Resident Evil 3 Reviews

Resident Evil 3 is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
9 / 10
Mar 30, 2020

Resident Evil 3 Remake is one of the main hits of this year, which demonstrates how to adapt classic games, maintaining the overall atmosphere and outline of the story, combined with updated mechanics and modern graphics solutions. And even if just yesterday you decided to replay the original and remember every turn of the plot Resident Evil 3 Remake has something to surprise you besides bright chases, cinematic fights and fantastic graphics.

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Mar 30, 2020

This is a different beast to the Resident Evil 2 remake - and a lesser one, in all honesty - but it's been stitched together with just as much love and attention to detail. They just decided to give it a flamethrower for good measure.

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Mar 30, 2020

Overall, Resident Evil 3's gameplay is solid, fun and thrilling, it's definitely worth playing at some point, but tragically it's all too short lived.

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PC Invasion
Top Critic
8 / 10
Mar 30, 2020

The Resident Evil 3 remake manages to take the core elements from the original and make them new again. The RE Engine also provides the right platform for extremely detailed facial animations and environments. Although this remake might run a rather linear course, don't let that deter you from jumping into this punchy, solid, action title that's extremely well-paced from start to finish. This is yet another example of Capcom taking an already great property and somehow making something new out of it while still respecting its own source material.

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94 / 100
Mar 30, 2020

While the game still stubbornly hangs on to a few of the original’s mechanical shortcomings, the vast majority of the package is a breathtaking recreation of material we fell in love with two decades ago.

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8.4 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2020

Resident Evil 3 is a really enjoyable action horror experience, but it's shortcomings in longevity and replayability are too deep, keeping it away from reaching the status of true masterpiece.

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7 / 10
Mar 30, 2020

Resident Evil 3 had the potential to better its classic predecessor, but a disappointing amount of cut content and the let down that is Nemesis hold it back from greatness. It's still an experience very much worth revisiting, with Raccoon City and the hospital receiving a lot of love and attention, however, it only makes us question what could have been that little bit more.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2020

Despite missing a few defining features of the original, Resident Evil 3 makes for a thrilling experience that I’m sure will be enjoyed by both veterans of the series and new fans alike.

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Mar 30, 2020

Players who are just looking to experience the same single player action from Resident Evil 2 should wait until the game is released as a standalone title or after it has significantly dropped in price.

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8.5 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2020

Resident Evil 3 is the franchise's best action-driven entry since the glory days of Resident Evil 4. A beautifully-balanced combination of white-knuckle mayhem and satisfying old-school tension, Resident Evil 3 is compulsively-munchable popcorn entertainment that, unfortunately, disappears all too quickly. If you're looking for value, there are certainly meatier games out there, but few that will leave you licking your fingers as happily as this one.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2020

Resident Evil 3 is another stunning-looking revamp from Capcom that effortlessly manages to switch between tension-packed moments of genuine horror and bombastic action set pieces. It's just a shame that some questionable changes were made from the original and there isn't more bang for your buck in terms of post-completion content.

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84 / 100
Apr 3, 2020

An action-packed, atmospheric new edition of the classic, but which is still in the shadow of its predecessor.

Review in German | Read full review

Mar 31, 2020

The element of fear that Resident Evil is known for isn't as fully baked into the mechanics of this remake as it could have.

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95 / 100
Mar 30, 2020

As last year's Resident Evil 2, this remake of Resident Evil 3 is an almost impeccable work from Capcom, redefining the meaning of what a remake is. A letter of love for all the fans out there.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2020

Capcom has once again delivered an incredible remake of a twenty year old classic. From it's incredible visuals to the excellent action-horror gameplay, the Resident Evil 3 remake succeeds in almost every aspect. Thanks to some masterful touches and a wealth of gameplay refinements, Capcom has made a game that feels right at home in the 2020 triple-A space and fans of the series will love every moment.

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Justin Woo
Top Critic
7.8 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2020

I've spent the last few thousand words explaining why RE3 isn't as good as RE2, but it's still a very good game. It's like a big, six-hour expansion pack. If you liked last year's RE2, you would enjoy this. Experienced players will want to give it a go on hardcore, as normal is pretty easy.

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7.8 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2020

Therefore, despite being a title of undoubted thickness, this remake of Resident Evil 3 could have reached a certainly higher quality level.

Review in Italian | Read full review

Mar 30, 2020

The narrative is still a campy blast, crafted in such a way that hardcore fans and newcomers alike will adore Jill Valentine’s debut in the modern era, even if her journey is all too fleeting. Chances are this won’t be the last remake we’ll see in the iconic survival horror franchise, I just hope it learns from some of the mistakes made here.

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Mar 30, 2020

Like a well-oiled machine, Resident Evil 3 delivers a chaotic burst of action in a short amount of time. Capcom has done an excellent job of bringing the classic into the modern era with tight gameplay, gorgeous visuals, and overhauled character designs.

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9 / 10
Mar 30, 2020

Just like its predecessor, Resident Evil 3 will go down as one of the best games of 2020.

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