Cannibal Cuisine Reviews

Cannibal Cuisine is ranked in the 28th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
May 19, 2020

The character placement and controls in Cannibal Cuisine could use a bit of tightening - for instance, there seems to be a pretty wide and inconsistent margin as to when a player falls into a gap and when they don’t - but for the most part, Cannibal Cuisine is just as fun as other co-op party games such as Overcooked and Tools Up! Its bloody cartoon violence - and, you know, cannibalism - is probably a bit too much for younger players. But for groups of older gamers who are fans of this sort of game, you’ll likely eat up Cannibal Cuisine. Which is better than the other way around.

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7 / 10.0
May 19, 2020

It's an absolute blast with friends, but dodgy controls and a lack of new ideas struggle to help Cannibal Cuisine stand out in the genre.

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80 / 100
Jun 3, 2020

Cannibal Cuisine is a great little spin on the cooking genre, and it's a blast with friends. While some UI and balance issues make for rough edges on the fun, the goofy and grisly nature make it a great addition for your cooperative craziness.

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7.2 / 10.0
Jan 24, 2022

It is not known for sure when it was that our ancestors acquired the habit that is also known as cannibalism, but due to the dark and intriguing subject, popular culture has adapted it into the horror genre through films, books, comics and video games such as this Cannibal Cuisine, a work that beyond the moral dilemma presented by the act of making picadillo with its natural and human factors, makes its biggest commitment to recipes and humor in kitchens.

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Jul 8, 2020

Cannibal Cuisine is a flawed and crude Overcooked.

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May 19, 2020

All in all, Cannibal Cuisine is a huge amount of fun, especially if you’re already a big fan of similar games.

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6.5 / 10.0
May 20, 2020

Cannibal Cuisine is a game I had my doubts about. Within a few levels, I was enjoying my time playing as long as players can swallow the idea of cannibalism for their next game night.

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5 / 10.0
May 19, 2020

With a concept that's insensitive at best, Cannibal Cuisine has a rough first impression to overcome. The mechanics that are under it are fine, but the controls can feel too slippery for their own good. Add that with an average combat system and you've got a game that never shines beyond its sensationalistic pitch. If your mates crave some co-op chaos, there are far worse games to play. However, there are also far better games out there.

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74 / 100
Feb 8, 2022

If you can overcome the terrible controls, Cannibal Cuisine can be a fun cooking-style game, especially in co-op modes.

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5.5 / 10.0
Jul 31, 2020

The concept for Cannibal Cuisine is fine: a grotesque spin on the Overcooked formula with some quality of life changes. However, there are enough issues here to sap away any enjoyment from the concept, especially if this is your first exposure to this type of party game. Unless you're a veteran of these games and want to deal with the artificial challenge, it'd be best to leave this one alone and opt for the more polished titles in the genre.

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6 / 10.0
Jun 1, 2020

Unfortunately, the design of the stages does no favors for the game's controls either, and so you're likely to spend a fair amount of time waiting to respawn or waiting for your teammates to slowly wind their way around obstacles. Cannibal Cuisine is worth a pick up if you're looking for more Overcooked but with a twist. Just be prepared to pick a few human hairs out of this soup.

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75 / 100
May 20, 2020

Cannibal Cuisine is a juicy fun party-game when you’re cooking alongside three of your friends in the same living room. As a single-player experience, it doesn’t have enough meat on its bones, but it’s clear it was never intended to be played as such.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jan 24, 2022

Cannibal Cuisine is definitely a fun and irreverent couch co-op game that'll appeal to anyone with a sick sense of humour. With that in mind, it's a disappointingly short experience and it plays it rather safe by being a little too similar to Overcooked.

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6.8 / 10.0
May 20, 2020

With the astounding success of the Overcooked series it was inevitable that a bunch of other teams would take on culinary local co-op, and one result of those efforts is Cannibal Cuisine...

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7 / 10
Feb 5, 2022

If you’re a fan of the likes of Overcooked and you’re looking for a new title to spice up your games night, Cannibal Cuisine is certainly worth your time. Despite its familiar aspects, it adds a little of something new to the formula via its darkly funny theme. It’s not as polished or as packed with content as the genre leaders but it’s still a dish worth tucking into.

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May 26, 2020

Cannibal Cuisine has all the right ingredients to be a fun cooking game to play alone or with co-op buddies. But it just hasn’t come together well and feels more like a burned meal than something created with care and attention. Floaty controls, silly difficulty spikes, targets and utterly horrendous random elements in the game will make you want to close the kitchen and never return. It’s just not fun. With patching I think there is still hope for this game and it could still be something worth dipping into. Currently I suggest getting your co-op fix elsewhere.

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