Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher Reviews

Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Nov 5, 2022

Solid and definitely have an audience. There could be some hard-to-ignore faults, but the experience is fun.

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4 / 5.0
Oct 26, 2022

Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher is a pleasant surprise that was extremely unexpected.

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7 / 10
Oct 24, 2022

Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher is the quintessential Monster Rancher experience, just bigger, louder, and more polished looking. The mechanics of the combat and training cycle will be familiar to long-time fans while the new larger scale of the creatures lends itself to the scale of Ultraman and his monstrous foes. Scanning every electronic device in your house to see what monster pops out is satisfying even if the actual gameplay gets stale over time.

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85 / 100
Nov 9, 2022

After a hard day’s work, you and your Kaiju return to The Ranch where you can tell your Kaiju to rest, check letters that have arrived offering words of congratulations or letting you know your breeder rank increased, give your Kaiju a treat, or visit the shop to get some more goodies or food ingredients. Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher is a great game for passing time or winding down after a long day at work. I only play for short periods of time myself, but one could easily sink hours in a day just hanging with their Kaiju.

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55 / 100
Oct 27, 2022

In conclusion, Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher is only for Monster Rancher and Ultraman fans. If you’re not familiar with both, a lot of the humor will mean nothing. Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX is a better starting point for the Monster Rancher series, despite the added online combat in Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher. But the other reason that I have a hard time recommending Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher is that it’s almost a full-priced game. This is a shallow, repetitive game, and one that I’d imagine 95% of people who play it will only spend a small amount of time with. I would have an easier time suggesting the curious check it out if it was budget-priced. But as it stands, Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher is only for people who want more Monster Rancher, or love 60s Ultraman.

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Top Critic
Oct 28, 2023

Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher builds on Monster Rancher 2's best aspects and represents the Ultraman universe well for a satisfying monster raising simulation experience.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2022

Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher surprised me by its addictive nature. Who knew raising Kaiju could be so engaging? This simulation title makes giant creatures loveable companions, with plenty to keep you busy. I enjoyed this guilty pleasure.

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Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Oct 26, 2022

Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher won't set the world on fire with its monster breath, but fans of the source material will surely appreciate their time taming giants.

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5 / 10
Jun 11, 2023

Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher is a very specific title that is going to appeal to a specific audience. What it does it does very well with heaps of charm, but that is counterbalanced by repetition and not a lot of challenge. Much of the dialogue eventually becomes superficial, training animations wear out their welcome rather quickly, making the 'fast forward' option a required feature, and there aren't quite enough monster variations or tournament types to keep it all from blending into the same thing. Despite this, it is still likable, and seems like it would be very much at home on mobile devices. Regardless, it's always going to be a kick to see Ultraman show up to keep a rampaging monster in check.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 2, 2022

That said, seeing familiar kaiju–Gomora, Bemstar, and Sevinger (which was the first kaiju I raised)–and even Ultraman himself will definitely hit home for a certain audience. After playing around with the remastered first two Monster Rancher games, there wasn't enough in this release to keep my attention, but its updated graphics and presentation could make it a decent place for newcomers to the franchise. Here's hoping that the next time we see Monster Rancher on a Nintendo platform, it takes some kaiju-sized risks in order to offer a fresher experience overall.

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8.1 / 10.0
Oct 24, 2022

If you don’t mind the repetitive grind of bringing up your giant beastie, it can be quite endearing

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8 / 10.0
Nov 3, 2022

Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher demonstrates that, even after a long, uneventful hiatus, the Monster Rancher franchise still has plenty of wood to burn. Its sometimes repetitive gameplay and slow progression may scare players who like quick results, but for all intents and purposes, there's no denying that this is a natural and successful crossover like few others.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 1, 2022

Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher does a good job of infusing Ultraman essence into an established series, all without potentially putting people off of it.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 26, 2022

Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher is a hilariously absurd game from a novelty standpoint, and it has neat elements, such as hunting for NFC-infused objects at home in order to generate monsters, which gave me a nostalgic feeling of inserting CDs in order to get monsters back in the 90s. However, it is still a dated and clunky game for 2022 standards. It gets repetitive quickly, but if you’re part of the aforementioned demographics, you’ll have the time of your life with this dude-in-a-rubber-suit breeding simulator.

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