Splatoon Reviews

Splatoon is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3.6 / 5.0
May 29, 2015

I dove into Splatoon with high expectations and high hopes for the new Nintendo IP. But now, after playing over a hundred matches, I am torn between its pros and cons. For its merit, it has that simple, pure, fun factor that keeps me coming back, even after memorizing every nuance of each board. Yet with a sparse selection of maps, a single match type for each mode, and what feels like a dousing of turpentine on character customization and choice, in the end Splatoon feels like purchasing an expensive gallon of paint, only to crack open the lid and find just a quart of paint within. Nintendo promises to fill that can at no extra charge, but unfortunately that means day one purchasers will go home and start painting, only to feel like the job is half finished.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 25, 2015

Splatoon is an inventive new IP, hampered by a lack of content and almost desperate need to appeal to kids despite having enough depth for all but the most hardened players.

Jun 3, 2015

Splatoon offers little, and yet the melding of color, punk rock, and nostalgia create a winner.

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May 28, 2015

[F]or now, it's clear that Nintendo has succeeded in crafting a new, idiosyncratic take on the modern shooter. The bright colors, peppy music, and short bursts of action make it fun and easy to keep coming back. It's the sort of no-brainer we should have been playing for a long time now, and just like getting those hard and soft taco shells in the same box, it's sure to be a crowd pleaser.

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Alfredo Tovar
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Jun 7, 2015

Splatoon is an example of a game that actually suffers from the fact that it doesnt have enough to offer. Quite frankly, I adore the game, and the only frustration I get aside from bad lobbies, is the fact that I don't have MORE of it to play! Splatoon was incredibly fun to play, but overall felt like an incomplete game from its launch date. I would love to see Nintendo remedy the situation more with future content, and I won't discourage anyone from buying it either. Maybe wait until the game has some more to offer, but don't miss out on it. I still think it's a really fun game overall.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 4, 2015

The title may not be perfect, but the core gameplay is exactly why I keep coming back for more.

82 / 100
May 26, 2015

Splatoon, then, makes me optimistic about what games can do not with pastiche or duplication-as-serialization, but with sampling. We don't have a genre convention to slot Splatoon into, and that's a rare and wonderful thing.

May 28, 2015

Splatoon blows third-person shooting wide open with its wildly unique mechanics and uninhibited sense of fun. Approachable for newcomers and enjoyable for old hands, it's an impressive Wii U exclusive, though we'll have to take Nintendo's promises of free DLC and updates on trust.

Top Critic
8 / 10
May 27, 2015

Nintendo have taken a risk with a new and original concept, particularly within a difficult market to crack. Effortlessly charming, compelling and a solid start to what may well become one of the company's regular franchises. There are niggles with the game's control and lack of offline content, but there is certainly plenty of potential for Splatoon going forward, particularly through download content. Whether a shooting fan or not, Splatoon offers a refreshing, intriguing multiplayer experience that deserves a go or two, or three, or four…

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Jun 2, 2015

Splatoon has arrived and very nearly delivered on every bit of the potential it showed at E3 2014. A bold mixture of classic Nintendo sensibilities and modern game design, Splatoon has planted its flag firmly in the ground both as an online multiplayer title and solo adventure game.

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Digitally Downloaded
Matt S.
Top Critic
Jun 2, 2015

Splatoon is almost endlessly replayable, and it effortlessly my favourite Nintendo game so far this year.

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9 / 10
Jun 3, 2015

A game that could only be made by Nintendo.

4.5 / 5.0
May 28, 2015

A unique looking and playing online shooter, one that currently is rich with content, with the only issue being that it's an online game that is missing an efficient way to communicate.

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8.6 / 10.0
Jun 4, 2015

Splatoon is without a doubt one of the best games out there for the Wii U. The games unique paint mechanics make for great frantic, fast paced matches that anyone can get some enjoyment out of. Unfortunately it's disappointing how little content there is at launch - with only two online modes and short hero mode it leaves you wanting more. Yet the quirky nature of the game makes it highly addictive and something that'll keep you entertained for hours on end.

88 / 100
Jun 13, 2015

A new Nintendo classic. Splatoon is an artistic and competitive triumph that demands you play 'just one more round' again and again.

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9 / 10.0
May 31, 2015

Overall, Splatoon makes for an amazing online game, likely the most engaging online experience Nintendo has ever made. The multiplayer, regardless of its lack of voice chat or randomized parties, is sublime, successfully making a shooter that is easy to hop into but tough to master. The single-player might be short and linear, but it's a wonderful change of pace from the frenzy of online play.

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May 26, 2015

Nintendo takes a chance with this odd, risky rethink of the arena shooter. Splatoon moves away from guns and grit, offering a shooter anyone of any age can enjoy. The game's single-player is an absolutely amazing puzzle platformer that deserves some expansion. Multiplayer is a bit light on content at launch, but Nintendo is already promising more this summer.

8.5 / 10.0
May 27, 2015

All good fun. Nothing really to complain about. There are some downfalls with lack of levels. On the other hand, the variations in weapons along with new levels coming keep Splatoon with its fresh, new take.

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Jul 23, 2017

"Colourful and constantly updating shooter."

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Geeks Under Grace
Cooper D Barham
8.5 / 10.0
Jun 14, 2015

It's never been so fun being a squid! Grant that squid some ink-flinging artillery with a serving of friendly competition, and you'll find something rarely discovered on the video game scene: a paradigm-altering shooter where your main goal is not to kill, but to conquer. Splatoon is standing proof Nintendo still holds a deck of aces.

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