Shio Reviews
Shio is a lovely surprise which offers up a precise and beautiful platforming experience. Although it lacks the level of polish as something like Celeste, if you've already conquered that mountain (or – sacrilege! – you're not a fan of its pixel aesthetic), this is a tightly crafted, technical platformer in a similar mould that's well worth a look.
Shio is not a game for the faint of heart. Tremendously challenging, it truly will push you to the limit of your videogame abilities. The stunning level design, clear visuals and wonderfully tight controls all ensure that the game is fair, but that won't be enough to stop player frustration from ultimately setting in. Played in short sittings this is a taught, tight and compelling experience. Just have an extra controller nearby, you'll need it to replace the one you just threw out the window.
If only that last "generally" weren't needed, it would be right up there with the best of them.
I had a handful of small, niggling issues with Shio that by the end I was willing to overlook in the face of a game so expertly crafted that it shouldn't be missed. I just wish there was more of it.
Shio is a decently challenging platformer with beautiful backgrounds and a moving story that you can unravel, which gives it a unique level of depth.
All things considered, if you're looking for a challenge that will keep you occupied for an evening, Shio is worth a shot.
I admire the developers' ability to keep the player fixated on a pensive mindset, so that regardless of how difficult the levels become, they always have something deep to ponder on as they repeat each level until the correct button timings are ingrained into their fingers.
Shio is a fun and challenging 2D platformer that will test your skills every step of the way. There is a solid difficulty curve so that you slowly learn how to survive through the many hazards in your path, and since there are two difficulty options, even those that aren't as skilled can manage to make some solid progress in the game. So if you're looking for a new 2D platformer where running and jumping are all you need to worry about, then you should check out Shio on PS4!
Shio evidently understands the appeal of gliding elegantly between obstacle-riddled levels like an invincible pro, and often comes across as a more casual Super Meat Boy. Yet, the foggy storyline feels distanced from its rapid-fire level design, which can make the attempts at a meditative atmosphere feel forced and alienating.
Shio is a fun but challenging 2D platformer on Nintendo Switch that is worth a try. Graphics-wise the game is really beautiful, the controls work flawlessly, and once you find yourself "in the zone" you'll be taking on each section of the game non-stop as you learn more about what is really going on in this adventure.
Coconut Island Games have released a truly satisfying game in Shio. If you like difficult platformers, you'll have a blast with this one. It doesn't have a big story to keep you glued to the screen, but it more than makes up for it with some solid gameplay mechanics and platforming sections that are challenging but also highly addictive.
Overall, while the game doesn't quite live up to the game it was inspired by, it does have its own merits and reasons to play through it. If you're a fan of challenging platformers, then I'd definitely recommend giving this on a shot and suggest keeping a few spare Joy-Con at hand to replace any you may break in frustration.
Shio would be a lot more enjoyable if it didn't rely on its only gimmick and repetitive stage designs throughout its entire campaign.
Shio is so addictive
Shio works as a simple 2D platformer, but it lacks a strong hook to motivate players to finish the game.
Shio is a solid platformer that presents fresh mechanics against a minimalistic environment.
Shio is a challenging platformer for a cheap price, but it compares itself to much better games you could play for about the same price. I recommend one of those games if you are looking for something like this.
Those mostly minor issues aside Shio is a well-presented title with high ambitions that simply can’t deliver the polish to make it all work. If you’re willing to work with it you may find that you don’t notice the delay or can compensate for it, and doing so would mostly nullify my misgivings. That said, when execution is so absolutely critical even a split-second can make all the difference, and as I got further into the handful of hours the game offers this became a consistent frustration. For hardcore platforming enthusiasts this will likely be a treat, but for average gamers it may not be something you’ll be able to stick with to the end.