Freedom Planet 2 Reviews

Freedom Planet 2 is ranked in the 91st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10
Apr 2, 2024

Freedom Planet 2 is an excellent achievement by GalaxyTrail, setting a high bar for quality that will be tough to beat if we're ever lucky enough to get a 'Freedom Planet 3'. A compelling story, well-designed levels, tons of gameplay variety, and gorgeous visuals all come together to make this an absolute must-play for fans of high-speed platformers and a certain blue hedgehog. Freedom Planet 2 exudes quality and passion in just about every way imaginable.

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80 / 100
Apr 22, 2024

Freedom Planet 2 suffers from many of the same problems that plagued the original game, with the additional problem of having way too much combat, but remains a delightful speed platformer at its core and is worth running through for any fans of the genre.

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7 / 10.0
May 16, 2024

Having never played the original, I can say that I enjoyed Freedom Planet 2 even if the combat annoyed me at times. The Sonic like speedy traversal of each level was a joy to complete, the real issues only crept up when combat was needed. While it was nice to have some advanced moves, given how fast FP2 plays; the combat kind of felt out of place. Floaty combat with the high speed makes the boss battles frustrating; If people can get around that, they will find that Freedom Planet 2 is a peek into Sega’s heyday, with a cheesy story and heroes that ‘gotta go fast’ if you are in the need for some Genesis vibes, take a trip to Freedom Planet 2.

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8 / 10
Apr 3, 2024

Freedom Planet 2 is another excellent 2D platformer from developer GalaxyTrail. The adventure boasts some fantastic levels to explore, a wonderful soundtrack, and an assortment of playable characters with unique abilities. There are some issues with enemy hitboxes and some aspects of its level design, but Freedom Planet 2 is still an enjoyable experience nonetheless.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 2, 2024

Managing to step out of the shadow of its inspirations, Freedom Planet 2 is a brilliant 2D action-platformer that balances all of its elements in a near-perfect harmony while trying plenty of new things. Painstakingly detailed visuals, an entertaining cast and toe-tapping soundtrack help to set this game out as a game that any platformer enthusiast should seek out, despite some small hiccups.

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75 / 100
Apr 2, 2024

Nostalgia is a tricky business. Pixel art and chiptunes are all fine and good, but you need more than that to capture an era. You’ve gotta drill down, deep into the bedrock of bygone eras. Freedom Planet 2 is a perfect time capsule of Sega’s glory days, for better or for worse. The graphics are amazing and the soundtrack is incredible. But the dialogue is corny and the combat feels out of place. Maybe this is for the best. Perhaps you can’t properly emulate a lost era of gaming without preserving the flaws as well. Either way, this game feels like time travel. If you’re hungry for a high-speed platformer crammed with Sonic and Sega vibes, you can’t pass up Freedom Planet 2.

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Pure Nintendo
Kira C
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Apr 5, 2024

Freedom Planet 2 is an enjoyable, creative, and pretty release overall. With a bit more polish and fleshing out in the writing, I feel it could be a truly amazing game. But as is, it's definitely more expanded than the more simplistic first title.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 4, 2024

Freedom Planet 2 feels like the first game with a bigger budget, expanding on many of the key mechanics it employs from its Sonic roots while crafting a unique identity with its complex levels and refreshingly unique enemy and boss design.

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10 / 10.0
Apr 11, 2024

Freedom Planet 2 takes everything great about the first game, adds a bit of polish and some extra mechanics, and gives us an absolute beast of a game. I cannot praise it enough, it's just brilliant fun!

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8 / 10.0
Apr 2, 2024

While it wears the inspiration on their sleeve, Freedom Planet 2 struck out to build something grander in scale with a panache I have respect for. Even if the ambitions to make a play-your-way experience ends up flattening the experience a bit, it's a minor quibble to my overall positive impression of the experience. Freedom Planet 2 accomplishes the most important test – it is FUN, and the extensive character and environmental diversity makes this adventure a worthy one.

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90 / 100
Apr 2, 2024

Freedom Planet 2 takes its inspirations from one of the biggest franchises in video game history, but refines mechanics, design, and narrative that had already been introduced in the previous game. The sequel manages to improve on what was great and becomes one of the best exponents of the genre.

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8.8 / 10.0
Apr 3, 2024

I'm very happy that Freedom Planet 2 not only lives up to its phenomenal predecessor but surpasses it in many ways. With stellar gameplay, oodles of supplementary mechanics and content, and a bubbly cast of characters that you'll love; it's one wonderful game. 🪐

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9 / 10.0
Apr 12, 2024

Freedom Planet 2 is a modern adventure with that special taste of the 16-bit era. Almost a decade after the release of the first title in the saga, we can finally meet Lilac and her companions again, and it is honestly difficult not to praise the quality of all the fundamental elements in this sequel, such as the immersive and responsive gameplay and the colorful and captivating presentation. Whether you are an enthusiast of 2D platform games with an emphasis on speed, or even a player who has been nostalgic for a while now, the GalaxyTrail game is easily recommended and the Nintendo Switch is a great way to experience it.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 11, 2024

While not a game that I can play for an exceptionally long time, Freedom Planet 2 has a charm and appeal that cannot be denied, and makes for a fantastic sequel to an ambitious original. Excessive exposition moments drag down the momentum, but you can jump right back in with surprising vigor.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 8, 2024

Freedom Planet 2 manages to be a great sequel and an excellent example of how to use a classic inspiration in a declared way, but implementing its own personality, without ending up becoming a mere copy of other famous franchises. It's a must-have title for anyone who likes adventure and action in the good old platform style.

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Apr 9, 2024

Freedom Planet 2 is fun chaos at every turn.

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Evan Norris
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Apr 4, 2024

This sequel improves upon the original, which was already one of the top indie games in recent memory, by expanding upon its mythology, retaining and enhancing its fast-moving gameplay, introducing extraordinary new level designs, providing plenty of replay value, and wrapping everything in a stunning pixel art package.

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Apr 2, 2024

Freedom Planet 2 is a very high-effort game with great art and ideas, however, the execution of said ideas often causes the game to trip and fall flat on its face. The speed and combat can be thrilling independent of one another, but they don't mesh well at all. This creates a disjointed feeling akin to shifting gears. This feeling is also recreated by the level design. Levels can joyfully breeze by or be filled with obstacles that kindle a feeling of annoyance. The game has a unique identity due to its blending of several different classic elements found in gaming greats but this "highlight reel" fails to capture the same charm, I fear. The story scenes act as an additional kick to the shins by being quite adept at ripping the player out of the action with irritating characters. Freedom Planet 2 is an alright, yet jumbled, copycat. The constant back and forth the disjointed creates is disappointing. If you happen to like the first game, then you'll surely enjoy what this game has to offer.

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Apr 2, 2024

Freedom Planet 2 takes what worked in the first game and leaps to greater heights, offering a visually pleasing, dexterity-challenging, and what’s most important, a rewarding time for those who dig exploring every nook and cranny in search of secrets. You are bound to find a few in this gorgeous game which I’m glad it’s coming back for a second most deserved outing.

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Apr 2, 2024

Freedom Planet 2. takes all its assets from the first game and builds on them in every way creating a sequel that is more polished. If you loved the first game or retro platformers, this is a must-buy. Even if you just want a solid good platformer, Freedom Planet 2 provides some solid entertainment to keep you busy for several gaming weekends, with plenty of incentive to return again. For me, the story was a bit too heavy in places, and the performance sometimes slowed. But despite these minor niggles it’s hard not to be sucked in by the charm of Freedom Planet 2.

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