content make it a must-buy prequel for fans of the series.

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90 / 100
Jan 2, 2017

Have you ever wanted to punch a couple of drunk thugs so hard that they sobered up and paid you for the privilege? If the answer is yes, then Yakuza 0 is the game for you. It’s hilarious when it shouldn’t be and serious when it should. It’s combat system may seem a little stale at first but I promise that once things heat up – you’ll never put the controller down.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 2, 2021

Yakuza 0 undoubtedly proves to be a must-have title for fans of this incredible saga. Likewise, it is a great starting point for those who want to start this journey. It manages to integrate the player well into its story, while making the perfect connection with the first original title, without leaving any loose ends or anything unexplained. Despite some minor technical problems, Yakuza 0 manages to take the player to the extremes of emotions with its remarkable story and a world full of magic and activities to do.

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9.5 / 10.0
Oct 16, 2020

Yakuza 0 suffers from a few bumps here and there, but like its stalwart protagonist, it stands up and doesn't let those stop it from being a truly superb experience.

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95 / 100
Aug 3, 2018

Yakuza 0 is a Japanese treasure rich in content, details, history and characters. A great game that is only slightly clouded by some outdated mechanics at my personal discretion and the one that is entirely in English. The amount of secondary activities, the plot, the soundtrack and its gameplay almost completely eclipse these shortcomings. A game that everyone should experience, whether or not it appeals to them.

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8.8 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2020

Overall, Yakuza 0 is fantastic. Two protagonists. Two engaging storylines. Six combat styles that just make this beat ‘em up style worth continuing on for hours at a time without feeling boring. Between all of the elements, my only regret is that it’s taken this long to get into this series and I’m very much looking forward to my upcoming journey’s through the current six titles while everyone waits for Ryu ga Gotoku Studio’s Yakuza 7 to get localized.

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8.7 / 10.0
Mar 15, 2020

Yakuza 0 is a great prequel for this series, it shows some core characters in their prime and sets up an intriguing narrative to explore.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 9, 2020

Full disclosure, I’ve never played a Yakuza game before this one, however I was intrigued by the unique yet complex game series. So after playing for 50 hours, I can say that Yakuza 0 on Xbox One and Windows 10 is amazing.

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8.7 / 10.0
Jan 30, 2017

A great intro to the series for newcomers and another solid installment for fans, Yakuza 0 offers a hard-hitting pulp story about rising to power in the glamour of 80’s Tokyo. Whether you’re street brawling with some drunken thugs or managing your business like a boss, Yakuza will make you feel like a tatted up Japanese gangster.

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8.7 / 10.0
Mar 5, 2017

If you’re a fan of story rich games, 3D brawlers or just content rich games then Yakuza 0 should be on your radar. Some may be put off by the lack of an English voice acting option but, as previously stated, the localisation team have done a great job in making it a joy to read and genuinely funny in places. There’s so much to do and being able to partake in the story of the series from the very beginning makes it great for newcomers too. If you’re looking for something you can spend hours exploring and still not see it all, then Yakuza 0 is definitely something worth your consideration.

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Feb 28, 2017

Yakuza 0 is over the top, but damn it I wouldn't have it any other way.

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