Chicken Police Reviews

Chicken Police is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 5.0
Nov 23, 2020

Chicken Police – Paint it RED! is a well done and unique film noir video game experience.

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9 / 10
Nov 21, 2020

An extremely impressive first game from The Wild Gentlemen, Chicken Police - Paint it RED! is one of the best adventure games we've played in a long, long time and one hell of an absorbing tale. It looks and runs great on the Switch, with only a couple of really minuscule interface issues which are easily ignored. At roughly eight or nine hours, the story is surprisingly lengthy for its genre, but we were never bored and wanted to investigate every little thing just to wring out more precious droplets of banter and fascination. Chicken Police is a polished, captivating experience and we're very excited for whatever's coming next from this team. It's just a shame it's so good, or we could have said it "laid an egg", and that would have tied in nicely with the whole chicken thing. Instead, this review is just going to, well, end. Now. That's it. It's finished. No closing chicken joke.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2020

Chicken Police is a noire style point and click visual novel. It features a dark and compelling central mystery and a superbly voice-acted cast of bizarre characters. It is a clucking good time!

7.5 / 10.0
Nov 6, 2020

Chicken Police: Paint it red! is a visual novel that knows how to disguise itself as a graphic adventure. Creative universe with sound and visual care. A fantastic tribute to the noir films and animals. The functionality and usability of the menus could be better as well as the puzzles and other interaction elements.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2020

Chicken Police: Paint it RED! offers a pleasant experience that keeps the player's attention throughout the story thanks expecially to a good balance of intrigue and humour. Every piece of the puzzle finds its place, both in plot and in gameplay, and the final product is really a fully satisfying one. A good game.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8 / 10
Dec 2, 2020

Chicken Police is far better than I'd expected it to be, due in no small part to the way it nails the noir aesthetic. It's clearly had a lot of care and attention put into it, with puns, jokes and background information tucked behind every corner and in every bit of dialogue. It's a surprise, but Chicken Police is excellent and comes highly recommended to anyone whose egg it pickles.

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75 / 100
Nov 28, 2020

This is a difficult game to review because its strengths are also its weaknesses, and while I clearly have a lot to complain about, I think it’s in the Dragon Age way of, “I liked it so I want it to be better”—and Dragon Age: Origins is my favorite game of all time. Chicken Police – Paint it RED! has style and panache in spades. The worldbuilding is interesting, the puzzle gameplay was fun, and the voice acting was very strong throughout. I like Santino Featherland and his partner Marty, and even more amazingly, I like a bunch of the side characters too. I’m obsessed with Archibald, the gangster with an impeccable French accent.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2020

Chicken Police: Paint It Red proves you can creat a smart, original game even by putting together pieces of 40's noir movies with old point&click adventures and painting it all in cool B&W visual style. The smart move is adding animals to the equation: grumpy roosters and sexy cats lead to sharp dialogues and funny wordplays, while at the same time showing what is wrong in human nature. The plot may not be the most original, but Chicken Police is definitely worth playing.

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Nov 9, 2020

An excellent adventure game.

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Nov 30, 2020

Whilst some of the minigames may drag the pace down, the incredibly stylish visuals, next-level voice acting and brave narrative stand out. Chicken Police: Paint It RED! is one of those indie gems that deserve to be at the top of the pecking order.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2020

It's both hilarious and serious, but Chicken Police is more than just 2020's weirdest game. Beneath the clucked-up surface is a genuinely engrossing story, amazingly developed characters, and a cast that brings them to life. With slick production values, this is one hard-boiled detective story with a unique flavour.

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Sep 5, 2021

Despite a few quibbles and an endgame that doesn’t hit quite as hard as I hoped, I enjoyed Chicken Police – Paint it RED! The characters are kind of the star of the show, and the fantastic writing and voice acting compliment the noir-style visuals. If you’re looking for a classic detective story with a unique twist, then you might be interested in the adventures of the legendary Chicken Police. Overall, it’s a clucking good time!

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7 / 10.0
Nov 20, 2020

Chicken Police – Paint it RED! combines the storytelling of a visual novel with the puzzle-solving of a point-and-click adventure to create a decidedly different gaming experience. The slick, cinema noir style and distinctive anthropomorphic presentation do enough to cover up any shortcomings that would otherwise dissuade you from seeing this case through to its exciting end.

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8 / 10
Nov 5, 2020

A slick noir mystery with an intoxicating atmosphere and unmatched aesthetics. Combined with its sharp, campy writing and an intriguing storyline, Chicken Police is an indie gem that shouldn't be missed.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 22, 2021

Chicken Police is the guilty animal film-noir treasure that I didn’t know I needed in my life until I took flight into the Wilderness and experienced it for myself.

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Becca S.
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Nov 5, 2020

There’s a lot to love about Chicken Police. Clawville is such a unique city and I wish I could spend more time there getting to know its history and its residents. Sonny is a dark but quirky protagonist and he’s a pleasure to step into the shoes of. It’s a mature title with violence and cursing, however, so don’t let the cute animals fool you. If you’re looking for a engaging detective story with a very distinctive flavour, Chicken Police should be the top of your list.

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Rudy Lavaux
Top Critic
9 / 10
Dec 30, 2020

Chicken Police - Paint it Red! is a total good surprise. It hits every nail squarely on the head and leaves the player with a satisfying sense of accomplishment, while being a ruddy good time all the way through. Yes, the English written script leaves something to be desired and should totally be fixed as soon as possible, meaning it's not perfect in that sense. It is also somewhat short for the price but this is something we can more easily let it slide when a game is just consistently enjoyable all the way through like it is here. Lovers of animals, film noir, adult humour, police mysteries and point n' click adventures... all of the above are likely to find a lot to be liked about this piece of software.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 7, 2020

Chicken Police: Paint It Red is a thoroughly engaging detective romp. The investigation elements, like the interrogations and clue linking, are fun in their own right, but the rest of the package proves to be quite enticing. From the story and atmosphere to the characters and dialogue, this is a strong adventure title with a compelling film noir style. For adventure game fans, Chicken Police is a must-have.

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8.3 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2020

Chicken Police is a rare visual novel noir game. If you like noir games and atmosphere, you'll absolutely love Chicken Police. Its story telling, voice acting and atmosphere are in point and will make you fall in love with this unique game.

Review in Persian | Read full review

9 / 10.0
Nov 21, 2020

Chicken Police: Paint It Red is a gorgeous looking film noir style game that takes everything you love from the classic buddy-cop movies and mixes it with a huge cast of anthropomorphic characters. The story, voice-overs and adult humour are great making this a must play.

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