DOOM Eternal (Switch) Reviews

DOOM Eternal (Switch) is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10
Dec 9, 2020

DOOM Eternal has undergone one of the most severe visual downgrades we've ever seen in order to get the game running on Switch – which is a portable console, lest we forget – but the fact that it runs at a solid 30 frames per second and, most importantly, is still fantastically good fun means this 'impossible' port is nothing short of a miracle. The looks may have taken a hit, but the non-stop action, incredible soundtrack and sheer satisfaction in taking out hordes of demons all add up to a game that is just as pure as it was on other formats.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 16, 2020

Graphical downgrades don't stop Doom Eternal from being a thoroughly entertaining shooter.

8 / 10.0
Dec 17, 2020

A good conversion that, despite a less-significant impact from a graphical point of view, keeps the same experience, flow, and fun gameplay of the original shooter made by id Software. It's yet another great example of Panic Button's ability to achieve what seemed impossible for yet another huge third-party AAA game that makes 2020 one of the best year in Nintendo Switch history.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 16, 2020

Panic Button once again signs an outstanding port. DOOM Eternal comes to Nintendo Switch without too many adaptations and making many technical concessions, but the result is an experience that remains solid and rewarding.

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Dec 15, 2020

Getting Doom on a new platform is inherent to the series’ DNA as people find more oddball hardware to run the classic game on. Playing Doom on a pregnancy test is not the most optimal way to play it, but it is possible. And Doom Eternal on the Switch is similarly possible but not optimal. The Switch port is still thrilling and has an addictive combat loop with incredible pacing yet it’s inherently held back enough by the platform’s weaknesses to make it the least appealing version. It’s a novelty to rip and tear on the go, but it’s questionable how, well, novel that novelty really is. It runs Doom… sorta.

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8 / 10
Dec 14, 2020

Doom Eternal is one of my favourite games of this year, and Panic Button has outdone themselves in bringing this unforgettable FPS to the Nintendo Switch. There are some awkward nags like the clunky Joy-Con sticks and playing at 30fps that bring the experience down a bit, but I'm still beside myself over the fact that Doom Eternal manages to work on a Nintendo Switch. Is this the ultimate version of the game? Not by a long shot. But if you only have access to a Switch or you've been dying to bring this game on the go, you'll still have the time of your life.

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85 / 100
Dec 9, 2020

It's not the best version of the game, but it's the best possible port for Nintendo Switch. You'll miss the 60 fps and see the visual downgrade if you've played it on other platforms... but if that's not the case (you don't have other console or PC), or just wanna play DOOM Eternal anywhere, you'll enjoy it like on the rest of platforms.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
8 / 10
Dec 9, 2020

An extraordinarily good port that seems physically impossible given the modest abilities of the Switch but is just as playable and enjoyable as the other console versions.

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Drew Leachman
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Feb 4, 2021

At the end of the day, I’m not here to judge the players or the market for this version of the game, I’m here to judge the actual game. From what I played, I can see a person picking this up and still having a fun time with it, but if I had the option to play it on another system or PC, I would choose to play it there. The resolution is an eyesore to say the least, but the gameplay is still smooth and works very well for the entire game. Take that as you will.

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8.4 / 10.0
Dec 16, 2020

Even with a reduced resolution and half the frame rates, it's hard not to consider this port on the Nintendo Switch as a small miracle. Once again, Panic Button has proven to be able to do the impossible: recreating the experience of a triple A shooter in portable format.

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82 / 100
Dec 12, 2020

Doom Eternal is the best first-person shooter on the Nintendo Switch. Whether you’ve played the game before or not, this blood-soaked port is definitely worth your time. Even though the game suffers from graphical downgrades, you’ll have a hell of a good time decapitating demons and eviscerating beasts on the go.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 19, 2020

Doom Eternal is every bit the evolution of its predecessor that fans could have hoped for, and Panic Button has done one hell of a job porting it over to Nintendo Switch. Faster-paced combat challenges you to adapt your strategies, make meaningful decisions, and use everything in your arsenal to counter all manner of intelligent demons and their unique weaknesses. Well-designed levels break up the intense encounters with precise platforming, and at almost every corner there are rewarding upgrades and worthwhile secrets to uncover. While your enjoyment of the plot will depend on how you engage with it, and it isn't the most graphically impressive version of the game, Doom Eternal on Nintendo Switch is a worthy way to practice demon-slaying on the go.

8.5 / 10.0
Dec 16, 2020

Doom Eternal on Switch is therefore a port of incredible workmanship that despite obvious compromises, manages to return intact the gaming feeling of one of the most important works of this 2020.

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8 / 10
Dec 14, 2020

DOOM Eternal is blurry but the frame rate is great on portable mode, which makes this FPS very enjoyable. On TV it's more complicated. A great occasion to discover the game on Switch if it's not already done.

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Top Critic
Dec 10, 2020
DOOM Eternal - REVIEW (Nintendo Switch) video thumbnail
8.5 / 10.0
Jan 13, 2021

While DOOM Eternal is rated M for its gore and violence, there's a lot about the gaming experience that makes it safer to play for teen and young adult audiences than the average, multiplayer competitors of its genre. And if there's ever a day I need to just chainsaw through some demons, I know where I can turn.

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David Flynn
Top Critic
90 / 100
Dec 12, 2020

DOOM: Eternal on Switch may not be as pretty as its PC or other console counterparts, but the trade off is well worth it for the portability and motion aiming.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 4, 2018

Doom Eternal is one of the most unique first-person shooters out there. Even though the Nintendo Switch version fails to keep up with other console releases such as cutscene graphics and the platforming feels a little buggy, using gyro controls to take down enemies, the multiplayer battle mode, and overall gameplay make playing Doom Eternal on the Nintendo Switch an awesome experience!

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3.4 / 5.0
Apr 11, 2021

Insane and re-hell bent on being “that Guy” of Doom

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Dec 22, 2020

DOOM Eternal on Nintendo Switch is a mechanically smooth experience to play. Combat feels tight, controls are decent and it runs smoothly. It's one of the most impressive shooters of this generation and the fact that I can play it on a handheld device is exceptionally impressive. However, all of this comes at the cost of visual fidelity which is both distracting and takes away from the game's overall appeal.

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