Serious Sam 4 Reviews
Serious Sam 4 makes another attempt at being more than an average first-person shooter, but didn't have enough ammunition to blow me away.
Reader, I'm not going to lie. As a serious Serious Sam fan it's very hard for me to get on board with this installment. I know they tried with some big ideas, but it just feels like every single one of them fell miles short of the intended mark. If you're a die hard fan of the franchise like me, then no doubt you'll want this--but take my word for it and wait for a deep cut or sale. Otherwise, you'll just find yourself frustrated that you've spent upwards of £30 on what feels like a rushed, buggy mess covered in your favourite coat of Sam paint.
The series always gave the impression that it was created with only one goal in mind, to entertain the player with its extreme action, without having to worry about anything else, however this does not seem to be the case anymore.
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Some may want a bit more polish especially in the graphics and online matchmaking but for what it does; Serious Sam 4 does it well and is a fun mix of modern and nostalgia that should keep fans of the series happy.
To be fair to Serious Sam 4, there is a real thrill to be experienced in the battles when that old, familiar gameplay loop really clicks.
Serious Sam 4 takes a good care of the series' legacy and fans will be happy. But the visual style hardly meets modern standards and level-design is also a bit boring.
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Despite many flaws, Serious Sam 4 has made my day. It’s been a while since I played a game where there was so much humor and action at the same time.
As a new Sam player, I had a ton of fun in both the single-player and co-op modes. I spilled a lot of sweat reloading the last save-game many times until I barely made it through alive. Finally succeeding in killing all the waves of enemies gives you that thrill of accomplishment that many games strive for but few achieve. The soundtrack is one of the highlights of the game. It works with the action very well except for inconsistent timings. Graphics on the other hand feels outdated, and not even the high-res textures can save it from appearing disappointing.
There's really not much to review in a Serious Sam game other than, it's still Serious Sam. The gameplay is fantastic and the story is cheesy as always, it's what makes Serious Sam 4 a great run n' gun shooter. While some people may like or not like the story, you can always skip it. If you're looking to continue the series, looking for something different to play, or mindlessly shoot everything in your way, I'd definitely recommend Serious Sam 4.
Croteam is still on a roll with Serious Sam. A saga that is limited to facing hundreds of enemies at the same time in the open field and never gets boring. Of course, let's hope that in the fifth installment the crusade of our Sam against Mental advances a few more steps until the inevitable final confrontation.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
When it comes to Croteam, it’s the small touches that matters, and Serious Sam 4 is full of them. It maintains its classic chaotic style of arena shooting, improves in much needed areas. After eight years of the latest entry, is good to have Sam back.
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A fast & furious classic shooter that will have you losing shoes & living with the screams of the Headless Kamikaze echoing in your ears long after you’ve finished playing.
Serious Sam 4 subpar level design and shooting action mar what should be an over the top action delight.
Serious Sam 4 is ok, it has some issues and feels limited in scope despite having some impressively massive battle sequences.
Serious Sam 4: Planet Badass is a return to form for fans of the franchise, with more than enough new mechanics and contents to keep the formula interesting and fresh. But does it come recommended? Well, sure. And I say this with more conviction than any of the prior titles. Serious Sam is niche, but it’s a niche that has gained a significant following in the last decade. If you’re any sort of fan of first-person shooters, then you’ll likely enjoy it. Just be willing to check your brain in at the door and expect it to be one of the most brutal yet satisfying grinds you’ll ever play.
In this day and age, sometimes we just need to hold down the trigger and scream at the top of our lungs. Serious Sam 4 succeeds on that front, and delivers it with a dual rocket launcher-wielding grin on its face.
An action-packed adrenaline shot to the head that lives up to the rest of the classic FPS series, Serious Sam 4 provides a lot of high-end fun sprinkled with death and destruction.
Honestly, it hurts me to have to give this game such a bashing, because I do enjoy the series. There are some good things about Serious Sam 4, and some fun moments. Unfortunately, it mostly feels uninspired in its overall design. However, what really kills the experience is the severe lack of polish and quality control presented here. This needs more time in the oven and that is why even if you’re a fan, I suggest you wait on more patches.
Serious Sam 4 is another lesson on how to make a f***ing shooter, keep it simple and focused on the fun. All you do is slaughter wave after wave of familiar monsters and aliens (nothing fancy or ground breaking). If you enjoyed playing Doom: Eternal and still have the itch for an old school shooter then this game is the answer.
Serious Sam 4 feels frustratingly stuck in the past, using the guise of nostalgia to offer up a sub-par, grossly dated product.