Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator Reviews
Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator is a pretty silly experience, even when it doesn't mean to be. The concept of choosing words and phrases to form an insult out of is clever enough in isolation, but the novelty wears off pretty quickly once you've played through a couple of matches. Any kind of strategy or technique is hampered by some iffy rules on point-scoring, so the online multiplayer - while a welcome addition - is dragged down by that same awkward repetition, whether your opponent is human or AI. For what it's worth, there's maybe an hour or so of decent fun here if you don't mind your insults making very little actual sense, and the price is just about in line with that. Not to be insulting, but it feels like maybe this game could have used a little more work, and its mother was a louse-ridden socialite who married an ambidextrous vole.
While the concept of Oh…Sir! The Insult Simulator is undoubtedly novel, it is disappointingly lacking in its execution. Its charm, which in itself is already given to subjectivity due to differing tastes in comedy, wears off pretty fast and the game soon degrades into a repetitive and predictable slog. And while it's hard to argue against its $2.99 price tag, a higher price would have been easily welcomed if it meant more content. Simply put, while the game is genuinely fun at first, there's just not enough of it to go around as it currently stands.
Funny in small doses, the concept of Oh Sir…! The Insult Simulator is sound but the execution is lacking. Some great character voice work and the occasional witty retort isn't enough to keep you laughing for long with the game's scoring system and nonsensical dialogue dampening the humor.
Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator is no a bad concept, but the way it works (building grammatically correct sentences that doesn't make any sense but are still considered efficient) makes it really annoying.
Review in French | Read full review
While Oh…Sir! isn’t a particularly extensive or detailed game, it’s a blast to play if only to see how ridiculous and over-the-top your insults can become. A colorful cast with full voice-acting support, a small yet varied selection of stages, and the unique humor come together to create something that’s a fun time-killer and easy to get the hang of.
Oh Sir…The Insult Simulator! looks charming, but on a list of things I'd rather be doing instead of playing it, French-kissing a live jackhammer rates higher on my schedule.
Aside from being incredibly fun to play, by yourself or with a friend, the game captures that silly Monty Python vibe exceptionally well. Hours of slanderous and humorous enjoyment await players in this simple to play argument battler.
Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator is a dumb-fun experience for the cost of nearly nothing. Its wittiness and sizable options for insulting, as well as its online/offline modes, will keep you entertained for a while, but in short stints.
"Your father is fat and has never seen Star Wars!". How can anybody pass the opportunity to tell this to the God himself for €2.99?
Review in Polish |
Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator it's a simple game, but also an original one, which will often make you laugh.
Review in Italian | Read full review
So many games attempt humour and wit and fall painfully short of the mark, but Oh…Sir! manages to be outrageously funny without trying too hard.
It’s going to sound weird but Oh… Sir! is a quite a charming game given the context. It has an art style that certainly will not be winning any awards but is weirdly amusing to look at, much like the rest of the game.
The character design is strong and piecing together odd insults has a sense of charm that many wish it had. However limited dialogue options and even fewer scenarios leave much to be desired from a longevity aspect. There is fun to be had especially in a local multiplayer setting, but it still does little to make this more than a paper thin experience.
Eventually the charm of the game's scenarios and limited number of characters wears off; one gets the point. Perhaps Insult Simulator won't be the game you play longer than Persona 5, but I have no quarrel whatsoever with games that know what they can deliver and avoid overstaying their welcome. Insult Simulator is one such game, and it is no insult to say I had much fun with it.
So, my final verdict is pretty simple. Is Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator worth buying? Yes, most definitely. I had a lot of fun playing it, and there's a ton of replay value here to justify a sale.
Bringing an unusual proposal, Oh...Sir! The Insult Simulator allows the player free to duel against a CPU or another player in a competition for the best insult. Sentences are based on humor and fun, instead of heavy swearing. It's a casual game that entertains in short sessions, given the small roster of characters and scenarios.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Oh Sir!… The insult Simulator is a perfect party game on PS4. You'll be able to have a couple of beers, keep some snacks nearby and take a swing at insulting everyone in attendance! And as you have fun with friends and family, you'll slowly work your way towards the mighty Platinum trophy at the end of the road. If you're looking for a clever and certainly different game on PS4, then get Oh Sir!… The insult Simulator today!
A briefly funny but ultimately shallow experience that throws all of the progression into the less interesting mode and wears its inspirations on its sleeves.
Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator is a great little party game that also manages to hold the attention of players who may be by themselves. Unfortunately, as one of the game's trophies puts it very plainly, there's not enough to justify playing the game for extended periods of time. This is definitely best enjoyed in short bursts, otherwise it runs stale alarmingly quick.
'Oh...Sir!! The Insult Simulator' feels like the kind of party game idea that devs would bandy about at a brainstorming session, briefly reminiscing about Monte Python before tossing it into the bin with the other bad ideas. Instead, Vile Monarch actually went through with making it, and I can say in no uncertain terms that it is not my cup of tea.