Dark Rose Valkyrie Reviews

Dark Rose Valkyrie is ranked in the 14th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3 / 5.0
Jun 9, 2017

Dark Rose Valkyrie is a bit of a mixed bag.

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6 / 10
Jun 27, 2017

An interesting product if you are looking for a more classical turn-based fight style, out of the musou-typical japanese games, but also a boring experiencie that becomes too long unless you are a big fan of the "Tales of" characters.

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5 / 10
Jun 7, 2017

Despite the promising names behind the title, Dark Rose Valkyrie stumbles over its own ambitions. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the parts of the game that were the responsibility of the Tales series veterans, the art and the writing, were the most successful, but where other collaborations have been able to balance each party's strengths an diminish their weaknesses, that's not the case here. Rather than find collaborators who could help balance Compile's consistently lukewarm gameplay design, this joint effort substitutes Helvetica for Times New Roman instead of fixing 10 pages of typos.

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4 / 10.0
Jun 1, 2017

Even though Compile Heart had a couple interesting ideas with this game, its execution failed to bring out its true potential. And despite having two Tales of series members on board, their involvement couldn't stop Dark Rose Valkyrie from wasting people's valuable time. At least Fujishima's character designs continue to look gorgeous.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jun 7, 2017

Dark Rose Valkyrie is an unexpected experience and could be the best game from Compile Hearts yet. An undeniable mixed bag, the game provides deep and complex combat and character progression systems as well as a unique narrative and objective that's somewhat held down by its repetitive and tedious missions as well as its dated 3D graphics. Fans of JRPGs, especially those by Compile Heart, that are able to forgive some of the game's shortcomings will definitely appreciate and overly enjoy the game and the amount of depth and complexity it can provide.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Jul 9, 2017

There is a decent story, complex combat system, plot twist with the traitor and interrogations, as well as well-designed and beautifully-drawn characters, including sexy b**ches and girls who think they are boys. But outdated graphics and lack of explanations, recurring quests and a huge amount of grinding only cause a persistent irritation. After Persona 5 you can play it only with a huge amount of spare time. Which is a pity because Dark Rose Valkyrie could've been a decent JRPG or at least a very good visual novel.

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4 / 10
Jun 10, 2017

Dark Rose Valkyrie offers opportunity for excitement, but ultimately fails to deliver. Weak concepts and a suite of poorly crafted gameplay systems sink an otherwise semi-interesting premise. This is a frustrating and slow slog all the way to the end.

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65 / 100
Jul 5, 2017

Dark Rose Valkyrie doesn't blow the doors off the hinges, but it does serve as a much improved JRPG over what has been a largely tepid series of releases from Compile Heart and others. The story is fine, the battle system is fun and unique, and exploration is a large part of the adventure. While there are some cliches and rehashed elements throughout, Dark Rose Valkyrie represents what a top end-formulaic JRPG can be.

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4 / 10
Jun 6, 2017

Despite its interesting premise, Dark Rose Valkyrie is hard to recommend.

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Top Critic
4 / 10.0
Jun 6, 2017

An alternative vision of the Japanese reality of the late twenties, threatened by Chimeras. Bad game, which even passionate fans of the JRPG genre should ignore.

Review in Polish |

Top Critic
Jun 5, 2017

Dark Rose Valkyrie has some exciting aspects, but may fall short in the overall package.

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Top Critic
4 / 10
May 18, 2018

From beginning to end, Dark Rose Valkyrie feels as if it has every flaw of the JRPG genre combined into one package. The characters are stereotypical instead of memorable, the story sort of… sits there, and the battles are slow, and depend more on grinding than tactical thinking. Apart from all this, Compile Heart's creation is audio-visually unimpressive, a technical mess, and feels as if it hasn't spent the right amount of time in the oven.

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6 / 10.0
Jun 16, 2017

Dark Rose Valkyrie shows that Compile Heart can create a fun combat system. Although they still need to brush up their skills when it comes to the presentation and overall story for the game.

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80 / 100
Jun 14, 2017

Within Compile Heart frame, Black Rose Valkyrie is one of their best RPGs and a good title if you can accept their classic shortcomings and keep expectations in check. The game fails to use the full potential of its systems and premises, however, the characters and plot are the strong points that will keep players engaged in its journey.

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Rice Digital
Top Critic
Jun 21, 2017

For everything it had going for it Dark Rose Valkyrie ends up being a missed opportunity. It threads on the well-beaten path of its predecessors. The few new noteworthy changes such as picking out the traitor among your ranks, engaging combat and the relatively enjoyable story do make for a small breath of fresh air, but they are let down by the somewhat lackluster execution.

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9 / 10
Jun 5, 2017

Dark Rose Valkyrie has a lot to offer with a good story and plenty of customization for your party members. There's a ton of missions to do for the main story, not to mention a considerable amount of side missions. The game is a lot of fun to play and a rewarding experience. I have enjoyed the game very much, and my only gripe is that you can only save on the map. But other than that, this is a highly recommended JRPG on PS4.

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Jun 2, 2017

This game manages to mix some quite serious themes in with its plentiful fanservice and Compile Heart trademark sense of the ridiculous. That it manages to do both successfully makes this a really special game. Yes, this is a game that was produced on a budget, but then, if it hadn't been, it would have been deemed far to "odd" and "risky" to have been greenlit.

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5.5 / 10.0
Jun 22, 2017

Overall, Dark Rose Valkyrie is trying to be a game that will supposedly surpass all the other JRPGs but instead it flops hard with all the mess it created. It’s trying to be too many games all at once and it can’t seem to decide what it should be that it loses its identity among all the features. What could have been a breakout game became a game that I would easily want to forget.

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7.7 / 10.0
May 29, 2017

Hardcore JRPG enthusiasts will find Dark Rose Valkyrie to be one of the most rewarding games in recent memory while casual genre fans may be put off by the overall complexity and repetitive missions.

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4 / 10.0
Jul 19, 2017

There is a reason to buy Dark Rose Valkyrie. Play it so that you can see the investigation segments, put that system into your own game and create the world’s next Danganronpa.

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