Riders Republic Reviews

Riders Republic is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Travis Northup
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Nov 4, 2021

Riders Republic is an excellent, arcadey extreme sports sandbox with bonkers multiplayer events, an impressive open world, and unfortunate server issues.

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71 / 100
Nov 2, 2021

Extreme sports made accessible to the point of basic. It's got a tin ear but a big heart.

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Nov 2, 2021

Ubisoft builds upon the framework of Steep with this enjoyably eccentric open world extreme sports adventure.

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Andy Kelly
Top Critic
Nov 2, 2021

It's not the prettiest game, with distant scenery lacking detail, low-res cinematics, and screen tearing in busy areas. But the dizzying scale of the world, and the complete lack of loading times, is technically impressive. It's also worth noting that you need to be online to experience the career mode and progression—otherwise you're stuck with the freeform, rather empty Zen Mode. Most people play games online these days, but if you can't for whatever reason, your options will be limited. It's frustrating, because the actual riding in Riders Republic is heaps of fun. It's just been packaged in a completely off-putting way. You'll have to decide if the cringe is worth putting up with.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2021
Riders Republic - Easy Allies Review - YouTube video thumbnail
Nov 3, 2021

Riders Republic is a hell of a good time, a freeform open-world sports game that encourages you to follow your passion and find your own fun.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
8 / 10
Oct 29, 2021

Riders Republic is exactly the game it is trying to be, with a modern take on early 2000s xtreme sports games that works in terms of everything except the corporate-mandated ambience.

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6.8 / 10.0
Nov 9, 2021

Riders Republic has some great moments – namely its dozens upon dozens of races – but all of that is cut down by an impressively obnoxious script, unskippable dialogue, and predetermined soundtracks that play ad nauseam

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8 / 10
Nov 3, 2021

Riders Republic is a varied extreme sports playground that's both thrilling and approachable.

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Top Critic
Oct 26, 2021

Riders Republic is more than a revision of Steep than it is a rewrite, a creative team taking all of the lessons learned from a rough draft and starting over from the beginning. It has more extreme sports, sure, but more importantly, it’s a profoundly more social experience. It oozes joy, without relying on the fundamentals of its contemporaries, like combat, winner-takes-all competition, and melodramatic linear storytelling.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 28, 2021

Not all of the activities are equally enjoyable in Riders Republic, but the highs — namely, the harrowing downhill mountain bike races and over-the-top snow sports — deliver.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 1, 2021

‎Riders Republic has been for me one of the biggest surprises of the year. A title whose gameplay is so effective as to knock down all kinds of skepticism and preconceived ideas about open-world games that try to besiege you with a multitude of empty contents. In the end, the most important thing about Riders Republic is that it makes you feel like the king of the mountain in every jump, every skid and in every stunt you manage to land on the ground safe and sound.‎

Review in Spanish | Read full review

6 / 10
Nov 2, 2021

Riders Republic is a game players can effortlessly lose themselves in, even if the gameplay itself is pretty shallow. The endless barrage of events populating the world map become less exciting over time, resembling a shopping list rather than milestones in your ascension to extreme sports godhood. If you're still keen to take the plunge, make sure you have a posse ready to party up with.

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83 / 100
Oct 31, 2021

Riders Republic is a little surprise, an extreme sports game that pick ups elements from the legends of the genre and apply them to a huge open world, more social oriented, but without losing the focus on the fun part. It's far from perfect, but at least try to do something different... despite the micropayments.

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8 / 10
Nov 8, 2021

Riders Republic is a surprisingly good time with arcade-like extreme sports that feel thoroughly unique from one another. Online events are the best parts of the game, though it can get bogged down by glitches and server-related issues. Despite that, Riders Republic is still one of my surprise pleasures of 2021.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 1, 2021

‎Riders Republic manages to be what it sets out to do: a fun, addictive arcade extreme sports video game with a lot of expansion potential. A completely recommended experience whose future is in the hands of Ubisoft's ability to make it grow.‎

Review in Spanish | Read full review

Nov 5, 2021

It's certain to make you smile and burst out with laughter with how silly it can get at times, make you feel a sense of achievement and satisfaction when completing objectives, and also make you want to throw your controller out the window when you just can't seem to win a race no matter how hard you try. Just don't expect too much from the Mass races.

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8.2 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2021

Riders Republic is a high-octane ode to joy. An almost perfect extreme sports theme-park open world where having fun is the only thing that matters. Despite a confusing progression and some little hiccups camera and controlwise, Ubisoft Annecy brought in the best part of Steep, The Crew 2 and a bit of punk attitude to create a versatile and compelling experience, even if sometimes a bit too much overwhelming.

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4 / 5.0
Nov 1, 2021

Riders Republic makes a strong case as one of the best and most varied extreme sports games to date, with a solid offering of unique vehicles that are fun to use and master.

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Nov 1, 2021

Riders Republic is a fun game that offers a wide range of exhilarating and unique activities that mostly benefit from its 'always online' gameplay model, but also suffers from a few shortcomings. The world feels alive, the Events are a blast and the game looks gorgeous. However, some aspects of the game are a little lacking at launch, namely the multiplayer modes, customisation and air sports.

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