Eastward Reviews

Eastward is ranked in the 83rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
78 / 100
Oct 6, 2021

Worth playing for the atmosphere even though its pace and plot are uneven.

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Jonathan Bolding
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Sep 17, 2021

Eastward is a post-apocalyptic picaresque as charming as it is pretty, with simple action combat and puzzles that are accessible to everyone.

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Sep 14, 2021

A strong love for storytelling and the feel of games like Earthbound makes Eastward shine even where the gameplay flags.

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Top Critic
Sep 14, 2021

All of that said, denouncing Eastward’s strengths and successes for any of the above would be disingenuous. It is a remarkable game that, while retro in ambition, will paradoxically go on to inspire the drive and uniqueness of future projects. It is clever, vibrant, and unapologetically original, and unless some magnificent twist of fate occurs over the next three months, it will undoubtedly go down as one of the best games of the year.

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Sep 14, 2021

Eastward might fumble the ending, but that doesn't stop it from delivering a fantastic journey.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 14, 2021

Eastward crafts a cozy journey through fascinating and bizarre realms, featuring a memorable cast. While lackluster combat and a few repetitive puzzle styles tarnish the experience, it's still a ride well worth taking

Sep 14, 2021

John and Sam's abilities are also key in some of Eastward's more challenging boss fights, in moments where slapping enemies with the frying pan (later, John will also acquire a gun, flamethrower, and cog weapon, alongside different bombs) is simply not enough. These boss fights are often simple in theory: dodging hits, stunning enemies, and taking a swing, for instance. But, like the puzzles, they require a precision that can be hard to master; the sheer simplicity is clever and deceiving.

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Sep 21, 2021

It's slow to start, but once Eastward gets going, this handsome post-apocalypse roars to life like nothing else, marrying top-down action with an exquisite cast of characters whose stories really make you care about the world you're trying to save.

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8 / 10
Feb 7, 2024

Eastward: Octopia may not bring many new ideas to a crowded genre, but this is an impressively well-executed expansion that nicely ticks all the boxes for a satisfying and relaxing farm sim. Although it has some rougher edges, the decent gameplay variety, interesting story, gorgeous visuals, and surprising amount of content all come together to make this one an easy recommendation to any fans of the original Eastward. Even for those of you who fell off your playthrough of the original for one reason or another, we'd encourage you to consider coming back for Octopia-this is a much better-paced game and, some performance issues aside, it's lost none of the charm that made the original so popular.

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8 / 10
Sep 17, 2021

Eastward proves itself to be a memorable and enjoyable mashup of many beloved classic titles, combining each of their elements together to forge something that feels distinct and engaging. Creative gameplay sequences, a heartwarming and emotional story, and a killer art style all combine to make this one easy to recommend. That being said, we'd also offer a word of caution that this is a slow burn kind of game; if you're not a patient player, Eastward's sometimes lethargic pace may take a lot of enjoyment out of the experience. Wherever you may fall, Eastward is indisputably a game worth checking out, and we'd encourage you to give it a shot.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 14, 2021

Eastward is an enjoyable and arresting adventure, with memorable characters, likeable humour and a central mystery that keeps you engaged throughout.

9 / 10.0
Sep 14, 2021

Referring to the world above as the “Forbidden Land”, with the threat of being sent to an ambiguous realm as punishment for rebellion, Eastward leans on fantasy to flavor its story, without forgetting about its core, real-world values. Its fluid, well-paced progression, and control movements thankfully allow you to explore and admire the view before continuing because Eastward is all about the journey despite its fascinating destination.

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86 / 100
Aug 4, 2022

‎Eastward pays homage to the adventures of the 90s, fusing ideas from one and the other, but maintaining his own style. A small visual marvel that can entertain you for more than 25 hours, and now, thanks to the patch with the translation and the added improvements, makes the adventure more accessible than ever.‎

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Oct 1, 2021

Look at “Eastward” as a love letter to EarthBound, Zelda and Japanese RPGs. You can tell a lot of love was poured into this game and years of work. But the game’s art, music and format all work in service of a story that doesn’t actually say much. “Eastward” just doesn’t connect those last few dots.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 5, 2021

For as gorgeous as Eastward‘s graphics are, and as endearing as some of its characters become, and as much as I need its soundtrack on vinyl as soon as possible, it also falls short in some ways that leave its conclusion feeling a bit off. It’s one of the more promising debuts I’ve seen, and Pixpil has ensured I’ll be incredibly interested in whatever they do next. Eastward is something a fan of pixel art and good music, with a weakness for video game nostalgia, deserves to check out. It’s just also a journey that left me wanting a little more.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
6 / 10
Sep 20, 2021

The 2D visuals are absolutely stunning, but the simplistic action and pretentious storytelling undermine what could have been a true neo-retro classic.

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Top Critic
15 / 20
Oct 20, 2021

Eastward is a good game, very good even. While taking inspiration from certain models, he manages to show originality, in particular by staging an adventure advocating the importance of links with others. However, it's impossible not to experience some frustrations along the way.

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84 / 100
Sep 16, 2021

Eastward is a game about a journey and the characters you meet along the way. Although the combat and puzzles are quite typical, the setting, sound and art style are remarkable, making this an essential trek through an incredible world.

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Sep 15, 2021

Eastward is an amazing indie title that spans around 30 hours of gameplay, told through a captivating story. The wonderful art direction and spectacular animation are warranted enough for Eastward to grab your attention.

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Sep 14, 2021

Match all of the above with a mesmerizing soundtrack of hummable motifs, from cheerily playful ditties to dramatic dirges, and everything in between, and Eastward distinguishes itself handily within its heavily populated genre. While it's not without its shortcomings - in particular, a bit less variety in combat and puzzles than the genre often typifies - where it shines, it does so brightly. For RPG fans, Eastward is the real deal, and it’s an unmissable and impressive feat of indie design that deserves plenty of recognition amongst a sea of bigger releases in 2021.

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