Splatoon 3 Reviews

Splatoon 3 is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Sep 13, 2022

Splatoon 3 may not benefit from the novelty that propelled the series to instant stardom, but it is chock full of content, and the self-assured step the series has made at launch yet. The core remains compelling and fun, but several issues from older games still persist. Those who were on board the first two times, or at the very least intrigued, are going to love what is on offer here.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 7, 2022

Splatoon 3 confirms that this is one of the freshest and funniest franchises in Nintendo's portfolio.

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Sep 7, 2022

If you’re in it purely for the single player content, you’ll find a lot to love in Splatoon 3.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 15, 2022

Evolution has always been a core theme of Splatoon. With the online updates, rotating maps, rebalancing, and new weapons; Splatoon 3 is a game that also will evolve; it is an inevitability that it will further improve.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 15, 2022

Nintendo finally managed to make a true "online shooter" with the third game of the series. If you thought Splatoon 2 was inadequate as a "second game", I can guarantee that you will not think the same for Splatoon 3.

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Sep 20, 2022

Slightly underwhelming boss fights aside, then, Splatoon 3’s single-player definitely lived up to expectations, and is once again well worth spending some time with if you can drag yourself away from the multiplayer. It’s also nice to see Nintendo taking Splatoon’s lore admirably seriously; there’s a thoroughly interesting setting here, and it’s cool to see that it’s clearly been thought about in more depth than simply “there’s kids, right, who are also squids”. It’ll certainly be interesting to see where the series goes from here.

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8 / 10
Sep 20, 2022

Splatoon 3 is a delight. For long-time fans, you know what you're getting. It's more of the (admittedly excellent) same, albeit with tighter mechanics, some welcome balances and a brilliantly overhauled campaign experience. The changes here do not miss, but it could be argued that's because this entry ultimately plays it safe. If you enjoyed the first 2 Splatoon titles, you will love this. If you've never played Splatoon before, you will be absolutely charmed by what's on offer. If you were looking for something wholly different from what's come before… you may be left wanting. Nevertheless, Splatoon 3 is a very, very good shooter whose novelty makes it easy to recommend.

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75 / 100
Sep 18, 2022

Splatoon 3 continues to ride on its ink wave of success thanks to a solid gameplay foundation, with some minor tweaks, extra content, and an improved user experience. Whether or not that's enough, after years of development and another full price tag, will depend on what you're looking to get out of the experience.

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8 / 10 stars
Sep 17, 2022

Refinement is the name of the game as Splatoon 3 brings the series forward while keeping its one-of-a-kind gameplay exhilarating and approachable.

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Sep 16, 2022

n a world where the Internet feels like an increasingly toxic place on a daily basis, Splatoon 3 is a real oasis. It’s a place where people can come together and have fun, and you get the distinct impression that those out to behave like a little shit are not only not welcome, they’re actively silenced. And, to be perfectly honest, these days I am all for that.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 15, 2022

Well they say that if it ain't broke you shouldn't fix it and that applies perfectly to Splatoon. All Splatoon 3 needed to be a success was to refine the already solid experience of its 2 predecessors, and it does that phenomenally well.

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Sep 15, 2022

All in all, Splatoon 3’s single-player mode hasn’t disappointed so far, and I anticipate it’s going to be a fun experience for the few hours it will probably last, going by my experiences with the previous games. It’s perhaps not as substantial as a Nintendo game designed entirely for the single player such as Super Mario Odyssey — but if you’ve typically shied away from Splatoon on the assumption that it’s a multiplayer-only affair, I’d encourage you to give the single-player mode a shot.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 13, 2022

It's even tougher to accept alongside an even older game like Mario Kart 8 doubling its content in DLC for half the price. If you're looking for reasons to upgrade from Splatoon 2, the differences are so small that I can't say there's anything that would convince you. On the bright side, if the words "Splatoon 3" were all you needed to get excited, then make no mistake: this is-by a small margin-the best Splatoon has ever been.

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8.7 / 10.0
Sep 13, 2022

Splatoon 3 is very light on content additions, but it is easily one of the best online multiplayer games I've played. Its weird concept and fun gameplay across a variety of modes and maps are as fun and addictive as it has always been, but it lacks a big new feature. Instead, Splatoon 3 focuses on streamlining the existing experience by removing a lot of the hurdles that Splatoon 2 had imposed. While the online experience was a bit shaky during the first days, with two years of guaranteed updates on the horizon, Splatoon 3 has a mighty journey ahead, and it can only get better and more interesting from here.

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Sep 12, 2022

It took Nintendo just three releases to turn Splatoon into one of its biggest and most valuable properties, and it’s easy to understand why. It’s not complex: Splatoon is something that almost everyone can enjoy. For those who want to be competitive, the blend of weapons, items, and abilities gives the game plenty of nuance, and there’s a true curve from beginner to excellence. For those that just want to jump in and have a blast, it’s a game that’s welcoming, has an excellent single-player mode to onboard you, and never feels like it’s punishing you if you spend less time playing it than others. At a time when online play is becoming increasingly hostile to anyone who isn’t willing to make the game their entire hobby, it’s nice to have a company like Nintendo remind us what it’s like to have simple, uncomplicated fun in online multiplayer.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 7, 2022

Splatoon is back with its colorful and fun action gameplay. In addition, it is now richer in content than ever before. The problem with the game is that it doesn't bring any real new mechanics or features.

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8.9 / 10.0
Sep 7, 2022

Splatoon 3 is a fitting sequel to an awesome series that'll have you happily spray your ink all over the place. It may not do anything particularly revolutionary but does it really have to? No... but it would be cool if it did, right?

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 12, 2022

Splatoon 3 is a worthy successor in the series, expanding on everything players loved about the first two games while listening to feedback from fans and making changes to keep the game feeling fresh and new.

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8 / 10
Dec 14, 2022

I jumped into the world of Splatoon as a newbie with this piece. And I was pleasantly surprised at how the game mechanics welcomed me. I learned everything I needed to within a few hours and felt like I benefited from many of the games. Good strategy in competitive play often made up for the unaccustomed console aiming, and I also learned that very quickly. The surprise was the often neglected single-player game, which was fun and took me through all the essential steps I subsequently capitalized on in the battles in Splatlands.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2022

Sadly connection issues can still plague the game at times, but at the very least things are now balanced out if you drop during a match. While I still have my concerns, Splatoon 3 still has that frustratingly addictive gameplay that we all know and love, just stick to one title per platform from now on.

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