This War of Mine Reviews

This War of Mine is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Nov 24, 2014

Perhaps the problem is my own, and maybe I'm too content to morbidly tinker with my survivors to push them towards another miserable day. This War of Mine is a game whose simple message - that war is hell, and that we're all capable of being sucked into its moral depths - might be slightly compromised by its strengths as a game, but at least it's a message carried with a great deal more conviction than other, more bombastic portrayals of conflict. That, for certain, is something to be thankful for.

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80 / 100
Nov 18, 2014

A stark statement about war delivered through deftly designed stealth survival and resource management. Important, but unrelentingly cruel.

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Top Critic
8.4 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2014

This War of Mine is a gripping survival sim, and a great study of survival during wartime and civil collapse.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 2, 2014

Effectively delivers a strong message about the depressing reality of war, eschewing classic soldier or commander glorification that permeates many games. An emotional, impactful journey, even if the gameplay elements are somewhat simple

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8 / 10
Nov 16, 2014

This War of Mine is survival horror game of a very different, very literal kind.

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Top Critic
Nov 17, 2014

This War of Mine looks at war from a point-of-view rarely explored in video games, that of the civilians who have their lives disrupted by armed conflict.

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Nov 17, 2014

Whether This War of Mine truly succeeds in saying anything more than 'war is hell' I don't know. Equally, I'm not at all sure it needs to. We play a lot of wars, and it is surely only fair to sometimes be reminded that war is not really about a muscle-bound American man saving the day. It makes its point very well, in that it is harrowing, it is careful, and its increasingly deadly Groundhog day approach supports rather than disrupts the atmosphere of extreme strife. It's without doubt effective and impressive at what it does.

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80 / 100
Nov 13, 2014

This War of Mine makes the most of its clean, attractive graphics, its moody ambient soundtrack, and the intense, emotional nature of its gameplay. You'll care about your refugees, and you'll want to work hard to keep them healthy, fed, alive, and well. Unfortunately, This War of Mine doesn't make it easy on you. Even when you keep your people alive, you're left with the feeling that you've only marginally improved their existence. If the typical war-based video game is the big blockbuster movie, with tons of special effects and rockets flying overhead as brave well-muscled soldiers stand and give speeches, this game is the indie drama about the consequences of war. It's gripping, a beautiful depiction of an ugly time, and, fittingly, depressing as hell.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2014

While the human element of characters isn't as fleshed out as it could've been, This War of Mine is an interesting take on the war genre.

8.5 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2014

This War of Mine is a powerful and intimate portrayal of war through the eyes of ordinary civilians. An immense weight is put on the value of human life and moral decisions that can put your own well-being at risk. It's a thoughtful and heavy game, but one that's well worth playing.

Nov 23, 2014

Frankly, for all the artistic encounters I've had and valued as a gamer, this crosses a major threshold, delivering a valuable experience that doesn't seek to coddle a player's fragile conceptions of purpose and fun. If the lasting impression you receive is unquestionably bleak, you're doing it right. Nobody's going to reward you for even doing that.

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Dec 8, 2014

Though I certainly believe that video games are an art form, there are precious few games that I would hold up as works of art, which for me – in its narrative varieties at least – has something to do with extending one's capacity for empathy or adding depth to one's sense of the human condition. On both counts "This War of Mine" succeeds.

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85 / 100
Nov 26, 2018

This War of Mine Complete Edition for Nintendo Switch is a game that reflects the crudity of war like no other. It is not intense or spectacular at the visual level, but it is capable of transmitting like few others, putting us in the shoes of survivors trying to survive with difficulty in the middle of a warlike conflict.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 24, 2014

What truly sets This War of Mine apart is its dignity. It doesn't trade in its message for cheap cry-bait, and it doesn't batter you senseless with its despondency. Don't expect to be presented two dramatically contrasting, woefully transparent choices and then watch the game preen itself over how clever it's been. You'll be dropped into a blighted world and be left to figure out your own path, making fatal mistakes and incurring tragic losses before coming to the conclusion that precious few videogames have ever had the nerve to draw…

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Nov 18, 2014
► WTF Is... -  This War of Mine ? video thumbnail
Nov 13, 2014

This War of Mine creates an oppressively bleak landscape, but with just enough humanity shining through that you want to keep digging to find and hold onto that source of light. That earnest human touch keeps This War of Mine compelling even when you mess up and the rubble all comes tumbling down around you, leaving you just enough hope for the next attempt that you'll dive back in and endure it all again.

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76 / 100
Dec 1, 2014

In terms of gameplay I found This War of Mine a little tedious and slow. I mostly wanted to hustle through the gameplay parts so I could see the story and my characters develop. It's not an amazing GAME, but it's an amazing experience.

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8.8 / 10.0
Dec 22, 2014

This War of Mine delivers a setting that is depressing and unsettling. It's a slow-paced resource management strategy game that will hang over you long after you walk away from it. Admittedly, it tip-toes into being melodramatic at times, and the controls could benefit from some hotkeys to back up the point-and-click interface. But the mechanics and setting are so well done, it's an absolute must play for anyone looking for an example of how all the different parts of a game can come together to create an affecting and immersive experience for a player.

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5 / 5.0
Dec 4, 2014

If I'm being entirely honest, This War of Mine is one of the best all-around games I've played all year. A crisp, consistent atmosphere, intuitive gameplay, and surprising depth create a fantastic experience.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2014

The goal of This War of Mine was to showcase what life is actually like for the people left behind while the battle rages on, and it provides a marvelous representation of that. The choices are difficult, it's not easy to help everyone, and sometimes you have to do awful things just to stay alive. The power of video games continues to amaze, and This War of Mine is a shining example of the endless learning possibilities games have in store.

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