Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Reviews

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls is ranked in the 96th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
87 / 100
Mar 27, 2014

The story is lacking, but great environments, a new class, and more freedom—partially from the free patch—make for a better Diablo III.

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Mar 27, 2014

The removal of the auction house, the improved Loot 2.0 system, and Reaper of Souls have put the action RPG franchise back on the right track. Reaper of Souls isn't going to draw in gamers who have never enjoyed the hack-and-slash franchise, but it does deliver nearly every improvement that the community called out for after the launch of Diablo 3. If you are (or ever were) a Diablo fan, Reaper of Souls is plenty worth the $40 price tag.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Mar 30, 2014

The first expansion for the action role-player makes the changes players wanted - and a good few more besides.

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Top Critic
9.1 / 10.0
Mar 28, 2014

Reaper of Souls is sinister-looking, sports great variety, and delivers all the looting and slaying Diablo fans want.

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Aug 12, 2014

Though Reaper of Souls' story additions feel too open-ended, the new Crusader class and Adventure Mode go a long way towards revitalizing Diablo's inherently fun and addictive core gameplay.

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9.3 / 10.0
Mar 26, 2014

Sweeping changes to a game that was in dire need of resuscitation do not disappoint. Dynamic game modes keep players coming back for more

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Top Critic
9.5 / 10.0
Apr 3, 2014

Reaper of Souls reinvigorates an already great game

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8 / 10
Mar 25, 2014

Reaper of Souls brings great new campaign content to Diablo III while also giving you tantalizing reasons to revisit the places you've already been.

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Mar 28, 2014

Despite Loot 2.0 and Adventure mode and the Crusader, Reaper of Souls doesn't quite reinvent Diablo 3 and the reason is simple. The core concept underpinning this experience, fun as it is in passing, makes for a game that plateaus quickly. Diablo 3's central problem is that it lacks long-term appeal and, despite Reaper of Souls having the best of intentions, it seems some things just can't be fixed.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 11, 2014

Reaper of Souls turns Diablo III into the game that it should have been at launch. The Auction House is gone, the loot system is fixed and we finally have a proper end-game that will keep both new and experienced players fighting for many hours to come. Unless you play as a Crusader there is almost no change to the core gameplay, so if you didn't like it first time round you wont like it now. But for those of us who loved the original game, Reaper of Souls is the perfect excuse to jump back in and indulge in hours of loot-collecting, monster-destroying, good old-fashioned fun.

9 / 10
Mar 26, 2014

Fixes problems, buffs loot, nerfs boredom. A worthy expansion.

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Paul Tassi
Top Critic
9.5 / 10.0
Mar 25, 2014

It's just plain (hopelessly addictive) fun. Obviously, loot based dungeon crawling kind of has to be your thing, as even with all the new changes to gameplay, it may still feel rather repetitive to outsiders. But I have to imagine that barring any unforeseen issues that may not have cropped up yet, both past and present Diablo fans will be very happy with Reaper of Souls, and with how the game has improved a thousandfold since launch.

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8 / 10
Mar 27, 2014

It won't win over Diablo III haters but this is a competent expansion that will renew the addiction for fans and help to earn new ones.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 26, 2014

Diablo III may have lost its allure after a first months of play, but Reaper of Souls has sucked me right back in again. Most of these additions should have been in the base game from the get-go, but there's no denying that they're welcome changes. Now that Diablo III has a new base to work from, I hope Blizzard keeps at it to make it the best they possibly can. Thankfully, Reaper of Souls gives me hope.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2014

Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls is a solid expansion building upon a patch that was brought about from player input. Blizzard listened to complaints, and moved to rectify issues, not just remove them, while mixing in an impressive amount of new material. It's more than enough to entice veteran players to return, and if you have never played Diablo 3, there has never been a better time to start.

Apr 8, 2014

Reaper of Souls is not only a hugely fun game in its own right, but it has convinced me, as a newcomer to the series, to now dive deeper into Diablo and check out what I've been missing all of these years. If you're a Diablo fan, then this expansion is already on your wishlist, but if you haven't delved into the series before then I strongly urge that you do so right now.

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Mar 31, 2014

Diablo III is in better shape than it's ever been thanks to the recent round of updates, and Reaper of Souls is a product of those improvements.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2014

First major expansion for Blizzard's popular dungeon crawler adds a new act, a new end-game mode, and significantly tweaks critical game systems.

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Mar 29, 2014

Diablo III: Reaper of Souls offers little in the way of earth-shattering innovation, but the game is all the better for the new content it brings to the table. While it's unlikely to convert players who were unconvinced by the core game, Diablo III fans will gleefully devour every last morsel it has to offer.

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90 / 100
Apr 1, 2014

The game has escaped being a dismal grind, and is instead a series of outstanding adventures, one after the other with no end in sight. Blizzard has reclaimed the dungeon crawling throne in my books.

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