Serious Sam 4 Reviews
Serious Sam 4 plays like its predecessors when it comes to the general shooting, featuring open areas and hordes of enemies. But it could have been better if it cleaned up the various technical and presentation issues that ruin the fun.
The stale gameplay is probably the biggest issue. Not much has changed, and the concept feels old. The graphics are forgettable, the weapons are not interesting, the animations are not great, and the overall quality leaves to be desired. Playing on our melancholy can only go so far.
Serious Sam 4 offers seriously good old-school action game with plenty of great one liners. However, the vehicles feel really useless and the graphics are weirdly bad.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
Although I am a fan of the series and most of the previous releases were fun and unique , but this one is a disappointment unfortunately
Review in Arabic | Read full review
Serious Sam 4 get's lots of things right, but it also gets some things wrong. Overall the game is an improvement over its predecessor. The open-world design emphasizes exploration, the massive arsenal makes killing aliens more fun than ever.
Technical mess, outdated visuals, awkward 'modern' design decisions… and a lot of fun to play!
Review in Russian | Read full review
Serious Sam 4 is a very good game in an underwhelming package. There's no doubt that the relentless carnage and large levels hit the sweet spot of old-school FPS charm in the solo and co-op modes. It feels good to shoot, dodge and scramble to pick up items at a frantic pace. The various bugs, long load times, and lackluster presentation drag things down significantly. It is well worth playing if you need a classic shooter fix, but be prepared for rough times until a few patches come into play.
To cap it all off, Serious Sam 4 has heart. It’s fun to play with at certain moments, and it’s too overbearing in others. This game is proof that more isn’t always merrier. It’s almost the video game equivalent of a Michael Bay movie. It’s good to look at, it has jaw-dropping moments, but it just lacks substance. The first few games of the franchise are proof that a game like this can be great. This title, however, is far from that.
It is a shame that Serious Sam 4 is not able to live up to the series’ legacy. While the franchise has never been associated with particularly groundbreaking or polished titles it has previously been able to offer enjoyable experiences with its own identity and fun gameplay. Serious Sam 4 is too bogged down by questionable design and poor presentation to manage that, and instead feels like a title quickly thrown together with an overnight script than a cohesive product.
Serious Sam 4 may not differ too much from its norm but it brings the high-paced frantic FPS action that fans love to an entirely new level.
For those who want a brutally raw retro-styled shooter where constant carnage is the order of the day, Serious Sam 4 will sate the bloodlust of even the most maniacal gamers. Not only that, but it’s genuinely funny and well-written, and the trials and tragedies Sam experiences tugged at my jaded heartstrings far more than I expected them to. Many would not enjoy Serious Sam 4 because gunning down endless waves of slavering aliens and mutants becomes brutally relentless – but if you’re a hardcore shooter purist, that’s exactly what you’re looking for.
It may not revolutionize the formula, but the new iteration of the engine allows the game to unleash thousands of enemies at the same time, giving the player levels of chaos and destruction they have rarely witnessed in a video game. I can close an eye on some of the jank when I can blow up dozens of headless kamikazes, with Sam delivering intentionally corny one-liners after, and I suspect other people who grew up on this franchise may be able to do the same.
Despite the regrets, Serious Sam 4 is indeed a good FPS. Not only does it feature important and classic elements of its series, including action-packed gunfights and plenty of enemies to fight, but it also has extras like co-op mode and interesting dialogue. Unfortunately, these qualities are heavily undermined by poor performance, poorly planned combat stages and bad animations. At the end, is the recommendation for fans of the franchise and lovers of the genre.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Serious Sam 4 is a fun shooter that can be really challenging at times. However, it’s kinda disappointing that there are so many performance issues, and that the graphics feel a little outdated, despite being on next-gen. If you’re someone who’s looking for a fun, chaotic shooter who doesn’t really mind the performance issues, then I can definitely recommend this to you!
There is a lot of fun that could be had with Serious Sam 4, however many of its design issues make it a loud, overwhelming, and unbearable mess. There are some really great moments in this game with some entertaining cut scenes and many moments where it becomes a genuine run-and-gun fest. However, it feels like the game takes a good thing and gives you too much of it. While I appreciate all the extra content with the launch, a lot of it feels like unnecessary padding.
Sadly, as expected, this PS5 version of Serious Sam was a disappointment. There is a really fun shooter buried underneath this pile of glitches, framerate issues and boring story-driven sections, but it’s nigh impossible to overlook all of those setbacks.
If you're a hardcore fan of Serious Sam then this new installment will deliver the same experience that you love but outside the fanbase, Serious Sam 4 is just a massive horde mode single-player adventure.
If you’ve played any of the Serious Sam games, you’ll likely remember they never were outstanding in the graphics department, mainly due to having so many monsters to fight on screen at once. Whilst some of the character animations weren’t the best, some of the level environments were amazing. We had a great time playing Serious Sam 4 co-op slaying hordes of monsters with lots of laughs at the hilarious and perfectly-timed one-liners.
I honestly want to like Serious Sam 4, it has been almost a decade since the last title came out and there are definitely some good points, the characters and story are so bad it’s actually hilarious, especially Kenny who is basically Woody Allen crossed with a wet sock and the weapons do have the right amount of oomph, the way a double shotgun clears an area or mowing down the big guys with dual-wielding chain guns is an absolute dream. But you wake up from that dream quick smart with just how badly the game works, even after a hotfix was released while writing this review did I find the game still not running properly.
Serious Sam is a series that has been around for a long time. Overshadowed by the likes of Doom, Duke Nukem¸ and Goldeneye, the first-person action shooter series never truly felt like a revolutionary game series.