AER: Memories of Old Reviews
A beautiful game with great flying, only held back by confusing interiors and a short duration.
Developer Forgotten Key has crafted an enchanting world here, with a fantastically fun and fitting means of traversing it; a splintered land full of melancholy memories in which you soar, a singular source of hope in flight above a world that’s relying on you for salvation. It’s a trip, a meditation on the nature of man and his fractured relationship with the natural world around him, a beautiful journey that's well worth taking.
Aer is a pretty game, but ultimately there's little to do and not much to compel you on
Aer Memories of Old is a beatiful game. A place to come back from time to time to enjoy a flight. Forgotten Key has created a complex tiniy world explained well and full of little secret but, at the end it feels small and we want more and more.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
This game offers an amazing feeling of freedom and puzzles that are intertwined with the settings. Some vague objectives at the beginning can be a nuisance, but it features an amazing visual style.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Transforming into a bird and soaring through skies and between the floating islands of AER Memories of Old is simply fantastic, and you'll be easily drawn in by its vibrant yet minimalist art style. It doesn't quite make the best use of the shattered world they've created, but for a few hours, it's a gorgeous game and an intriguing story to explore.
At its core, I understand what AER: Memories of Old was trying to do. AER has a deep story to tell and it has a beautiful way that it wants to do it, but it never manages to marry those ideas. Wanton exploration with little-to-no real payoff becomes a chore—a beautiful chore sure, but a chore nonetheless. There are only so many times I can shift back and forth between bird and human midair before I need something else to drive my engagement. Telling the story through environment, providing better direction, and rewarding extensive exploration are just a few things that could have really helped AER to escape the high res, low poly shell that it is, but AER: Memories of Old is simply too empty to feel like anything more.
AER - Memories of Old is a beautiful story told in a beautiful world.
AER's calm atmosphere and laid-back gameplay make it decent chill pill, though its intriguing narrative and lore winds up being wasted.
In a month full to the brim with humongous, time-sinking, big-budget games, it's a welcome break to experience a brief but calming game like AER: Memories of Old. With gentle music, appealing visuals and a majestically simple flight mechanic, AER is as pleasant a journey as I first expected it to be and makes for a great break between the huge October releases.
AER Memories of Old is a pretty basic adventure title, with simple puzzles and no real action elements. You can expect a relaxing experience spanning a couple of hours, with some intriguing ideas, a distinctive personality and some touching moments.
Review in Italian | Read full review
AER Memories of Old is an attempt to make a beautiful story with breathtaking flights and an interesting outset, which, unfortunately, almost immediately causes irritation and yawning due to terrible navigation, bad controls and other mistakes of young developers . Perhaps in the future creators of this game will be able to offer something interesting, but now AER Memories of Old looks like some very early concept, which not passed through focus group.
Review in Russian | Read full review
Ironically, AER Memories of Old doesn't leave much of a lasting impression. It feels like a prototype you might show a publisher to convince them to fund a full game. What's here is charming, but it feels underbaked compared to the games it patterns itself after. If you're looking for a laid-back Zelda-like adventure and don't mind spending $15 for a single play session, AER Memories of Old is a pleasant-enough distraction, just don't expect to be swept off your feet.
The game is centered around exploration and discovery as Auk transforms into a bird to soar over floating islands and illuminates sleeping temples with her lantern.
When AER: Memories of Old is focused on soaring through the skies, or tackling a multi-room temple puzzle, it's at its best. The rest of the time it fails to register much interest in its lackluster story and world.
Up there with the likes of Journey and ABZU, AER: Memories of Old is simple, elegant, and impactful. It's a heartfelt game that's a joy to play, and although its storytelling does feel like it gets in the way at times, your worries will evaporate when you're soaring effortlessly from one floating island to the next.
AER is trying so hard to look like those beloved games from which it is being inspired, but fails to do so. The game is filled with bugs and do not tell us an interesting story all along. Even though some aerial moments are quite a delight, the total lack of wind is incomprehensible, as the rest of the gameplay. Why would you want to play this ? We are still looking for an answer.
Review in French | Read full review
AER: Memories od Old is a relaxing, heavily atmospheric title you can enjoy in your own pace. It can be a nice break from more action-oriented games.
Review in Polish |
AER: Memories of old is perfectly fine, but it could have been something wonderful.
The first time you encounter one of the Temple guardians will definitely wow you. Their design is so unique, outlandish and interesting that it is bound to impress, and then do so twice more as you meet all three of them.