Year Walk Reviews
Packed with Swedish mythology and tough puzzles, Year Walk is an excellent journey that puts a unique, spooky spin on the familiar adventure video game genre.
Stylish, succinct and spiritual, Year Walk coins its own genre: the fright of passage.
Year Walk is a surprising game. The name reveals little and leaves you room to fill in what exactly is going on and why for much of the journey.
It's lovely to play a game that covers unexpected ground and Year Walk certainly does that, although the player character feels like a curator of folklore rather than an individual partaking in a personal spiritual experience.
Year Walk is an immensely satisfying master class in atmosphere and subtlety, and this "definitive" edition on Wii U is the new best way to have the experience. Playing it is like flipping through a storybook of yore, one passed down through the ages and meant to scare the bejeebus out of children with dire messages and dark illustrations. Fascinating mythology, clever subversions, and a satisfying storyline make Year Walk a must.
An excellent conversion of the original iOS hit, and a wonderfully disturbing horror story that innovates in terms of everything from visuals and interface to its macabre narrative.
Yes, the controls are not at all intuitive, but don't let that keep you away from such a haunting trek in the woods.
Year Walk is a fascinating, unique experience on the Wii U, presenting a new world for gamers to enjoy. Taking Swedish mythology and crafting a puzzle-based horror game will definitely please Wii U owners who are looking for something fresh and interesting to play. The Wii U version has a few very small issues, but overall it presents some great new takes on the Gamepad, that fans will definitely want to check out, as long as they can get past a couple of small missteps.
Year Walk is a game I thought I was going to love, but I just merely like it. It's not a bad game by any means, and I think some fans of both dark art and horror will enjoy this game much more than I did, but for me, I have to hark back to that abstract art analogy I used earlier. You either "get it" or you don't, and for me, Year Walk was just not the game for me.
This adaptation of Year Walk to the Wii U is nothing short of excellent, as the control system and the interaction between the player and the game works perfectly. The atmosphere is extremely rich and diverse and the player is properly put into the right context thanks to the additional points provided by the game.
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My only complaint? I wish there were more. I loved every minute of heart pounding, puzzle solving, mind-blow inducing minute of Year Walk, but I think I'm spoiled in wanting another few hours from a story that may best be served short and sweet. There's a quality over quantity argument to be made here, but overall I believe Year Walk accomplishes a full, well-paced narrative appropriate for the $5.99 price tag.
Year Walk is a minimalist point-and-click chiller that affectingly and disturbingly strains for meta-fiction.
If you've never played "Year Walk" before, the Wii U version is just as solid, but it just feels like more could have been done to make it even more Wii U-friendly.
Year Walk is a two-hour, seven-dollar experience that far transcends both its duration and price tag. It's a can't miss for anyone who appreciates dark, nightmarish, and heady storytelling with a (relatively) historically-accurate mythical slant.
The beauty of Year Walk is in its discovery, and it's heartening to see a crossover of a more niche mobile title onto the PC platform, especially one which brings such atmosphere and creativity to the fore.
A walk through the woods has never been so good.
Year Walk is a strange game, a brief sojourn into a downright chilling tale surrounding a small Swedish village and the potential horrors abound. There's a lot to like here, especially in the narrative side of things, but the game is too short and some puzzles are more interesting than others. It's worth a try, if for no other reason than to play an indie game and there's nothing else interesting at the time, but don't expect it to last very long. This Year Walk feels like it's only around the block.
This game masterfully balances simplicity and challenge, engaging the Wii U in a way that will make it rewarding even if you've already played on another device. The utter stillness of the environment keeps you on edge as the macabre creatures of yore add a dose of discomfort or terror when you least expect it.
One minute into the game itself will tell you that there's nothing conventional about Year Walk and this grand step up to a loftier platform is entirely befitting a game of this calibre.
Year Walk is a master at what it tries to be. It lets nothing on and leaves you wandering in the dark for a good while, which only makes it more unnerving when it finally lays its cards on the table.