SD Gundam: Battle Alliance Reviews

SD Gundam: Battle Alliance is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Aug 29, 2022

Gundam fans and newbies alike are in for a treat with SD Gundam Battle Alliance, which delivers a really well designed action RPG, on top of homages upon homages to decades of the Gundam franchise.

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80 / 100
Sep 14, 2022

SD Gundam: Battle Alliance is a fun title that celebrates the franchise, delivering a solid and fun gameplay, specially in co-op, that manages to keep itself varied and engaging even after long hours of playtime. The shallow story and weak progression system limit its success, but it is a game that should appeal to long-time fans and serves as a good way to introduce younger players to the wonderful Mobile Suits.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 6, 2022

SD Gundam Battle Alliance is an interesting proposal. It is one of those games that can entertain you for dozens of hours. The problem is that, in order to achieve that, you need to have certain niche tastes. The point is that you can enjoy SD Gundam Battle Alliance without being a fan of Gundam or actions RPGS; however, it seems to me that its true appeal can only be appreciated by those who are.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 1, 2022

SD Gundam Battle Alliance is a fun action-RPG with a ton of love packed in from various Gundam universes. While the missions can get a bit repetitive over time, the gameplay loop of wanting to unlock more mobile suits and upgrade them kept me wanting to play and you can do it by yourself or online with a couple friends. We’ve had to go through a few rough Gundam games to find a good one but SD Gundam Battle Alliance finally delivers what the series deserves.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 25, 2022

SD Gundam Battle Alliance does some things that I really enjoy and some things that I really don't. If you're a fan of the franchise, the crossovers will tickle your fancy. The chance to take some of your favorite machines into battle against one another will hold some appeal, but the overall grindy nature of the game can drag down the fan service elements. It's a fun enough game for die-hard fans of Gundam, but without that love to carry you, it's unlikely this title will catch your interest.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 24, 2022

And the way in which the missions are both bite-sized and gradually more challenging gives ample opportunity to try out new configurations for yourself and your partners when things don't work out initially. The story itself is likely only going to appeal to a specific, dedicated part of the Gundam fanbase, but the gameplay can stand on its own for Gundam newcomers. If you're okay with some repetition and an inscrutable plot, Battle Alliance offers a fun action experience with lots to unlock and try out.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2022

SD Gundam Battle Alliance gives fans a smorgasbord of Gundam content while providing newcomers a great point to begin experiencing the franchise

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Sep 23, 2022

It's that simplicity that's SD Gundam Battle Alliance's bigger problem. Simply put, the fighting just isn't that interesting. You have a couple of different melee and ranged attacks, but you just do them over and over again until you've wiped out the enemies, ending with a big boss fight, and it never really mixes it up.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 25, 2022

If you're down to brawl and battle in mech suits solo or with friends, this delivers that experience pretty well

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7 / 10
Jan 11, 2023

SD Gundam Battle Alliance is a competent action RPG that's chock-full of content aimed at hearty Gundam fans, and they are certain to enjoy what's on offer, with the game's immense amount of fan service, fun and simple combat, and enormous amount of robots to discover, a marvelous celebration of the Gundam series. Taking a few steps away from the fandom, the somewhat repetitive missions and a plot that doesn't fascinate become more visible, but with this being an effort obviously targeted at Gundam fans it's fair to say they will enjoy the work that went into Battle Alliance the most.

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Sep 7, 2022

A surprisingly enjoyable blast that could entice newcomers.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 21, 2022

...Despite the grinding, there’s enough content to go over for in a single campaign playthrough with a season pass (sold separately, of course) of content that will come later. I liked the story and its original characters, even if I can’t say I enjoy the presentation of prior Gundam events very much. If you’re an Xbox and a Gundam fan, buying this game is a no-brainer.

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Sep 21, 2022

SD Gundam Battle Alliance is primarily a game for those that are familiar with the IP. Focused around replayability, it makes the player build an admittedly interesting cast of characters. Sadly, it stumbles and falls with repetitive gameplay, strange design choices and overly long, intrusive dialogue. The goal of the game is admirable, but it almost sets itself up to fail. Bringing together things from such a storied franchise is no easy feat. It’s a fairly decent introduction, with lots of history and some context to dive into. At the very least it has piqued my interest regarding Gundam. I wouldn’t say I had fun playing though it, with there just being too many flaws overall. It is a love letter to the wider franchise but not one addressed to this reviewer. Unless you are a hardcore Gundan fan, or want a rough and ready introduction to it, I would probably give this a miss. Overall, I give SD Gundam Battle Alliance a Thumb Culture Bronze Award.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 1, 2022

SD Gundam Battle Alliance is a sleeper hit. A surprising release that I believe could be one of the better JRPG’s out this year. Its fantastical charm in revisiting and renewing Gundam interest through rapid and expeditious pacing, great action in a simplistic yet somehow complex control scheme, giving you ultimate control in how to defeat hoards of enemies, and traversing across some of the most diverse and gorgeous maps I’ve seen in a Chibi style action-adventure in quite some time.

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Sep 8, 2022

SD Gundam Battle Alliance is surprisingly well done. The action gameplay and narrative are not game-of-the-year-tier, but it's at least an above average title that will satisfy the Gundam fanbase.

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No Recommendation / Blank
Sep 21, 2022

SD Gundam Battle Alliance is an experience that is perhaps better for fans of the franchise and those who love grinding for materials.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 22, 2022

SD Gundam Battle Alliance is a good action RPG wrapped in even better Gundam fanservice wrapping paper and served up in a way that makes sharing the treat the best way to experience it. It can be a little grindy, a little cute, and displays some practices that I just can't get behind. Despite that, the core gameplay and fan service are just too good for me to refuse that itch of "one more go".

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7 / 10.0
Sep 6, 2022

SD Gundam Battle Alliance is yet another product that suffers from the stigma of anime-based games, as it has elements that will be better used and valued by those who enjoy the original product. Despite the great quality with many elements to please the fans, the repetitiveness and lack of inspiration in the progression does not contribute to attract the interest of more players, even those who don't even know what a Mobile Suit is.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 17, 2022

A fun and cute beat-em-up for Gundam fans looking for co-op fun.

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3.5 / 5.0
Sep 16, 2022

SD Gundam Battle Alliance is a somewhat repetitive but flashy and fanservice-filled hack-and-slash that is essentially an action-packed love letter to the Gundam franchise. The variety of units and attention to detail is impressive, to say the least, meaning Gundam fans will likely find this one to be worthwhile.

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