DiRT 4 Reviews

DiRT 4 is ranked in the 91st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
8 / 10
Oct 17, 2017

Despite fan fears, DiRT is still the best rally simulator on the market. The game in particular will appeal to those who waited for the continuation of the main series. We hope that project will be able to expand its userbase and in the future developers will please us with new licenses and really beautiful graphics.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Jun 12, 2017

Dirt Rally was easily the best rally game we had in years, but sadly Dirt 4 is a bit of a let down. The graphics may be stunningly beautiful, but the gameplay isn't nearly as fun as in Dirt Rally. A good rally game, but far from perfect.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Jul 6, 2017

There is a lot to see and do in DiRT 4, and it is all well-designed. I feel like the career mode has a little too much micromanagement for my tastes, but I appreciate the additions. For fans of classic rally games this is by far the best it has been in years. DiRT Rally left me feeling a little empty with its focus on simulation style, but DiRT 4 strikes a nice balance between being accessible to anyone, but deep enough for hardcore fans.

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Chris Wray
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Jun 11, 2017

DiRT 4 is a very good game, that much is certain. Retaining the fantastic control of cars from DiRT Rally, albeit made somewhat simpler, it offers almost endless rallying with a procedurally generated track system and a number of changing online challenges. Not without its flaws, including an oversimplified gamer control scheme and anemic career mode, it's still a worthy entry of the core DiRT franchise.

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8 / 10
Jun 6, 2017

DiRT 4 is an impressive package that takes the strong foundation of DiRT Rally and sprinkles on a few friendly updates, such as DiRT Academy and the return of Landrush. The handling, whichever way you lean, is robust and extremely gratifying with cars that are a lot of fun to drive. The career mode gives you plenty to do, and Your Stage means you'll never be short of new rally challenges to take on. Some very slight graphical gripes aside, this is another success story for a developer that seems to be firing on all cylinders.

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84 / 100
Jun 6, 2017

If you like your racing fast, filthy, and challenging, there's no doubt that DiRT 4 ticks all of the boxes.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 6, 2017

The latest in arguably Codemasters cornerstone racing franchise; rally racing on PS4 just doesn't get better than Dirt 4. It simply doesn't.

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8.8 / 10.0
Jun 6, 2017

After almost a year of waiting for the right simulation racing game to come around, Dirt 4 has me zoned-in for the duration.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 23, 2017

The sensation of rubber recklessly drifting across the sand, of splattering across your face and a grumpy Scotsman calling out the course before you as you violently swerve around corners. Rally racing is mental stuff and Dirt 4 captures that manic joy perfectly. The full fearless package of graphics, guts and glory.

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4.5 / 5.0
Jun 20, 2017

Dirt 4 manages what very few racing games do. It's driving is challenging yet accessible, and it pairs this with an almost endless amount of content. The career mode is robust, and the stages are varied and beautifully designed, but the ability to create your own unique tracks using Your Stage is what sets Codemasters' game apart from every other rally game that has come before.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 12, 2017

Dirt 4's casual-friendly additions subdue its handling model, but it's a great racer regardless – especially for those that struggle to stay on the track in Dirt Rally.

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Jun 8, 2017

DiRT 4 is something of a feat: both a considered challenge and an appetizer to the world of rallying at large. It helps that the actual racing is spot on, too, with cars that handle brilliantly.

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Jun 6, 2017

While many modern racers attempt to deliver a visual showcase, Dirt 4 instead focuses on what's going on under the bonnet. Every vehicle – except those damn crosskarts – feels incredible, as if you're trying to tame some naughty mechanical beast. Each shunt deforms your car's body, each lap cakes it in dirt, and you can see your driver's head wobbling around as you drive over each bump. It's super-convincing.

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87 / 100
Jun 6, 2017

DiRT 4 is a great racing game thanks to its sophisticated physics, gameplay mechanics and precise controls.

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86 / 100
Jun 6, 2017

DiRT 4 is an excellently playable off-road racer for novices and pros, that lacks a real unique feature.

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Top Critic
Jun 6, 2017
Dirt 4 Review "Buy, Wait for Sale, Rent, Never Touch?" video thumbnail
Jun 6, 2017

Further evidence that Codemasters is the undisputed rally game maestro, DiRT 4 pushes the gymkhana bits into the background and serves up an off-road racer to relish. Bravo.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jun 13, 2017

DiRT 4 is arguably the most complete rally title on consoles to-date.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 12, 2017

DiRT 4 is a fantastic addition to the long history of this series. Whether you're a serious sim racer or an arcade hoon, you will find plenty to satisfy your rallying needs.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 9, 2017

DiRT 4 is a masterpiece. I cannot imagine passing it up by anyone who truly loves motorisation and cars themselves. Chapeau bas!

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