Inside My Radio Reviews

Inside My Radio is ranked in the 23rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
7 / 10
May 10, 2015

Inside My Radio's synesthetic experience is hypnotic.

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6 / 10
Mar 16, 2016

In conclusion, Inside My Radio is a fairly novel, robust rhythmic platformer that's fun for a few hours; you'll soon be moving on to other things. Worth picking up for a Sunday afternoon blast if you fancy something a tiny bit different.

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May 10, 2015

As it stands now, Inside My Radio is a really novel concept that's fun and great for the majority of its play. I give the game this: It never overstays its welcome. It's too bad that it's so short, though. I was having fun right up until that last boss battle, and I wanted more.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 18, 2016

Inside My Radio is an often clever, creative and fun platformer/rhythm-action hybrid that perhaps pulls too many of its rabbits out of its hat before the final act. While it suffers for being a bit short, and for not always blending the two genres as well as it could, it does have an incredibly vibrant identity of its very own, and that's something worth praising.

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5 / 10
Apr 9, 2016

Inside My Radio offers something unique, in the sense that a music-based platformer is not the most common offer on the Wii U's catalogue among the many platformers already available. However and other than a certain glow derived from its aesthetics, this game isn't a groundbreaking title among its peers and offers little replay value beyond the first hours of gameplay.

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Sep 18, 2015

Inside My Radio has some solid mechanics that successfully fuse rhythm and platforming, but a mixed presentation and a criminally short length prevent it from being truly noteworthy.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 15, 2015

As it stands, Inside My Radio may seem a little high priced for its current content, but it's still a fun experience while it lasts.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Sep 15, 2017

Inside My Radio represents a strong concept wrapped inside a flawed package. The marriage of platforming and rhythm-action is more satisfying and polished here than even some triple-A games with similar premises, but everything else feels cheap: the music lacks identity, the plot is wafer-thin, and the short length - especially considering the price point - leaves a particularly sour taste in the mouth.

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Borja 'VodKaVK' Henry Vilar Martos
Top Critic
5.5 / 10.0
May 25, 2015

Excellent visuals, music, and sound. Sadly, the inconsistency in its mechanics makes playing feel very discontinuous, where the music never fully gets hold of the player.

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6 / 10.0
Mar 7, 2016

Before you are at the point of fully grasping everything, the adventure is already over (minus the Time Attack you unlock thereafter). I don't even remember the story that the game was trying to tell, as it was largely glossed over during its brief run. Inside My Radio is decent enough in its own right, but with more time in the oven, it could have been something greater.

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Feb 3, 2016

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Aug 16, 2015

Inside My Radio is an excellent example of taking the basic ideas of a genre, distilling them down to their most enjoyable elements, and executing it almost perfectly. While there are some hiccups, the game is still an instant piece of indie game mythology that anyone would be truly remised to skip over. What Seaven Studio comes up with next is sure to be a treat, because if Inside My Radio is any indication of their skills, they will be a juggernaut among their peers.

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9.8 / 10.0
May 12, 2015

Overall, I could say that Inside My Radio is one of those uncommon games that would really surprise its players with the gameplay experience it offers. Highly recommended for those gamers who greatly appreciate game soundtracks and those that are fans of platformers.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 10, 2019

For the most part the action is a bit on the straightforward side, just throwing the need to be on the beat into the mix to make it more challenging...

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4 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2016

Ultimately Inside My Radio is its own biggest enemy. For each and every thing that it does right, it does 10 that are wrong. And once the positives and negatives are compiled within a single list, you get an incredibly messy title, shorter than each and every game available on the PlayStation Store.

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