BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! Reviews

BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2019

BoxBoy + BoxGirl hits the sweet spot with a series of puzzles that aren't too hard, but occasionally make you think

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7 / 10
Apr 25, 2019

The fourth BoxBoy game isn't a major shake-up, but it's more reliably enjoyable puzzle fun.

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4 / 5.0
May 20, 2019

HAL Laboratory's quadrilateral little protagonist (and co) may be dishing out the same escapades as he's done for what is the fourth entry in the studio's still-young puzzle-platformer series, but BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! proves the series is just as charming and as enjoyable as it's always been.

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8 / 10
Apr 27, 2019

Bigger and more fully featured than ever, BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! marks a high point in this quirky puzzle-platformer series. It's not perfect - the stripped back aesthetic and lethargic physics won't be everyone's cup of tea - but fans of co-op puzzlers, in particular, should investigate pronto.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 26, 2019

Boxboy + Boxgirl is a banging, box-based Brain-teasing bonanza and brilliant at a budget price.

8 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2019

The good idea of ​​Boxboy now for 2 players. HAL Laboratory is still smart and it knows how to entertain and challenge us. If you still do not know this series, discover it with this chapter in Nintendo Switch.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2019

It's no puzzle why BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! is a stellar puzzle game for the Nintendo Switch.

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8 / 10
Apr 30, 2019

BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! is another great HAL Laboratory offering with only a few small missteps that keep it from being a perfect example of how to make a puzzle platformer.

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80 / 100
Apr 27, 2019

Even after three games, HAL Laboratory is still able to introduce new skills, puzzles and challenges, now with a coop campaign. A game as simple as addictive, that even if it doesn't take the formula one step ahead, and without a very well known name behind, if offers a good chunk of accessible challenges for all kind of players.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
8 / 10
Apr 26, 2019

A welcome comeback for Nintendo's most minimalist mascot, that justifies itself with an extremely entertaining co-op mode.

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8 / 10
Apr 25, 2019

BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! is another quirky, charming puzzle platformer from HAL. It might not have quite as outlandish box types as Bye-Bye BoxBoy!, but it makes up for that as a welcoming entry on Switch for newcomers, stacks and stacks of bitesized puzzles and a new co-op mode to boot.

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Apr 25, 2019

Unfortunately, the game is a little too easy, especially for those of you not worried about collecting every crown. The hint system provides too much of a safety net that is far too easy to fall back on. Thankfully, though, the series clever puzzles are as entertaining as they ever have been and keep the pesky frame rate issues and low difficulty from boxing you out of enjoying Qbby’s latest adventure.

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May 2, 2019

BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! continues the series perfectly in its transition from 3DS to Switch.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
May 4, 2019

BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! can be recommended to anyone who loves to play on Nintendo Switch away from home or on the road, as well as fans of challenging puzzles. In this case, it would be a crime to miss this new game from HAL Laboratory.

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Dave Aubrey
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Apr 25, 2019

Boxboy + Boxgirl is perfectly pleasant platforming that anyone can enjoy. If you're looking for a new puzzle game to play on Nintendo Switch in bitesize chunks, look no further than Qbby and his new friend in Boxboy + Boxgirl.

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7 / 10
Jul 29, 2019

BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! follows on the BOXBOY! series, this time with a cooperative component which brings a welcome addition to the game, as well as with new mechanics. Puzzle solving gains a more appealing component and character customization can lead to new fun and interesting creations. Overall an experience that will be thoroughly enjoyed by fans of puzzle games.

Review in Portuguese |

May 18, 2019

BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! is far from a total reinvention, but the series remains as charmingly enjoyable as it always has. The addition of a fun co-op adventure is just the cherry on top of an already solid package.

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May 3, 2019

The game is clearly geared toward young players, so expect a lightweight experience.

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8 / 10
Apr 25, 2019

Through powerfully puzzling ideas and a quite distinct cooperative, then extended adventure, HAL Laboratory drew inspiration from romanticism to turn Boxboy into a joyful bloc party with Boxgirl, showing that it gets even better together.

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Pure Nintendo
Kira C
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
May 10, 2019

BOXBOY! + BOXGIRL! is an enjoyable and adorable game. It has charm, and plenty of content, and features. I would say its price at $9.99 to be a fine deal and worth getting if you enjoy puzzle platformers.

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