Rage 2 Reviews

Rage 2 is ranked in the 44th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
May 20, 2019

The amazing gunplay and combat of RAGE 2 shouldn't easily get so stale, but because of an open world all too familiar and a story that hardly gets going before it ends, players are left to rule over a kingdom of dirt.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
May 16, 2019

It is the kind of game I shut my brain off and just go into a zone and lay waste to all enemies in front of me. The combat feels great, the powers are incredibly fun, and so much of the game just made me feel like a total badass. I can finally forgive the end of the first game, Rage 2 is simply put, a blast.

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80 / 100
May 14, 2019

Each piece holds satisfaction and joy that belies its base description, however. Combat in Rage 2 feels smooth as glass, with every gunfight playing to a violent rhythm. Travelling throughout the world is fast and engaging, with every pit stop bringing new wonders of varying quality.

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May 14, 2019

Although Rage 2 features fantastic close-quarters combat, things tend to slide downhill once you drive out into the open world.

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8 / 10.0
May 15, 2019

Rage 2 is ugly, silly, and dated, and yet, I still enjoyed the hell out of most of my time with it. The game delivers the kind of low-stress, high-satisfaction fun you don't often get from big-budget games these days. If you're willing to check your brain at the title screen, I suggest you jump into this apocalypse now.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 13, 2019

Rage 2 has room to grow, but it's also a great game to pick up and play. Combat is visceral in all the right ways, and exploration is always rewarding. A few technical issues and a general sense of sameness keep it from pure excellence, but Rage 2 still represents a good time.

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8 / 10.0
May 13, 2019

The collaboration between id Software and Avalanche Studios brought us a nice open-world first person shooter, despite a bunch of issues with the world building and a shallow plot.

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8.1 / 10.0
May 20, 2019

‎RAGE 2 will be for you if you are an action lover, if you like collectibles, if you are passionate about the post-apocalyptic setting and specifically the Mad Max aspect. But don't look deep into it. It's not a Fallout, let alone a Red Dead Redemption, but even with the most critical part we can do to it, I assure you it's a good game.‎

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Top Critic
Jun 6, 2019

Rage 2 is a fantastic action game, if judged purely on your ability to blow away post-apocalyptic punks. However, its mediocre story and gameplay padding dulls the experience a bit.

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6 / 10.0
May 28, 2019

Rage 2 is an incredibly well-executed combat loop that has been utterly buried by a terrible story, boring and repetitive tasks such as driving and infuriating time sinks such as collectible hunting.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
May 22, 2019

Rage 2 is a satisfying FPS. Even if if the whole weapon and powers' package feel generous in order to fight dozens and dozens of enemies, campaign feels very short, and its world is not what we can call very lively and full of interesting things to do.

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5 / 10.0
May 21, 2019

Rage 2 tries to do so many things in such a small timeframe that it forgets to do anything original or inventive with its many unfocused components. Its combat alleviates these issues in short spurts, but it's not enough to weave a cohesive thread through this confused trip through a familiar wasteland.

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80 / 100
May 20, 2019

A pretty well done FPS game, with some problems with it structure as an open world game.

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May 20, 2019

Rage 2 is one of the year's most disappointing titles. However, the shooting is some of the best this generation when you've finally dedicated enough time to unlock different abilities and poured a couple of upgrades into one of the best shotguns in gaming.

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May 18, 2019

The combat of Rage 2 is its saving grace, and depending on how many gibs you're producing it can be a blast. Like a string of neon pink Christmas lights, there are fleeting moments of brilliance, but every moment in between feels dull.

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73 / 100
May 15, 2019

Rage 2 is a surprisingly powerful shooter hidden behind an unnecessary open world and often boring presentation.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
May 15, 2019

Even after 8 years, the Rage series is still having an identity crisis. It has all the signifiers of an open-world game, but it lacks the overall narrative that makes the world compelling, and its best bits—that is, its gunfights—take places in either small, complexly designed arenas or in hallways, like a linear shooter. The greatest irony about Rage 2 is that it might have been an even better, more interesting game if it was more like the first game with a fresh coat of (pink) paint. What it is now is just a bunch of sound and fury, which can be fun for a while, but it's ultimately an empty experience.

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May 14, 2019

It's hard not to be disappointed in how little use the Wasteland has for you when you're not dealing in lead.

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7.5 / 10.0
May 14, 2019

Rage 2 isn't a revolution, but it's a well-executed open world shooter with satisfying core gameplay and big splashes of color.

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May 13, 2019

Rage 2 is buggy and features a by-the-numbers open world, but the core gameplay is tons of fun!

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