The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Reviews
The Witcher 3 presents a realistic, engaging, and dark fantasy world. With fast-paced combat, deep character customisation, and massive locations to explore, it's a game not to be missed.
I've made it pretty clear that it's hardly a flawless game, but that doesn't change the fact that The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is something pretty bloody special and you should absolutely play it.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ends Geralt's tale in spectacular fashion, finding ways to fill a giant world with thrilling combat, beautiful sights, and a bevy of compelling content. A strong conclusion to The Witcher trilogy, and a masterpiece that will keep you enthralled for weeks and months to come.
Despite its vast scope, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt tells a personal, intimate and touching story, filled with characters you'll love and hate, and stuffed with monsters to slay. I completed the main storyline in around 50 hours and - yes I know this is a cliche - I've barely scratched the surface. The Witcher 3 is an astounding achievement.
Although The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Next-Gen Update isn't an especially noteworthy upgrade, the base game is so superb that the few things it does add are more than welcome.
Judging The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition on its entertainment value is easy – it’s perfect. It has an unbelievable story, compelling characters, solid gameplay, and a properly thought-through backend that shows the developers are all-in on delivering an unforgettable experience. On the next-generation upgrade side of this release, it’s just not complete. While the performance mode takes the experience up a notch with visuals and frame rate, the Ray Tracing mode is unplayable and incomplete. It hurts the experience more than it helps it.
The Witcher 3 was a masterpiece then, and it's a masterpiece now. The only difference is that it looks and runs better than it ever has on a console.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a must play title for any gamer, and the next gen upgrade is an excellent excuse to jump back into the bleak monster ridden world.
There’s so much more to talk about when it comes to this hugely comprehensive upgrade to The Witcher 3, and probably a lot I’m yet to see first-hand in the gargantuan game, but I’m confident enough already to say that what you’re getting here is a lot for free. Even if you’re new, the game now comes with all of the excellent expansion content and improvements made to the game in the years since its original release, so it represents great value for money even before the new-gen upgrades. Without a doubt, if you’ve been on the fence about giving The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt another go around or dipping your toes in for the first time – now is your moment.
The Witcher 3 is a game aiming for highest praise - you simply can't get enough of it. The need to see what happens next kept me glued to the console for many more hours than I had planned. Unfortunately the The Wild Hunt isn't perfect - the number of smaller and bigger issues can surprise (in a bad way, of course). It is an amazing game but right now the amount of bugs is simply too high.
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The Witcher 2 was a game from the beginning designed for PCs. In the case of The Witcher 3, the creators admit that multiplatforming forced them to compromise, but this does not mean that Wild Hunt for PC is a port prepared on the knee. Contrary.
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The Witcher III has a compelling plot, combined with some old school, complex game systems that encourage exploration, crafting and experimentation.
Witcher 2 was a promising but flawed game. The seeds of a truly brilliant experience were there, but too often it turned into a slog. The Wild Hunt fulfills all of that game's promise and more. Some day, I even hope to finish it.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt lives up to and surpasses the hype, delivering an excellent experience that won't be forgotten any time soon.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is an exhibition of lessons learned not only from CD Projeckt RED's past work, but also from a spectrum of open-world and role-playing contemporaries. It's expected for games of this nature to excel at taking your time away. What's most impressive about The Witcher 3 is that rarely seems to waste it.
Since the initial reveal trailer back in 2013 CD Projekt RED promised to deliver a truly next-generation open-world experience with The Witcher 3, and CDR has succeeded in creating one of the best games I've played in recent memory. The writing is top-notch and isn't limited to the main story quests, as I found that the side stories in the game to be some of my favorite moments, feeling like short stories that stand on their own merit. Even after 120 hours, I still have hundreds of points of interests to discover, and plenty of quests to complete. Even at the tail end of the game, I was discovering brand new towns, waiting for a savior.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on the PlayStation 5 is indeed a next-gen experience and while it is the same game at its core, CD Projekt Red have done a commendable job at improving the graphics and tweaking the gameplay to make an already excellent game still relevant on these next-gen consoles. Add in all the DLC's released, including some of the best player mods and some links to the Netflix series, you really cannot fault this game at all. So whether you're coming back to the franchise or starting your new journey, the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on the PlayStation 5 is the must have game of 2022 and dare I say 2023.
The upgrade of image performance, the improvement of settings, the adaptation of different platforms, and the excellent localization work. The next-generation version of "The Witcher 3" has made great progress after a series of updates. CDPR successfully turned this "former masterpiece" into a "present masterpiece", making it rejuvenate.
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They called it Complete Edition and this one, which is the best version of The Witcher 3 to date, is complete indeed.
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The Witcher 3 is a titanic work, technically impressive and exceptional from a narrative point of view that, however, is not able to withstand the colossal weight of the expectations that have been created around him.
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